Mediterranean Diet protect prostate and your general health. The healthy Mediterranean diet teaches the individual to eat right. In order to live healthy like these people it is best to engage in some form of physical activity to be able to burn those extra calories. A few simple examples could be brisk walking, jogging and running. The Mediterranean Diet involves eating food in large, moderate and small quantities. Large - Daily level. The person should eat a lot of food such as beans, bread, cereals, fruits, grains and nuts since these contain minerals, nutrients and vitamins good for the body. Not too much cheese, milk and yogurt. Moderate - Weekly level. The individual can have fish, unskinned poultry, eggs and few sweets since this way will prevent consumption of other things that are high fat saturated. Small - Monthly level. The products that should be consumed lightly is red meat such as pork and beef, which can be done 1 - 2 times in a month.