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ZacharyNardolillo last won the day on October 11 2010

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  1. Sorry, this seems like it would have been posted somewhere but I couldn't fnid it. Well as humans we aren't just objects going around in the universe, we actually feel and "live" in our universe as "beings" perhaps? Best word I can think of. Anyway, can science determine exactly WHY we actually experiance everything that happens to us, and if animals do too? A big thing that kind of freaks me out is... Do bacteria and other germs feel the same way we do or are they living yet not actually experiancing their lives? And also, is it realy possible to make machines experiance reality as well? Tell me your thoughts on this, it seems like it's probably a huge mystery to me...
  2. You're being kind of vague on this subject. Could you be more specific?
  3. This is pretty interesting... so what does this mean web 4.0 will be?
  4. This is something that just recently occured to me. So Antimatter has Anti-gravity: It floats away from positive matter, but floats towards other negative matter. So this made me think: There could be pretty much anything out there that we see now, only it would be made of negative matter. So it made me think again, perhaps there are negative blackholes out there, sucking up any antimatter that gets too close, and repels positive matter with immense force. Do you guys think this is also plausible or know if they have ever found any such things?
  5. I see what you're saying here, doing multiplication backwards to get division, but remember: There are many exceptions to rules in math. for example, It is safe to say any even number is not prime. except for 2, the one and only exception to the rule. See what I mean? Also, you said that you put zero cookies in the first group, but at that point you had allready gone too far. you weren't supposed to make one, two, three, or more groups, just 0.
  6. Lol how do you figure that? I'm not counting time as a 4th dimension btw
  7. Today I saw something about a tesseract, a 4D representation of a cube. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/Tesseract.shtml It kind of just looks like a glorified hexagon to me however. But that's besides the point: something about it struck me. If we can make a 2D space LOOK 3D (movies) then could we possibly be able to make a 3D space look 4D? Tell me your thoughts on this.
  8. Okay since I now have welcomed you twice, I'll just say "Have fun". :)

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  9. Haha I love how I just light up whenever somebody replies to one of my posts

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  10. I see what you're saying here, but I wasn't using 15 as a group of physical objects, just a theoretical and generic number. Also, 15/0 = 15, It seems, would be basically what divided by 1 is: you just leave everything in the same group. Another thing worth noting is dividing by fractions, which actually multiplies the number, so I guess you could say that /0 would equal infinity since there would be an infinite number in a space so small, but one thing to remember is this: It's not a small space, it's just nothing. lol sorry that had nothing whatsoever to do with your post, but It seemed worth noting.
  11. Well to start off let me say what division is. I'm quite sure it literally means: to take X and spread it out among Y groups. Even though it can is often said as "how many times X goes into Y", im quite sure that is technically incorrect. Since multiplication and division are opposites, you could say they have opposite meanings. multiplication means to take and X and make it into a group where there are Y X's, not realy X goes into Z Y times. So why would wouldn't you apply this method backwards with division? Using the first method (of division), 15/0 = 0, because 15 spread out equally among no groups would yield nothing. Using the second method, the equation would read 15/0 = infinity. So why is it regarded as impossible, when 15 spread out equally accross 0 groups clearly equals 0? Another supporting piece of evidence: addition and subtraction. When you add or take away 0 from X, you end up with the same answer. So looking at addition and subtraction as an example, wouldn't division and mulitiplication have a similar reaction?
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