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Will science ever overtake religion?


Will science ever overtake religion in popularity?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Will science ever overtake religion in popularity?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Can't say?
    • It is already far ahead

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One of the basic premises of Science is do not accept things at face value, test and test and test and keep doing this until you either prove it wrong or find a new theory that brings a given phenomena closer to being a law. (The difference between these two being a theory is generally true, a law is just about always true and has not been disproven yet)


sure there has been frauds in Science but they never last long as the basic tenets of the Scientific Method eventually sniff them out. They can fudge the data all they want, but if the event is not reproducable then it is fraudualant or flawed and it's back to the drawing board for it.


Believe what you will but I hold science as a descent human endeavor.

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There is nothing absolute, nothing the ultimate truth, nothing eternal, everything is transitory. There is more then enough scope for you and me to explore, to find the next level of truth, it only depends on our will to do so.


Mr Charlie,


I've enjoyed your contributions in this thread, but it's your signature that puzzles me; how do you know there is nothing absolute? How do you know there is no ultimate truth? How do you know there is nothing eternal? How do you know everything is transitory?



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Mr Charlie,


I've enjoyed your contributions in this thread, but it's your signature that puzzles me; how do you know there is nothing absolute? How do you know there is no ultimate truth? How do you know there is nothing eternal? How do you know everything is transitory?




Good question indeed Satia!!! You must be aware of another recent thread in Hypography, it's title is something "What is it that you believe, but cannot prove?"


My signature is a similar belief! I cannot really answer these questions:( My apologies:shrug:

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But of course, It is already overtaking.

Why are there people crying about evolution being taught in schools? Because science has proven to be a better tool for describing the nature of our origins than religion.

The scientific method is the method that everyone uses every day of their lives. People only do religion on Sunday. This is a joke.

Religions began many many years ago and we are finding that their claims are outright wrong. The religions that start today are looked at as crazy people getting together. Of course, so were the religions back then. The more that is found to be wrong the less people will believe.

The fact that not to long ago this discussion could get you killed shows that tolerance is increasing and that science is proving itself worthy of the top position.

Check out the poll results too.


Science started to overtake religion long ago. When we have proof or a better understanding of phenomena the religion associated with it goes away. That's why there aren't any sun and moon gods anymore, at least in civilized society. When you have an explantion that no longers requires a God then........

Some Guy

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As much as I dislike certain dogmas, I have to admit that I believe that Science will not over take Religion, nor visa versa.


It's like the age old Man verus Machine story told in Sci-fi. Where the machines dominate humankind or the otherway around.


I don't see this happening. I see the middle ground be reached. There will be conflict along the path however in the end the two are one and one in the same. Science and religion are destine to combine into one being. What we now distingiush as Science and Religion respectablly will be the same one day. Such is the goal of many Scientist, Einstein himself being one of the ones who openly explain that it was his goal.


I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.

- Albert Einstein


It is simply the path of science to merge with religion and for religion to merge with science. :rolleyes: I hope to whatever maybe that this doesn't sound like scientology rhetoric, They are a scam. :naughty: .


I do not believe that it is in their nature for Religion's dogmas, or even some of the dogmas of Science to remain after the unification.

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Religion will die when we all become robots.

And when religion dies we will become all but robots.

Humanity will surge ahead and reach heights unimagined as a species once the species can throw off the shackles of dogma and mysticism - the relics and artifacts of our ignorant past.

We are unwilling to accept the obvious, and face reality, because of the weight of generations of self-deception and delusions weighing down upon us. Of course Religion is real - after all, your parents owned up to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but they still insist on God being real. So, why should you call your parents liars? Would the non-existence of God be the final nasty surprise? Only to be exposed on your deathbed?

Face facts, face reality.

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The popularity of religion will maintain its current position until the basis of religion is changed. As others have suggested, its easier to hold a God responsible for the human condition than to wonder about the nature of it all. As long as proponents of ID (for example) manipulate science in the way it is manipulated (science cant prove it, its only a theory, therefore Goddidit) general populations will take the easy way out.


There are a few methods that could be undertaken to disrupt God beliefs but most are illegal. Education is slow.


