A stupid verse I will write:hyper: It twill be silly and very trite:hihi: It twill convey none consequence: Tell you nuthin and make no sense::shrug: ,,,,so here it is,,;),,,, kittens are furry,,and mice,:doh:,,they squeek can't see them with 'eyes closed';) less'n,,,ya 'peek':shrug:
Question,,,"Why does the volume go up and down on my TV can't they send the signal at 'on' volume Answer,,,,"The TV is allowed free will thus creating it's own reality" My Question,,,,,"At this moment in time,,, am I where I'm sposed to be,,,:shrug: doing what I'm sposed to be doing:shrug:,,ie,,,typing 'this' question on this forum"??????:)
Question,,,,"Why would they cal it ZATNICATEL Answer,,,,,,the 'T' is a 'typo' It's really called a ,,,ZAPnicatel My Question,,,,Why are STUPID questions so hard to answer?
nOT ONLY AM i SLEEPWALKING THRU THIS SITE AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD 'CONTEXT',,,,but sheesh I just posted all caps with my eyes on the keyboard,,,,AND,,,,I'm double posting Newbieitis,,,that's what I got,,,,I shall come back after I sleep off my New Years 'all nighter' and try to ,,,be more 'observant I couldn't bring myself to edit out my prior post,,,,I'm a pack rat,,,sory guys,,,I'll calm down,,,this site has my sleepy head spinning
Hmmmmm,,,,ahem,,,,when a daddy loves a mommy that means that they wanted to have a baby bird like me,,,,sooo,,,,the Daddy buzzes around the ,,,,no wait,,,,,,ummmmm,,,ok,,,,,let's try this,,,,when the 'student' is ready,,,she will google the answer((WHICH SOMETIMES CONSISTS OF more QUESTIONS)) ,,,,no wait,,,, it was fate,,,, good nite all and HAPPY NEW YEAR
I fergit but I betcha it was a 'Super' positive and coherent ,,state of mind Or maybe I'm lying and I had bad thoughts that I'm 'witholding' in an effort to deceive you ,,,it's not as if you could read my mind or something spooky like that,,, sooooo what you see is what you get,,, if I type the words with my fingers and you see them with your eyes,,, they must be true,,,right? Ok,,,I confess,,,,I really 'can't' remember::shrug: Oh what an 'entangled' web we weave,,,:( when first we practice to :thumbs_up,,,:),,,,,'perceive':shrug:
Hello and,,,,HAPPY NEW YEAR My name is Maggie,,,my handle of course refers to seizing the day Right now since I've been up all night 'this' day is going to have to wait a while I'm supposed to write something substantial here,,,,hmmmmm My poor mind is sleepy,,,,can I come back and finish this later? For some reason I feel I need to do this before I sleep Ok I just thought of a little 'quatrain' that pretty well sums me up right now Quantum this,,,,Quantum that Quantum 'slits',,,,Quantums 'cats' 'Spooky' stuff,,,far away Where's 'time' now,,,this New Year's day? I've been up all night playing hide and seek in 'Quantumland' Now you see me,,,,,,,,no,,,, you 'don't':eek_big: