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About pamela2888

  • Birthday 10/21/1990

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  1. Hmmm.. well my name isn't actually Pamela... its my mom's name. She was named actually after Pamela Anderson. :wave: I only write good poetry either a) I am in love, :shrug: manically depressed.. usually its the latter. I believe in reincarnation as well.. though I am not a Hindu, its always seemed logical to me. Testing 101 LIfe, dreary and cold, throwing my heart troubles, loaded with sticks and stones, Battering my spirit, Wounding my soul, A barrel of gossip, Milked with lies, Toppedf with malicious assumptions, A dash of ignorant jealousy. If only one could see... However nothing can be more of a test, Than the way one carries such, Will it be pride with stupidity? Or dignity with pride?
  2. Cast Away, Alone Banished from your sick and dreary life, Causing such inner anger, Bitterness and strife. It took me three times to finally realize, I was unwanted, An annoyance, A speck, A fly, I loved you forever, Can't you see me on the inside? Instead, You chose to abandon me, Leaving me to drown in all your promises, LIes. -about a special someone in my life... no more. -pamela2888
  3. Oh yeah... btw.. its ironic because I JUST did research on Napolean and Alexandre the Great for a research paper. I was trying to think of ppl to top that... and the only ppl I could come up with at the moment are religious figures, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, oh yeah Ghandi deserves to be there... but he's not religious. They have an excellent database of interesting and influential ppl at the TIME magazine My previous post... I was in a very tired, drowsy mood, so I didn't articulate what I wanted to say in a profound way. I meant to say that we're put here on this earth not to necessarily make a BIG enough change to end up in your history textbook (but if you want it's surely possible) but hopefully make a difference in someone's life with kindness. I guess its a more supernatural/ religious fundament than scientific explaination, but its a simple and concise way i suppose to look at life. I think we're just here to love and be loved.
  4. I think we all exist for a reason... being to change the world in one or more insignificant way. Be it a kind word to a stranger, planting a tree on the earth, or as a child of your parents... we're all here for a reason
  5. I'm VERY much attracted to shorter men given that they DO possess a degree of cuteness or hotness for that matter. My current bf is only 5 6', very skinny, scrawny, yet as I told him before I wouln't change a thing about him and I love him just the way he is. (So cheesy). Also this guy at my workplace is uber hot, who is 5 4' and I barely notice how his height hinders his attractiveness. For me attitude is all about it BIG TIME so don't worry about your height. (weird girls like me find it cute) Oh yeah btw tom cruise is sort of creepy. and go to askmen.com for hilarious yet true dating tips.
  6. I think one should learn how to live life like each day was the last, and plan as if you would live forever... Also remember that suffering is caused by one's desire for whatever they seek in the world.. and even if they attain it they will still desire something else. So be happy with what you are blessed with and given.. P.s. If only I followed my own philosophy :)
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