I can imagine religion to be put by the wayside and science to be held in a higher regard by most of the population via something like this:


start fictional imaginings here

An ET type being comes to visit the earth to see how life has come along since the last time they explored here. Why have they been gone so long? Well the earth has nothing spectacular to offer such a technologically advanced life form. They figured out how to create their own water long before they left their solar system. The Intergalactic Treaties on the Treatment of Terrestrial Life Forms prohibited further developments on the Earth. While the classification of mankind (in the aforementioned treaty) relagated them to 'potential intelligent life' it wasnt until the launch of the Motley Crew exploration vessel triggered the monitor buoys in its travels. The beings from far away came back to see if the Brush Apes had finally achieved Intelligent status by physical exploration of their own solar system.


Via their contacts with humans, it was discovered the ancient stories of Gods were nothing more than the earlier exploration of the Earth by these beings who declare.... We're no God but yes, once in a while we had some fun with the brush apes ..... We had to do tests and gather data. Its a risk we take to comply with the Intergalactic Treaties on the Treatment of Terrestrial Life Forms. We dont want to lose our mining rights in this sector. BTW congratulations on discovering soap.




So I picked Cant Say.

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Hey sameguy,


. . .science has proven to be a better tool for describing the nature of our origins than religion.

That depends entirely on what religion's account of origin you're talking about. My personal religion properly relegates science to explaining the physical universe; it isn't qualified to say a thing about the origin of the spiritual universe, which it cannot test for.


The scientific method is the method that everyone uses every day of their lives. People only do religion on Sunday. This is a joke.

If there is a joke here, it is closer akin to you using the worst possible example to make your point; a self-delusionary practice, imo. A cowardly control freak may use a religious institution that way, but a true religionist lives his truth as constantly and courageously as he is capable of, right along with a respect for true science. Bashing religionists to supposedly prove science is more appropriate makes you look disingenuous.


Religions began many many years ago and we are finding that their claims are outright wrong.

Science has weakened only those religions which are largely dependent upon fear, superstition, and emotion. Real religion is untouched by scientific proof, and will always remain so.


The religions that start today are looked at as crazy people getting together.

Only by the ignorant and intolerant.


Of course, so were the religions back then.

The ignorant and intolerant will always be with us.


The more that is found to be wrong the less people will believe.

The less they will believe in what was wrong; that's a good thing.:)

But that will not reduce real religious experience of what is true.


The fact that not to long ago this discussion could get you killed shows that tolerance is increasing and that science is proving itself worthy of the top position

:embarass: I've already demonstrated in another thread with you that secular society is responsible for much more death and destruction that religion has ever been directly responsible for. And religionists are still being killed today with regularity by atheistic governments. That doesn't mean that some Bible-Thumpers aren't dangerous. Check this out: http://www.chumfm.com/MorningShow/bits/march24.swf:) :) :hihi:


Check out the poll results too.

This is ultimately a science forum; it'd be unseemly if science got its *** kicked here. :doh: But I did notice that more people have said no, science wont overtake religion— 9— than have said yes, it will— 7.


Science started to overtake religion long ago. When we have proof or a better understanding of phenomena the religion associated with it goes away.

As well it should if it is a belief based on superstition; but real religion does not go away; it grows stronger.


When you have an explantion that no longers requires a God then........

. . . You have an explanation that is ultimately guaranteed to be wrong.:)





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Science started to overtake religion long ago. When we have proof or a better understanding of phenomena the religion associated with it goes away.
As well it should if it is a belief based on superstition; but real religion does not go away; it grows stronger.



Can you provide some data to support that comment, and how you distinguish a religion as "real" versus one that is not?

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Religion is simply: One word that states the belief of a one person ..


Science is simply: One word that defines a study of belief one person has ..


Morality is more about conforming to society and therefore has no individual value ..


If you look closely religion was the original scientific question .. they go hand in hand ..





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So is religion. They are complimentary. In science there are three main sub languages, that I can discern. Mathematics, Logics and Conceptuals.


Religion uses these same languages, it's just not so concearned with the accuracy of it all.


No Idea is without it's merit.

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