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wrong last won the day on May 12 2005

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About wrong

  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Its been a while since I studied it but is not Jounce between jerk and snap?
  2. Just finished "The Blind Watchmaker" by Dawkins Easy to read and informative , though he seems to get side tracked I did enjoy it. It made me realise that evolution is both simplier and more complex than I imagined.
  3. I was googling De Sitter Horizons,found here and lurked for about 6 months. One day Robust made a claim and I had to reply. :shrug: I guess I dont contribute a lot but I do enjoy reading here.
  4. Assuming for a moment that we have overcome the tyranny of distance and time, do find life ... would it be ethically correct to make contact? If the life was at a "less" advanced stage as us are we not changing their "path"? Caution would also be required so as to not accidentally kill them or ourselves ala "War of the worlds" style, Possibly other life forms has found us and considered it prudent not to make contact maybe ever or maybe not yet?
  5. Oh dear Prize not prise!
  6. I found these interesting, its not often you get to listen to a Nobel Prise winner.Hope you enjoy them as much as I did. http://www.vega.org.uk/series/lectures/feynman/index.php
  7. I thought it was a scream as its so accurate!
  8. I voted There's intelligent life in the universe but they've never visited Earth. I haven't seen any compelling evidence of a visit.......but who knows? I wouldn't be surprised if when man is able to visit other planets in this and other Solar systems that we find life everywhere as a natural response to matters fact of existing,then again we may be unique but the Universe is rather large. With extra Solar exploration though we may have to be open to adjust our interpretation of what "is " life.It would be a pity to miss other life forms due to our ignorance or arrogance of what constitutes "life"
  9. Your correct C1ay the Babylonians and Mesopotamians both used base 60 they also ascribed a mystical relevance of the fact that a the sides of a hexagon are equal to the radius of the circumscribed circle. In base 60 , 60x6 makes sense. As a side issue I'm only a newbie at this forum but I'm enjoying the reading
  10. I was under the impression that it was really convenience,yes a loose association with a year but also 360 is divisible by 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10 12,15,18 & 20
  11. Well if a super scribed regular polygon with 90 sides outside a circle of a radius of 1 unit has a perimeter of 3.142869254....(ie 2° tan x 180 ) then your value of 3.1640625 is simply wrong as it is a greater value and kindergarten logic demands that a straight line is a shorter route than a curved line
  12. The Australian Science forum Robust refers to is SSSF at http://www2b.abc.net.au/science/k2/stn/ he found no supporters there for his rational pi,his non-transcendinal pi, his rational sq root of 2,his idea that all circles have 2 different diameters and many other wonderous maths tricks including papers to maths journals ,patents etc all non existant.
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