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About Peacemaker

  • Birthday 06/30/1954

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  1. 'QUOTE=charles brough;243878]I cannot agree with the Peacemaker's original premises and she asked only for those who agree with her to respond.' Thanks for your contribution Charles. I see that you haven't taken the time to read this thread in full, or you would know that I am of the male gender. My given name is Ken. I will take your error as a compliment. Women are usually seen as the more caring of the species. Thank you. 'So, I'll direct this to the others: we have had money and the growth of civilization---both---for thousands of years. They have gone together with us. In prehistory, we had barter.. No arguments so far Charles. We have covered this fairly comprehensively, previously in the thread. 'As evolved primates, we are like the chimp in that we have a reciprocity instinct in that we expect someone who we do a favor for to reciprocate. That is the basis of our economic system.' This is where our differences begin to surface. We are mostly NOT like the chimp. We are many stages of evolution ahead of them. They have yet to evolve through phases of sophisticated shelter building, agriculture, reading and writing, communication and an understanding of science before we can consider ourselves 'like the chimp'. Unlike the chimp, we are now in a position to control our own destiny. We are the most evolved species in the known universe. By using our massive intellects to promote unity and team work, we move to the next stage of our evolution. THAT'S how simple this is, and we get people on this website who can't understand and absorb even that small piece of information. 'The author seems to have an ideal utopia or heaven in mind. Most of us would go insane in such a society. We need the bad and evil in order to appreciate what is good. We get tired of cloying sentiment, platitudes and pollyanna. We are happiest when we are struggling to achieve goals. ' In the first part of this paragraph we are entirely in accord. I do have an ideal utopia or heaven in mind. What's wrong with that? if yer gonna think... Think BIG! You go on to make the statement that 'most of us would go insane in such a society'. On what living standard do you base this assumption Charles? Sitting in a hole in the ground and masturbating for our whole lives? What part of living a healthy life with honest work, good food, world class amenities and the love and comradeship of the whole of humanity would send 'most of us insane?'. What do you do for a living Charles? What bad and evil do YOU spread on an everyday basis? Which bits of bad and evil do you welcome on an everyday basis?.. to make your life more interesting and 'sane'? Do you perhaps live in a war zone? The Gaza strip? Maybe you and your family live with AIDS and starvation? Torture? Daily brutality? Robbery perhaps? Racial intolerance? Poor housing? infected water? Do your family get killed and injured working for slave wages down mines? Do you have to walk forty miles and pay a week's wages to a doctor to come to your house to help your ailing family member? You appear to believe that these ills, and all the others I havn't mentioned are NECESSARY to mankind to 'make us appreciate the good things'. Perhaps you should try taking your family and friends to the places on earth where these things are happening, every day. Feel the benefit of looking to distant shore where they are not so common, and wishing with all your heart and health that you were 'there', and not 'here', where it is a reality. See if you feel the same way about it then, my friend. I await your answers with high anticipation Best regards, Ken (Peacemaker)
  2. Thanks for that Symbology. I am glad that my idea challenges you. It is intended to. It is intended to inspire thought patterns which are different to the 'norm'. Try this for a challenge; The only reason we can't do this tomorrow is that people refuse to think 'outside of the box'. The majority of earthlings appear to be incapable of ultimate 'Blue Sky Thinking', despite the fact that someone invented the term. We dare not imagine this planet being anything better than it currently is. We can thank the church for this. They instill in us from a very young age that we are here to suffer before we go on to some eternal paradise, where, having had a thoroughly miserable time here on earth, we get to spend eternity praising Him who put us through it all in the first place. Their teachings hold us back. They are wrong. Our place in heaven should be right here, right now. Where we know for a fact that we are conscious enough to recognise it... and if the stories are true, can you think of ANY better preparation for what is to come? We just have to be brave enough to WANT it, and then help in any way to make it happen. Oh, and as to this; 'I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself. ~Oscar Wilde' Good quote - My idea is an exception. The advice I give is extremely useful to me. I never speak with a forked tongue... EVER. Best regards, Ken
