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Everything posted by interval

  1. Acting in a 2-dimensional space (XOY) we cannot measure time because time does not exist (this space is not related to time). But you can measure distance between two points A1(x1,y1), A2(x2,y2) if you define dist=sqrt((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
  2. You are right, Racoon. And I am right too. Genetic only puts people at obesity risk. Lifestyle does the rest. If one prone to obesity has a balanced diet and is engaged in physical activity, he will have a normal weight.
  3. Obesity is not always a personal option. Researchers have discovered three new genetic variations that increase the risk of obesity, giving new insight into the reasons why some people become fat and others don't. They suggest that if each acted independently, these variants could be responsible for up to 50 percent of cases of severe obesity. According to researchers, the new findings should ultimately provide the tools to predict which young children are at risk of becoming obese. Obesity in adults and children; Why some people become fat and others don't
  4. I just want to say that men aren't advised to ask for a mammography, but women. I think that within advertisements targeting women, men deserve some consideration too.
  5. Although male breast cancer is very rare, men can get this cancer too. Male breast cancer accounts for less than 1% of all breast cancers diagnosed in US. A large number of men with breast cancer do not undergo imaging prior to treatment either because mammography is not heavily advertised in the male community or because men also may be socially conscious about that part of their anatomy.
  6. Mediterranean Diet protect prostate and your general health. The healthy Mediterranean diet teaches the individual to eat right. In order to live healthy like these people it is best to engage in some form of physical activity to be able to burn those extra calories. A few simple examples could be brisk walking, jogging and running. The Mediterranean Diet involves eating food in large, moderate and small quantities. Large - Daily level. The person should eat a lot of food such as beans, bread, cereals, fruits, grains and nuts since these contain minerals, nutrients and vitamins good for the body. Not too much cheese, milk and yogurt. Moderate - Weekly level. The individual can have fish, unskinned poultry, eggs and few sweets since this way will prevent consumption of other things that are high fat saturated. Small - Monthly level. The products that should be consumed lightly is red meat such as pork and beef, which can be done 1 - 2 times in a month.
  7. First step is to protect what we have.
  8. You can measure everything if you act in a related space and define the measurement criteria.
  9. To have the right answer, you should see religion and culture together. In general lines, religion is the same everywhere, cultures are different. What is positive in one culture could be negative in other.
  10. Queen Good music starts here.
  11. A recent research presented today (January 14) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Small Changes Summit that addresses childhood obesity shows that calories in recipes have gradually increased over time. As an example, the calories in recipes in the iconic cookbook, The Joy of Cooking, have increased by 63% from its first publication in 1937 to its most recent edition in 2006. Unfortunately, overweight and obesity have resulted in small steps that have gone in the wrong direction. The solution is to make some changes in lifestyle, by bringing the resources of government, industry and academia together to promote small lifestyle changes in the right direction, lifestyle changes that will improve the lives of all Americans.
  12. Many thanks Pamela and Oisin. It is great to meet people like you.
  13. Why we are getting fat? We know the best way to maintain a healthy body weight is to eat a diet with lots of fibre, vegetables and fruit as well as keeping portion sizes down, and being physically active. But our body has some genes that fuel our addiction for sugar, drinks, fat meat and other. When we can manage our addiction, it's ok, when we cannot, we are getting fat
  14. Math is created. To create a math you must setup its main rules (axioms). In theory of number 1+1=2 Setting up different rules you create another math, then in theory of sets, A + A = A
  15. Hi, I am Interval and I live in Canada. I am interested in a lot of items, especially medicine.
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