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About Geronimo

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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  1. Who is there? :confused:
  2. Where are you all? Nobody here, just writing to myselfe. Ipiaeeeee, ipiaooooo. :lightbulb
  3. It seems nwaogu disappear... :xx: Its a pitty, it can be an interesting conversation.
  4. As i wrote,try the little examination i wrote before, it will clear you all. Vacuum or air, doesnt matter.Forces are strong enough that you can ignore it. The stronger spring you have, the stronger magnet you need. And bacwards. Still there will be zero state (forces are equal and moveing will stop). Try the excercise as i wrote. Like TEguy sais, it will not work.
  5. Aha, i understand it inow. It is not true, because what will happen? One magnet pushes the moveing one forward until the spring stop the move. Then spring pull the moveing one back, but not to initial position. Much less because of continual strange of pulling magnet. It can repeat for a few times and then both forces (push and pull) will be equal and magnet stops its move. You can simulate this situation with two usual magnets. Build a tube from paper. Put a magnet in bottom and then put other magnet in tube in oposition. The spring will simulate a gravity insted. Same situation.
  6. Sorry, i do not understand the principe, too strange english for me, im foreign too, maybe some other one can help?
  7. So is it perpetual motion device what you are patenting? If it is not 100 % efficient so i think it is not perpetual motion, becouse perpetual machine must generate 101 % and more. Am i right? 100 % means that it is powering itself without any depends and anything more is usuable energy. I really do not have any idea what you are patenting. Is it described in forum before?
  8. It was me, sorry for that. I didnt know that you are thinking it real :shrug: , dont know that you build that pictures. From your first post it looks like just fun from someone. Once more sorry, i do not mean it like i said. Changed opinion from you other posts.
  9. Reply on last nwaogu post. Hallo everybody, uf, maybe like a few people here i made a hard work to understand your machine man, it takes almost a day. First of all little few things about Nigeria Scan as wrotten somewhere upper at this forum. If nwaogu is able to make a working device by itself or maybe with little help with its school its a good way. If nwaogu will ask for money to build device its a spam. I think simple :shrug: . In this forum we can only help you to solve your problem or to verify idea if it is good or wrong, nothing more. But i think this is although very helpfull. Ok, now to your machine. First of all i need to bent a huge compliment to you. If you are 15 and you wrote this document...nice work. But there are several major problems, which possible you dont know, because of low knowledge or low practice with magnets. If you go harder way like me and my friend go, buy or get two magnetsand start looking what they do in several positions, what interfer with magnet and what not etc... Then you will learn a lot of new things about magnetism. Books or internet are also a good source for learning about magnetism. You need to understand it very well and then start to develop some machine. What you build is just very, very complicated balanced wheel. No rotary force is generated by any part of device. If you build this device it simple do not start rotate and if you give it some initiate impuls it will stop spinning. Why? It is simple. You do not have basic knowledge of how magnetic forces goes around magnet. Please search internet for some pictures of magnet diagram or if you want i can send you or post here (if someone tells me how) a picture with this magnetic force streaming. If you know a picture of earth magnetic forces diagram, which is more known to public so you can imagine it as it is quite similar. The result of this device will be that all magnets start slowly demagnetize, because you just put opposite sides on each other. Although there are many green parts i think metal (some fixed, some moveable), which should work as shielding. I think there must be meant like this because i do not see any other possible way how this device ought to work. This will wount work, because to make magnetic shielding it is more complicated then put some metal plate on some corner. And of course if you make shielding then beam of magnetic line of force will change then unshielded. So result of this device is just balanced wheel, nothing more.
  10. It is not true at all. If your steel ruler isnt enought larger than you magnet size they will interact each other even if they attach to your steel rudler. If it is larger, then magnetic forces looks like cilinder when atracting to metal. Magnetic beams are not straight. If you mean this so you are true.