  3. Thanks for that Pyrotex. Yes, that is EXACTLY how it works, Thanks for compressing my theory 'in a nutshell'. If that helps any peruser of this thread to fully understand how simple it is to achieve, you have done much good. All the best, Peacemaker
  4. Hi again Symbology. I have covered this point in the frequently asked questions section of my document. I believe that there are some people who are very lazy and will take advantage of such a system. However, I also believe that much of this stems from a feeling of being disenfranchised by the current system. Many people are depressed and demotivated by the capitalist system, believing that they aren't getting their fair share for the effort they have put in to the system. I know of many people who work hard, go to work every day, volunteer in their spare time and never break a law. In return for this the companies they work for pay them minimum wage, ask them to work overtime with no enhancement, and fire them when times get hard. I believe there is a lot of this going on in America right now. People working hard all their lives, trying to pay their bills, their taxes and their mortgages getting constantly kicked in the teeth by the system. All most people ask for is a decent standard of living. A sense of pride in belonging to an organisation that is successful and strong. Leisure time where they can afford to go out and pursue hobbies and interests and socialise with their peers and be able to afford to pay their way among that peer group. Most people I know would rather work than take handouts. But that work has to have an adequate reward, otherwise it becomes meaningless and demotivational. In times of recession, the crime rate goes up, the black economy thrives and people who may never have entertained the idea of criminality become lured by the 'easy money' of selling drugs, or smuggling, or stealing cars, or shoplifting. In times of full employment, the reverse happens, and people once again take a pride in living honest lives. What I propose is to give every human being on earth the opportunity to belong to the strongest peer group ever created, a united mankind, where nobody gets gypped by the system. When people mentally appraise what I believe in, they tend to look first at the worst characteristics of mankind, and generalise them to attempt to show why such a system would be doomed to failure. I take the oposite view. I see the best in mankind, and generalise that. I believe that we have the ability to mentally and physically better ourselves to a point where our negativity is defeated by the evidence of the betterment of our own lives. What would be the point of being negative in a society where we all have access to pleasurable work, leisure facilities and the best of everything? Hope this helps, Peacemaker.
  5. Hi Symbology, I don't think I have communicated with you before. Thanks for your views and your interest in something novel. My view is that we don't allow ourselves to get to the point where things 'get squirrely'. I believe that over automation of the world of the future will make mankind redundant, and we all know that 'the devil' makes work for idle hands, and minds. I can think of nothing more soul sapping than to be idle 24/365. Mankind is a species that needs to feel valued and useful. We need to feel confident that we are in control of our own destiny. I hope you agree. Best regards, Peacemaker.
  6. I think you'll find that he didn't, Z, if you read my reply to his post. Although he did have a good stab at it! Best regards, Ken
  7. I like your idea better than most Craig, but who's gonna pay for it? My plan will improve the production efficiency of everything, but producing more of everything than all markets demand is both wasteful and non economic. In a capitalistic society, big business would never allow the cost of all goods to decrease so much that money was no longer useful. it would be financial suicide, and who's going to invest in that? The rest is bang on the money. (if you'll pardon the pun!). Best regards, Ken
  8. Buffy, I have always said there should be a plan. Where do you get the idea that I now have to admit it? I have even outlined the plan, and yet you never mention this when you submit a reply. Briefly, the plan is to convince people that our lives would be much better without money, by analysing the current situation and looking at it's flaws. We then look at the potential benefits of removing those flaws from our future. We, as a race, are then guaranteed that we can have a war free, famine free, crime free, tax free world, without the existence of money and property ownership. We encourage people to stop viewing strangers with suspicion, and to realise that we, as humans, are all one family. Historically separated by geography, philosophy, and language. Once we have a majority of people in agreement that things could be better by making this small change, we take the mental leap, and prove that it is all possible. We ensure that it is a minimal leap by using all the existing technology and equipment to start making things better immediately, using global planning. We re-train people who have been employed in the monetary system for work where they feel they can be happiest and most productive. The day after this mental leap, the world will look exactly