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  1. Well said!
  2. I'm really concerned about something.. my brother has bp 160/80 the last time he checked and he's not very afraid of it but i'm a panic freak and i must admit that i am terrified.. it's true that my parents are on accupril because of hypertension... Do you think it's genetic? I think that hypertension can't be that genetic... it's blood pressure and how can that be that i don't have it but my brother does?
  3. mainly slow, oldies, classic,, i voted pop as i listen more to pop than the others.
  4. i think simple organisms and bacteria live in the universe as there has been proof of existence of water..
  5. never owned one and never will i think..i don't like violence ...
  6. i dont' know when i had these kind of chainmail but i remember one that said that sushi gave worms in the head or something like that.
  7. I love the ocean and that's what i would like to study morel
  8. I use AVG on windows XP
  9. i volunteer in an orphanage and i am in an international volunteering service... i love children and would do lots to see all of them happy.. as for homeless in beggars, nope i don't usually help as i've once seen a beggar get in a BMW car.. he is paralysed from his feet [i think as he's in a wheelchair] and one of his hands is not normal.. but he has rich family. so why need to help them when they're only tricking others?
  10. I've never tried sushi but i really want to try one day.
  11. why am i not able to reply to ANY threads???
  12. Yes, i'm new here! :cocktail: and i think i'm enjoying every single minute here! :applause:
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