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Everything posted by Kakorat2
I heard from you guys that God and Satan are the same person. The Most High is a Godess. And someone made a huge post of Satan and God. Yahweh is evil. This is what he taught to Judas. Actuall, if you guys don't know Jesus did say that hell is in the heart of the earth. For Just as Jonas was, the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
I think the God of The Old Testament is evil and jealous because his creation is better than he is. I also think that Jesus is a god. I still confuse what is the name of the true God. In the Gnostic texts it says that the creator was a deimurge and created the material world. They made Adam fall asleep to make sure that when he woke up that he should govern over his wife. Which is why men have been like this for years. In actually even from the Origin of the World and Apochyphon of John. The creator raped Eve and then came two beasts to resemble the original Cain and Abel(aliens probably). Seth was the only that look liked Adam. Seth is believed to be the reincarnation of Jesus himself. What the hell is the name of TRUE GOD.
Me and my dad got in a fight and I wanted to kill his ***. I hate my life, I hate family and the people I go to school with. I'm running away because I hate everybody around me. I have to move on with my life and do something. I need a way to get away from my house. I HATE THE PEOPLE SO MUCH I COULD STAB SO MANY TIMES UNTIL MY HAND GOT TIRED. They are all mad and ****ing crazy. My mom's a *****, my dad's a jackass and I should not have exist. Let me give you an example of my mom: It's alright to lie and get me in trouble, but it's good for me to tell her if my dad's cheating on her or not( which he is). I hope his *** get's AIDS. If you were running away from your parents, which country would you go to England or France.
If they were all wrong, then why are people dying off. Dude, I want to tell you right now Pyrotex. Last year the day before Labor day, I was playing soccer and I dad call me in the house. My mom was on the phone crying for some reason. I followed my dad in the kitchen. I kept saying what's wrong, he said: Your aunt died. I'm standing in my room confused because I couldn't believed it. On my aunt's funeral: 500 people I think came to her funeral, everbody was crying in the church house. But something going on in the heavens. Her funeral was in southeastern Louisiana and all day it wasn't raining until you heard a big clap. When he got into and the driver drove her to her burial place. My mom told me as she was watching her step-sister's casket in the 1st car. She saw some birds that swooped down and came back up and went away. I going to say this the Old Testament was already written. The New Testament was hid away from all the truth's at the Council of Nicea. The reason why they hid was to hide the true teachings of Jesus. How can you say that Jesus never had any kids. It's just like social studies books in schools. I go to the library every now in then, and most of the stuff I find were obviously more accurate than what they teach us. So I guess the people of Saintes-Maried-de-la-Mer go to the place where Mary Magdalene, Martha, Joseph of Arimathea where they came ashore to their town many years ago. Also, they celebrate these saints feast days. I heard that on that day they have it is very hot. One thing is certain of which I found out. I did find out that I do come from the descendants of Charlemagne and the Merovingains and I found out that Merovig's wife was a descendant of Constantine. So if you want to prove anyone that I don't belong to these people then till it to ancestry.com support and see how they are going to respond. If you want to prove me wrong the most of these people in this world don't descend from Jesus Christ, then till God he's wrong. But I won't be surprised if an angel come to you and tell you that you're a fool.
Almost forgot Southtown about the Antichrist thing, St. Malachi predicted that their would be 112 popes. Pope Benedict XVI is the 111th pope. The next pope is going to lead people into believing that he is a god and he will lead them to destruction. Also the pope says peace, peace, peace. But Jesus said,"Why do they say peace, for their is no peace". Also about Revelation in one of the verses says they will wonder after the beast. They actually did for John Paul II. I'm suprised the whole world didn't go to Vatican City. Sleep on it, Southtown. Read Revelation 17:11 and thank about what I said.