the same as it did the day before. The only thing that will have changed is our mental outlook. For the better. Therefore we set in train a series of small events which will change the way that we, as human beings interact. We will automatically create universal equality, because without money or property, using the laws that I have formulated, no-one can be more equal than anyone else. We then build the nearest thing we can imagine to heaven on earth, using existing technology, and we do this by working together and project managing every task, so that we achieve maximum effect for minimum effort. This is my plan in broad brush strokes. This is my vision for our future. What's YOURS Buffy? Oh, and I see that you too have jumped on the 'lack of scarcity' bandwagon. If you look it up in the Wikipedia you'll find that it means exactly what I have been espousing throughout this thread, except that in a monetary society it is impossible to achieve, because scarcity imparts financial value, so big business would never pursue lack of scarcity as a philosophy. So as a workable plan to gradually end the use of money on this planet, it's a non-starter. It also has connotations of absolute automation of everything. This is not something I would agree with. Mankind needs the nobility of work in order that it doesn't descend into a general state of mental and physical torpor and decadence. A little hard, physical work ensures that we feel we deserve the benefits we will have, and give us a pride in what we will achieve. I don't suppose that this will sway your disbelief in my ideas at all, but maybe it will help convince other readers that my view of the future is more positive and beneficial to mankind than yours, or anyone else's, currently is. Best regards, Ken
  9. Cheap shot Bill, Perhaps you would be kind enough to review all my posts to date and indicate any nonsensical ravings. Also for any signs of lunacy. I am prepared to robustly defend anything I have said... and I haven't threatened to kill ANYBODY, unlike some I could mention. Therein, truly, lies the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind. Best regards, Ken
  10. Hi Bill, I know you have a very negative outlook on my ideas, but they are much easier to understand if you ask yourself why not, instead of why?.. Thinking positively, I don't see why there should be a scarcity of service or availability once this system is fully up and running. We are able to produce and distribute goods and services worldwide now. Why should that change? Why shouldn't we just carry on doing what we successfully do every day, only without the encumbrance of money? Take away the money and suddenly we CAN afford to mass produce better machinery and better technology. We can provide more training for all of us in using this technology. Suddenly we can afford to clear up land which has been polluted by industry and build facilities on it to provide food, or entertainment, or first class accommodation, or whatever we need to make our lives happier, healthier and more fulfilled. There has been a lot of reference lately to post scarcity economics, and yes, the end result of what I believe in, would result in a post scarcity situation. However, I have to disagree that the best way to bring this about is to automate the production of all things BEFORE we can eliminate money. Who would PAY for the production of these things? There isn't enough money in the world to PAY for the ramping-up of technology to this level. THAT can only be achieved in a society where money no longer exists. As to the rest of your post Bill, are you a paraplegic?.. or are you arguing the case for paraplegics in a moneyless society? If this is the case, then let me assure you that the mentally or physically incapacitated will be treated and catered for much better than they are currently, with nothing but the best standards of care and lifestyle we can provide. Why should we give them any less? They are our brothers and sisters. If you ane not a paraplegic, and are not arguing for their rights, then do you have such a standard of living, currently, which provides these things? Do you expect to get one anytime soon? As to the last part about water. You are absolutely correct. People still DO suffer from drought because of issues of distributiion. This is because governments do not feel the necessity to invest their tax dollars/pounds/yen/etc into systems of existing technology in order to provide excellent drinking water to the whole of society. BECAUSE THERE'S NO PROFIT IN IT. They could never recoup the outlay, and in reality what it would mean is that there would be, ultimately, more mouths to feed, more housing needed and more jobs to be created, because more people would be surviving to maturity... And who's gonna pay for that? Enlightenment is but a brainwave away! Ken
  11. Hi P, Nice quip, but you fail to recognise the essential difference between a planned moneyless society and a money-less society. :D Best regards, Peacemaker.
  12. Has the cat got all your tongues? or is the penny finally dropping that I just may have something here? The silence is deafening... and do I get that cup of coffee yet Doug? Best regards to all. Peacemaker.
