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About cookyman

  • Birthday 09/11/1989


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    Interested in physics and science in general.
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    Nerd Stuff
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  1. wow. I am behind the times. So much for taking the "limit your TV usage tips" seriously. Wonder what else i've missed out on. My studies have been taking on to much time I think.
  2. Titan and one of jupiters moons, Europa i belive, the one with an icy crust with a possibility of liquid water underneath, have both piqued my interest over the past few years. It will be interesting to see if Nasa decides to run any exploration missions to these moons any time in the near future. If so it will be quite the find if there does turn out to be water there, even if its in a frozen state.
  3. They made it back safely? Thats good to hear, I was getting worried when i heard about some of the problems that occured during take-off. I hadn't heard anything about a safe landing untill i saw this post. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. not really because the reason of this post was to make sure that my brother was not lead astray from what is real so it was only keeping him from seeing and beliving something as wrong and he is only 13 so i couldn't help it. lol. and if u knew my brother u wouldn't think him the type to come up with exraordianry revalations. he only came up with that idea on the basis to try and prove me wrong in sumthin as he so ofen trys to do. he doesn't even like the idea of sciences . he is rather imature for his age. Cooky
  5. thank u for that and i shalll show my brother. Cooky
  6. i am currently in an argument with my stubourn brother who thinks that there are phyisical 2D shapes just like cubes and other 3D shapes. i have tried to explain to him that it can't be possible as there is no way for the object to be created with no depth and therefor no way for it to exist. he reckons that it does exist and one example is of a projection onto a wall where u place a shape like a box infront of a light then shine it onto a wall and theres your "physical" 2D shape. Cooky
  7. all i was saying is that that is my opion on what a religion is. ok... i don't have any hard proof on that matter but it is just what i have observed. thats all. Cooky
  8. uncle martin. let me assure u that when i said that many Australians think that americans can be arogant i wasn't actually meaning to say that i thought that and yes i agree with u wen u say that ur politicians don't reflect the people of the comunity. but it was only an example when i said it in my earlier post i didn't acually mean it. sry bout any misunderstandings. Cookyman
  9. as u said tormod i do not have much christain faith but i was babtised as a anglican christain but i do not really think that christianity is the best religion out there as to say, but that is just my opion so plz don't take any offense at what i have said. i really only follow christianity because i kinda have to and i am only 15 so how am i gonning to go about changing my religion? and half the time i don't even (sry for say this for any christain belivers out ther) but i don't really even belive that there is a god or any divine power. but i am only looking at religion as a belief to followso therforei do not belive that christianity is the 'best' religion out there SRY bout being a bit vague and all over the place Cookyman
  10. wen i posted that repsonse i worded it wrong. i shouldn't have said that they wereexperiencing the event at the same time. what i meant was that the event would be happening to the person at the same time as wen it happened but yes the sensory organs of the body would regiser that the event happened a varying period of time after the depending on the distancebettween the event and the person but efectivly the event would happen at exaclty the same time anywhere almost, just the effects of the event would be effecting the universe at different times due to the different speeds of light and sound. sry bout that but i just needed to make myself clearer. Cookyman
  11. freethinker. wen u said that the two people would be experiencing each others future past and present u are slightly wrong in a way. the people would be seeing the light at different times but they are only exeriencing eachothers future past and present visually but effectivly they are experiencing the event at exactly the same time. it is only the light that is making it seem as thoughit is at different time periods. time doesn't travell at the speed of light but it is infinte effectivly. like when a star explodes or sumthing 100 million light years away we don't see that happening untill 100 million years affter it happened but we arn't experienceing that stars present 100 million years later, we are just seeing the affects of the star blowing up but it actually happened ages ago... bit repeditive there but i proved my point... lol Cookyman
  12. Free thinker. u wanted a christian who thought that another religion if better then their own.. wel here he is me.... i am not an active christian in that i don't go t church more then once a week but only because of school. but i do not think the christianity is the top religion, if fact i do not think very highly of it sad to say. it is a shambles because there are so many types of chrisitanity like anglican, catholic, and many other types but i think religion like hinduism is better as they follow one ideal. not many different ideas so they are more intune and buddism for example is devoted to peace and kind of harmony. (sry i am not really up to scratch with some of the religions) but i see chrisianity as a bit of a shamble religion but that is only my opion but see freethinker there are christians who think there are better ideals out there. Cookyman
  13. i reckon all a religion is is an idea that a group of people follow because if humanity had nothing to follow it would not work as we as a people need sumthin to follow and belive in
  14. yeah see. for example i am an aussie as people around the world call us. i think. see this is another problem with the lack of comunication bettween the countries. i don't know whether other people call us assies or australians and i also don't know what people think about us and our country. but we also have our views on other countries as for example sum australians that some americans can be arogant, but see there is my point, people could be calling us arogant as well and wat do we know about other countries and there views on us. But see freethinker sounds very opinionated about his country and can see the faults in his country. i think that is wat many of us struggle to do. we look to other countries to cridosize insted of our own. or we look to the leader of the country to blame. i think that it isn't really just the leaders fault. many of us say that we could do better than them ouselves but u try sitting up there infront of the world making decisions that can affect the course of a country or even the course of humanity. lots of people call us australians nontechnologically advanced. see there is fault in that as here we have one of the leading medical reaserch instituits in the world. but in other ways we don't produce much of what we use. a lot of stuff is imported from other countries because we dont't have thehuge economy to suport the large companies of our own. and most of our idustries have been taken over by other overseas multibillion dollar companies (see i don't even know if holden car manufactions company is still australian.). BUT! The main problem with the world today is comunication. and international relations. australians, americans, europeans and all other so called westernised countries should not be trying stay away and exclude some of the eastern countries and other countries that are in trouble. we should be including them in the society of the modern world. one first step is to stop calling countries etheir western or eastern. see australia in counted as a western country but geologically we are an eastern country. and also calling countries eastern or western dosn't help the situation because it is divding the world into these groups. ANYWHO. what i am saying is that we should not be looking at other countries as a totally different society but just as a group of exactly the same people as u or me but just lead by a diferent person and also live their life a little differently that is all. people all belive in different things like different gods and diferent religions but that shouldn't affect how the world lives like it is now. eg. it seems that al queda and all there allies and such are waging a all out war of terorism against christains (see theres another generalisation that should not happen) but christains are wagin a war back but they call it a war on terorism. god i could go on about this for ages but i wont bore u anymore . but all i was getting at was that people should start looking at the world as one community. not a bunch of different and divided communities and many people do that just we need to take it a step further and stop making generisations about other people and their countries. from afinger tired cookyman
  15. lol.. i thought that it sounded a bit unbliveable but anyway... thanks for clearing it up.. i just thought it woulda been interestin if it was true. oh well my science teacher wont be happy..lol thnx for clearing it up Cookyman
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