It all started during the Thanksgiving last year. I wanted to know who my ancestors were. So I went to ancestry.com, they gave me 3 free days. I made my family tree and look who popped up on both sides the Carolingians and the Merovingians. I was dumbstrucked, seriously. How could I be a descendant of these people? I emailed the guy who was head of the support at ancestry.com and he said if that's what you see, then that's who you came from? Then it hit me, I am from Louisiana and I live their until I was 8 3/4, then I live in Beaumont, TX and I go to high school here. My family consists of French, Black, White, Indian, and Spanish. If you go to Louisiana everyone's accent is different. I want to show you this family tree of which everything you see on this page is who I'm related to:French monarchs family tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Okay here was the thing that hit me hard. Merovig's wife was I think a great-granddaughter or granddaughter to Constantine. Constantine's hole name is Flavius Aurealis Constantinus. Merovig's wife is also a descendant of Magnus Maximus. Now here is the part about Jesus, the website called:Welcome to www.truejesus.org has a test to see if you are descendant of Christ. I passed it. Ever since I was kid I always had something over my head, like a halo or something. The pineal gland can awaken the History gene in someone. Jesus actually disliked Fundamentalists, they were just like the Pharisees read: Matthew 23:13-15 and 23:25-28. You guys still haven't ask yourself, if you loved someone wouldn't you tell her how much you feel about her. Last time I checked Jesus wasn't the only prophet who was married, Moses was married to a woman and he died without seeing her again. Let me repeat myself again: IF THEIR WAS A WOMAN YOU LOVED AND YOU WANTED TO BE WITH HER UNTIL EITHER OF YOURSELF'S WOULD PART TO HEAVEN WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER OR NOT? For surely I would.
Pyrotex, okay I agree that number one and two are correct. Last time I check we are all sinners in some sort of way. Second, I actually did find out that I am descendend from Jesus and Constantine. The part when I said that popes were never killed. I was only relating to St. Peter, If St. Peter was a bishop of Rome why would they get rid of him and kill him. My ancestor Constantine didn't kill the pope of Rome, even though they had many popes in other cities until they moved it to Rome. Third, the Antichrist which is the next pope is going to persecute Christians and he will persecute anyone who has not excepted the False Sabbath. The Vatican did change laws stated in Daniel 7:25. In Exodus 20: 1-17, they completely took out the whole section of 2 and 3 in the Ten Commandments; Verse 17 was turned into two different commandments. Fourth, and foremost I do read, I read all kinds of books. Fifth, Fundamentalists are actually scared of Dan Brown because he actually has some common sense. I have a question for you guys: Do you think the God's son couldn't love a woman and who truly loved him?
Guys the reason why also tell you this, is that if you give up believing in the Sunday or my ancestor Constantine's Sun God. I know you guys are saying yeah write, prove it. But I am proving it because I come from him and I don't want you to make his mistakes. But I was told that his visions were demonic and that he took it as God's works. The Mayans believed that Dec. 21, 2012 is the day of Doomsday. I actually believed them. I think in the bok of Daniel it says that the Great Tribulation will not be gone until the end of the generation. My Great-grandpa is going to 95 in august so in five years on August 8, 2012 he is going to be 100 years old. Also, for fact how this world hasn't been blessed. Think about what's happened in this world for the past 2,000 years after Christ. Everything been the same, when their was a new civilization it eventually was destroyed. But the same characteristics have always been their. It was always the system, political, econonmy, the people, famine, wars, etc. Just like right now. The new age is upon us in 5 years. Please do this before you die, go to church on Saturday and pray that you go to heaven to your Father in secret so that you may not receive these tribulations. I also tell you this because I also learned that I have come from the descendancy of Jesus Christ, I don't proclaim myself to be better than anyone, but I actually found this out on my own. For I am in not the Christ, but a descendant. My duty on this earth is to renew the faith and set a example like my ancestors before me. You can check this out at Welcome to www.truejesus.org, also Paul wrote in his letter of Epistle to Timothy,I think says that every bishop should be married. That's coming from someone who is not even one of the 12. The church was scared that my ancestor a woman ( Mary Magdalene) would be better than them. St. Peter was never a bishop of Rome, their it says Prince Linus of Britain from Bloodline Of The Holy Grail. Read all of her pages. IT makes sense, because if he was a pope why would they kill him. Their was never a pope that was killed. We were always told lies. LIES. Just like the saying: "See no evil, speak no evil, or hear no evil." That is what God warned us about. Also, why do you think the Gnostic Gospels were banned, they were banned because they spoke the truth. Women are the leaders of church. Men would not be here without them. Praise be Allah.