  11. This is really funny idea of perpetual motion device ;) , i look at it for almost half of hour and doesnt understad any part of it :hihi: , I can write down up to 3 similar devices in hour and anybody else can too... :hihi: The device itself is very complicated to be able to work. No visible working principe. i see only balanced wheel which will stay in one position, no rotary efect as described in pictures is not generated, its all.
  12. Hello :lol: :cool:
  13. I just made a quick look at that forum, is it about all unworkable devices which you trying to made? Or what is it about? Its preatty short, ill examine it in Saturday in detail. But be strong, it is not unsuccess to make something which is notworking. It is just way to new idea... Remember this.
  14. Congratulation :cool: , strange step. Wish you good luck, keep us informed. Anyway, i dont exactly understand what are you trying to patent. Can you little bit explain please?
  15. Welcome TEguy to this forum :lol: , ill reply in some quotes. Its 3 AM here but new posts enjoy me in writeing some replys :cat: . First of all, if you read all posts you will now that me and my friend have working, really working model of perpetual motion machine and we are still searching how to make it publish (see my old posts). :) But it seems no winning for us. There are lot of definitions of what perpetual machine really is. We modificate expression like this. 1. Doesnt matter if perpetual motion machine needs starting impuls or not. 2. It must not be working with any king of gravity force. (If yes, its good but mot perpetual :cool: ) 3. If device product energy to repair or to restore its functionality and some free usable energy, than it is perpetual motion device. We do not need to test perpetual device for infinite time or 10 neather 100 years. If it can product as much energy as required for its working state plus anything to it, it is simple perpetual. Of course such device must have eficiency of 150 % and more (my opinion). This is really nice thinking. But problem start if someone will success. I do not have problem present several ideas here. I can save you very lot of time, because we spend really huge amount sum of money for building up to 40 realizations, all looks very good at first stage, but at the final they do not work. And idea was good. Theoreticaly they should work. Most of them doesnt brake any physic laws. Its just in angle of look. Im really interested if someone else will make different machine work, ill help as much as i can. It seems that there is not just one possible realization. I know about 3 more modification of our device which can work now. But trully it is very long time of hard work. Many years. Please do not be negative to this opinion. Its not so easy as just tell it anywhere in forum or fire it to media throught world. I can help you with this problem. It is not true what you wrote down. It is similar to usual subwoofer or any other repro magnet. If you look at it, it has shealding. It means box from steel without one side (you will use that side for entering magnet in it). Then magnet is shield from all sides except one where is looking its face. It is not possible to make shielding as just put some piece of steel between magnets. Then if you know how looks diagram of magnet forces you can imagine it like all force of magnet is forwarding to unshielded side, so it is as much as almost 2x stronger then unshielded magnet. All other sides are without any magnetic force, because all magnet forces are shorted to margin of unshielded face. Its similar to electricity. Easyest way is where forces goes. If i find how i can post an image of such magnet here from one of our experiments. This is fine but unusuable, because forces are very strong in all directions. It works as nice as if you put the box with magnet to other metal (at shielded side, there is no magnetic strong, clean zero. Another good thing is that magnet does not demagnetize itself in this shield. So you can test it, but we make several tests and it is not useable (of course we can be wrong). Perendev motor cristalize to clean big bubble. As fast as they introduce it to world and start receiving orders with payment, as fast they gone. They was not able to prove that their motor is not falsum. There are just few videos over the net, and all are taken from bad angles and there is no starting sequence of device except one, where you can see device just from one side. We made a replic of this motor and as we thank before, it was all fake. Shielding neodym magnets is just fort they maximum force. But basic problem is that there is no way how to make this device unbalanced to extract rotary force. Any possible variants of all three rotor disks make all magnet positions to balanced zero state, so no rotation is generated. All video sequence was taken when some device startmachine work to high rotation and device itself work just as balance wheels (wery heavy and long time whenit stops). If you can describe it a little maybe we can help you with right way or maybe we can find some solution here (or maybe there is some simple mistake you cannot see). As you want. Clean true. Nothing just agree. See ya, Geronimo.
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