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Everything posted by akahenaton

  1. Gee, I guess I get excited easily!! what level of micro metrics would i have to make a functioning Impact generator powered by air particle impact. I read some where that there are 10 to the 7th or 17th particles of bounce per second, yet I dont know how much surface area there is to the formula.
  2. Are there any lawyer Forums... cuz I think I may need one soon. thanks!!
  3. How does a microphone Pick up sound (sonic ) energy. may i please have a good link
  4. oh and by the way Does any one know of some optical equipment for looking at "air Quavering"? (Air Quavering is what I'm gonna call it untill some one's got some prettier ideas:):cup::):eek::):):))
  5. Does any body know what the quavering in the air is during a hot summer? I don't know what it's called and i'm look for a name for it. I figure air near the generator would produce a thermal frequency between the cool air(energy extracted from it) from the warmer air next to it( farther away from the generator) so If there is a more "formal" or well known name please let me know. by the way I noticed this strange frequency while looking at cigarette smoke rise into the air and make vorticies into the air!!:cup::):eek::):):):)
  6. how would I find the average speed for a moving gas particle? I know it uses Boltzmann's constant but I havent found out how tu use it correctly yet.
  7. even in english I love sprots too!! faire du sport?( bon? )
  8. danke eric fuer der worten: weiblich und satz, jetz ich mache eine satz mit der worten weiblich an der weiblich mit worten satz und katz Yaaaay!!
  9. Ich moechte zum nehmen deutsche leute und nehmen sie hier nach dieser " web site " ( ich brauche meiner buch!) Ich denke das meine wort "nehmen" sollen nach der ende der 'sentence' ( ach! Ich solle sum meiner worter buch finden!!!!)
  10. Das ist sehr recht, das sie fressen alles! Ich wisse das schiessen (ist das recht?) ist nicht recht, und meine eltern moechte Ich zum tun das nicht so Ich tut das nicht, und jetzt Ich habe sieben katze denn wir habt geben(? Ich denke das dieser wort ist recht) zwei katze zum gut leute! yaaay! "Ich bin froh, du bist froh, ja logo ja!" (das war eine singen [recht? Ich sollen zum anwenden meine worter buch aber Ich habe verlasst es] auf meine deutsch klasse!!!)
  11. whoops! I accidentally, read your post wrong , the great Jay-qu what I should have said is : A. a crystal/material is stressed by impact from a moving air particle [(at an estimated average speed of 425 meters per second)by using boltzmanns constant, and other formulae ] let me know if me did mistake note: "my guess is that the crystal has to be very tiny in order to prevent inter-crystal resistances thus cancelling the minute amount of charge harvested"
  12. the idea is to: 1. take kinetic energy from particles of air 1.1 harvest the energy by using microscopic piezo-materials
  13. I think I can make a Piezo electric generator that is powered off of air particle speed. anybody else think differently? I only see about three Problems with this::D 1. producing the piezo electric grid in large quantities ( est: 500 m2 a day) 2. connecting the positive and negative terminals for every individual generator crystal/material-piece 3. and structual integrity for feasible use ( so that the whole grid doesnt fall apart every time it gets "tapped" or bumped I was wondering about Ultra-violet lithography to solve the first problem:hihi: ( link to UVL: Howstuffworks "How EUV Chipmaking Works" copy and paste it cuz I don't know how to underline it with the blue line stuff... yet) for the other two problems/questions i only have vauge solutions/ideas so ob sie haben guten ideen dan ich mochte zum horen sie!
  14. Gosh Darn it, This Man is about 99.99% correct, and I love it too! HAHAHAHAR....
  15. I like the "unobtanium" idea hahahahahaha!!!
  16. Ich habe Neun katzen und ich habe zum verlassen alle. Ich jetz hasse meine funf katzen denn sie fressen alles!
  17. das ist was ich brauche zum tun auch!
  18. akahenaton

    Fill? Fil?

    JE suis un "crabbe"!
  19. akahenaton

    Fill? Fil?

    Oui! Oui! Fil! Fil!
  20. Ist Michalengica ging zu wissen deutsch? ach so! ich habe zum meine gehirn zum tun etwas mit es aber ich tun nicht viel wie ich habe getan....
  21. Yo uso mi odios y digo : marijuana k fumar ... daa dun dunt dunt. (me encanta los mexicanos cantan)
  22. Hallo! wie geht es? Ich habe meine deutsch zum Spielen, und ich habe nicht zo viel zeit zum schreiben. so ich mochte zu machen es kurtz. Auf weiderschreiben Akahenaton johnson
  23. weeeee! say good by to french fried micro-circuitry!
  24. i was just thinking that anything with micro circuitry would fry if it was exposed to a large emp blast. I don't know if the rfid things would have micro circuitry in it or not, so i'm not sure.
  25. anyone know how hard it would be to destroy a chip imbeded in a person without cutting then open?? hint:( wouldn't an emp gun kill the chip?)
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