  13. Hi Z, I don't really know how to make my position clearer. I have explained in great detail what I am going to do, at various points throughout this thread. Again you refer to the removal of corruption from human experience as 'easier' and return to your slowly slowly theory of getting people to give up the use of money in some kind of 'staged' plan. Here's a truism. AS LONG AS MONEY AND PROPERTY OWNERSHIP EXIST THERE WILL ALWAYS BE CORRUPTION. IT IS UNAVOIDABLE. The only way to remove it from human experience is to remove the source. There are thousands of lawyers out there, and judges and politicians who have been concocting laws for centuries, trying to make the use of money 'fair'. The problem is that there are thousands and thousands more lawyers, judges and politicians who make huge sums of money from their clients for telling them how to circumvent those laws. Then there are the criminal fraternity who are not so articulate, and so just grab a gun and take what they want by force. We have been 'firefighting' the consequences of the existence of money and property ownership for hundreds,and possibly thousands of years. Laws have been enacted, defined, re-defined, changed and repealed in order to make human beings do the right thing... and we are still jailing people for embezzlement, theft, tax evasion, kidnap, blackmail and the whole gamut of money based crimes. Can't you see that the system is fundamentally flawed? Here we are in the 21st century and we are no nearer to solving these problems under the present system. Crime is just different now. Bankers brought in the 'chip and pin' system to protect credit and debit card holders from theft. It didn't work. A small minority of the people who invented the system sold the ways around it to the criminal fraternity, and within days of it hitting the high streets, credit card fraud re-comenced, and will soon be as endemic as ever. There are innumerable laws governing the traders on Wall Street. The pick up their million dollar bonuses and take risks with our money to make more money for themselves. they are mega rich, and yet they still stoop to insider dealing and short selling to make more. Enough is never enough for these people. America spends 2 BILLION dollars per stealth bomber and whilst the cold war was in existence, had orders for over 130 of them in place. Then suddenly the cold war ended and the orders were stopped. So the American arms industry had to find another implacable enemy, and there, waiting in the wings werre Al Quaeda, Iraq and the war against drugs in Afghanistan. So, almost seamlessly, the American arms industry carried on producing, and making huge profits for their shareholders. It is in the interest of these people to promote and create war situations around the world. Billions of dollars have been wasted on the 'war on terror'. If the American government had used a fraction of these funds to improve the lives of the Iraqi peoples there would be peace in that area now, instead of a war which the American military judge as 'unwinnable'. Like Vietnam. Problem is, limited unwinnable wars keep the financial pot boiling for the arms manufacturers and dealers, and if a few thousand young Americans have to die as part of that process, they consider it a 'small price to pay' Did you hear about the huge party that was held after the latest Iraqi invasion, where politicians and the oil industry carved up 75% of the profits from Iraqi oil for the foreseeable future? You can't fight that kind of crap with money still in place. The people who control the wealth would absolutely ensure you ended up with egg on your face, by taking their money out of the system and creating a recession, or worse, a depression and genially explaining to the peoples of the world that 'communism' just doesn't make sense does it? Does this aid understanding Z? Oh, and the artist with the 900 paintings to distribute thing. If you go back to the source document, you will find a series of natural laws which I feel would be essential in bringing this plan to fruition. Try looking at those to find one that fits this scenario. I think the 'sharing' one should do it. If the painter was painting as his job, and taking all the benefits of the system in return for doing so, don't you think it would be incumbent on him to offer them for placement in public areas so that the maximum amount of our species could benefit from them? and if he does them in his spare time as a hobby, he would absolutely be entitled to give them to anyone he wanted to. Best regards, Ken
  14. Hi Z, as usual you read to criticise, not to understand. You don't seem to have the wherewithall to see things positively. This isn't a criticism, merely an observation. It is within you to change that Z. Instead of glib sarcasm, why not try really addressing the issues in a logical way and list the plus's and minuses of my philosophy against the current world situation? Or would that be too positive a thing to do for you Z? Best regards, Peacemaker.
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