My girlfriend wants to find this lotion product
Kakorat2 replied to Kakorat2's topic in Medical and Health Science
Guys enough with the jokes, alright it is actually for my girlfriend. She has a nice *** but it doesn't glow like a Christmas tree or isn't as soft. Her butt is kinda like sandpaper in a sense. -
It's true but go to Genesis 2:3, Ex 20:10, Hebrews 4:1-8. The true Sabbath is Saturday. Here's what I do want you to do. Jesus died on a Wednesday and he rose on Saturday. Matthew 28:1 describes it. Jesus died at 3:00 p.m. precisely in Jewish standard. From 3:00 p.m. Friday to 3:00 a.m. Saturday is 12 hrs, from 3:00 a.m. Saturday to 3:00 p.m. is another 12 hrs., from 3:00 p.m. Saturday to 3:00 a.m. Sunday is another 12 hrs, and 3:00 a.m Sunday to 3:00 p.m. Sunday is another 12hrs. Dude, 12 hrs X 4 = 48, 48 hrs= 2 days. Matthew said, three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. He meant was he was going to be their in the daytime and the nightime. Praise be Allah. Also Daniel 7:25 describes the Vatican. You know when the pope calls himself vicar, you know what the Vicarius di mei roman numerical value this name or what ever how you say or spell it is. It equals 666. Now, I want you do a little hunt. I want you to read the whole bible of God's word and tell me, if Sunday is the Sabbath. I'll give you $100 bucks, if you go for it. For surely, if God wanted to change his Sabbath, then one of the apostles would have surely said it.
We have all been stupid for the past 1,000 years. The true Sabbath is on a Saturday. I have always learned this school instead I have learned lies and deceit. The papacy is the beast. It says it here: The seven heads represents the seven hills of which the woman represents. The woman is the church and the seven hills is Rome also known as the city of seven hills. How can I prove that my parents are wrong. It's the same as Jesus was in the desert for forty days and forty nights. It wasn't a portion of forty, it was a whole forty days.
Well this might fulfill the prophecy of Revelation in the Bible.
Their is this product that you apply on your but and it makes your but look very young. I know this wrong for asking. But my girlfriend's cousin wants to find this lotion thing. I don't know why but I have to be on a search for it because my girlfriend says that her cousin's birthday is coming soon.
SAINTES-MARIES-DE-LA-MER TOURIST OFFICE **** Bouches-du-Rhône (13) - Provence - Alps 5, av. Van Gogh - B.P. 73, 13732 SAINTES-MARIES-DE-LA-MER This is another address, I have to do I just write it on the envelope as it is. I don't want to screw this up. Please help. I have to send it by tomorrow
I need help on writing the address correctly on my envelope. Here it is: Bonjour, L'adresse de la cathédrale est: Plan des Albigeois 34500 Béziers ou Paroisse Saint-Nazaire 15 Rue Gayon 34500 Béziers Translation into English: Hello, The address of the cathedral is: Plan of the Albigensian one 34500 Béziers or Holy parish nazaire 15 Streets Gayon 34500 Béziers
Their was an ad which showed that their was a book of Nicodemus telling about the interpretation of Revelation written by John. It talked about the wars that happened I think and had chapters on who the Antichrist is. It's not the gospel of Nicodemus. It's another book and I think it's at barnes and noble. Does anybody remember the name and they also had a home page website for the book.
I just need three quotes for Moses and Abraham. THe three quotes for each person must have belief, trust, and obedience.
I need three quotes here is the essay prompt. Using the three elements of faith, explain how both Abraham and Moses were models of faith for their people and for us todElements of Faith: Belief (an act that acknowledges God as Supreme) Trust (an act that always involves some RISK on the part of the believer) Obedience (an act that demonstrates compliance to God) ay. How did Abraham show belief, trust, and obedience? These should be 3 different happenings …Find a quote from the Bible, and its reference…put this on your note card for the exam.How did Moses show belief, trust, and obedience? These should be 3 different happenings …Find a quote from the Bible, and its reference…put this on your note card for the exam. How Note card should look: Abraham: (record the whole quote on your note card!) Belief “Then God said..”(Gn 92:7) Trust “God showed…”(Gn 99:2) Obedience “Abraham went…” (Gn 88:12) Moses: Record the whole quote on your note card! Belief: “Moses saw that…”(Ex 71:1) Trust: “Then he…”(Dt 34:90) Obedience: “After he saw…” (Ex 66:1)
I need help on my homework. I also have Exams tomorrow.