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M.J. last won the day on January 29 2008

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About M.J.

  • Birthday 03/07/1992


  • Biography
    Call me M.J. I plan to major in Meteorology. :D
  • Location
    Fortress of Solitude, Antarctica
  • Interests
    piano, musical theatre, rocket launching, doing experiments, goofing off :x
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  1. hey MJ, welcome back :)

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  2. Hahaha :] Funny thing is, I struggled in biology and I owe it to the hours of studying in order to grasp it well because for my final, I had to write an essay on Darwin and evolution. Thanks :]
  3. Sure, I'll clarify for you. Well, they are similar since they involve change and time but in my opinion, I think they are different because evolution is how species have changed during time. On the other hand natural selection is like a harvester picking out his/her best crop. Also, if they were the same, why use the two different words that can describes something. (True, you have adjectives that mean the same time but, the concepts are different. You have the theory of how things change like the dinosaurs that might have survived to evolve to what we call birds. But, on the other hand, you have something that determines what will go on and lay the foundation for the new species down the road). Aww! :] That's very true about that we're part of a community helping each other! That's why I joined this site because I don't have friends that are into science and are willing to have a chat about these things. P.S: Nice to meet ya! ;)
  4. Not too long ago, my chemistry teacher told us about this article that came out in the newspaper how they want to rename evolution to "biological changes over time" because its a huge issue. I would like to hear people's opinion on this. What if that change did happen? Are people these days so ignorant that refuse to be open minded? I think it's none sense. Eventually, "evolution" is going to become some forbidden word or something. Viva le Evolution! :shrug:
  5. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2 in C minor, 1st movement :shrug:
  6. I agree, natural selection and evolution are different, but I think evolution depends on natural selection. Stating the known, what I learned in biology is that natural selection is just how nature picks out the weak and leaves the strong. "The weakest will die and the strongest will survive". Evolution is just how something changes over time, like the us humans evolved from the ape. Anyhow, with natural selection, there are usually changes in the gene pool and therefore, after a while, the changes in the gene pool leads to evolution. Well, those are just my thoughts. I apologize if I sound stupid, but I'm just 15 :shrug:
  7. It is fun! Thanks for posting the link to the website! ;)
  8. thanks :]
  9. I'm doing a powerpoint presentation on navigational stars I would love some helpful links with the history (who, when, what, why and all that jazz) on them and how they work and such (no wikipedia, my teacher won't allow the class to use wikipedia) Also, suggestions on what I can present on my powerpoint about the navigational stars Thanks :]
  10. Well, it depends on what you believe. People would see it blasfemous(sp?) against God by manipulating his creation into something we perfer. Then again, what if it helps the person for a better living? Have you seen the movie "Gattaca"? Its a good movie to watch since it deals with something similar to your question. It involves genetic engineering and its really neat movie to watch. :D [i apologize if my answer seems so simple, but I'm just 15 :(]
  11. woah! you read my mind! I was wondering how the heck do these people come with formulas to predict that it was "30,000 years" of movement. Indeed, that stuff should be off the charts to pull off such a beautiful flourescent display :D
  12. Hello! :] Thanks for all those links and info on gamma ray bursts :D
  13. Good point there! :] We would have to research when was the last time that there was a gamma ray burst in the Milky Way. These things are so fascinating, it makes your head go in circles just thinking about them :D
  14. Woah, I completely forget this theory about them on this show there, they explained a theory and it was pretty neat, then again I was only a 6th grader back then *I'm a 10th grader now) so I really can't remember much. They say that if a gamma ray burst were to happen near Earth, it might like like blinding light and then everything would just heat up and Earth will become a molten rock again. That's all I can say >>' If I find anything, I'll leave you another post :]
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