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  1. Okay, so this is our Conservation of Mechanical Energy Design Challenge. Design requirements: - needs to fit within 1m(cubed) - only powered by 1kg falling weight (no motors, elastics, nothing.) - needs to go as far as possible down a school hallway (Minimum requirement is 2m), the goal is maximum displacement - the vehicle should be designed to minize losses due to non-conservative forces like friction - the vehicle must start the race from rest, with only the weight supported prior to release - can only jettison weight What I have so far.. So far, the plan (that particially in motion) is to have a triangular car with a rather large stick going straight up, to the maximum height (so its currently about 33" off the car, since teh radius of teh wheel is 2.5, and there is a pulley on top of the big pole.) There is going to be string twirled around teh back axis that goes up to the top of teh pole, and through the pulley. On the other side of the pole, the weight will be attached, and it will bring the string down slowly unravelling the string adn moving the car forward. We also have a cushioned landing spot in place for the weight when it lands. My Questions/COncerns : 1. Is there anyway to slow down the speed of the falling weight? Cause Im afraid that if it falls to fast, its just gunna destroy the whole car. 2. We have more pulley's available, any idea where we should place them? 3. Are there any other ways to minimize the amount of losses due to non-conservative forces? 4. Anyother way to make this car more efficient?
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