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Blake McFfarland

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Everything posted by Blake McFfarland

  1. I think I agree, but I have not been exposed to this kind of theory before. I will certainly give it a go. Thank you for the input=)
  2. welll this cetainly is interesting but lacks explination. Would you be so kind as to elaborate on this?
  3. well asserted. Why, however, does this effect the quality of life here in the states. Is it absolutely needed and on what grounds is it justified?
  4. Den katalaveno ftino German hope my greek is helpful.
  5. Thank you for the advice, but i much rather perfer you explain to me your opinion of the situation.
  6. I do believe you slightly adjusted Dr. Einsteins words. He stated "If quantum mechanics is right, then the world must be crazy." This was not by any means used to assert that quantum mechanics is wrong, for he also crossed the lines of science by directly asserting, that for it to be right the world would have to be crazy. This however, is not far from accurate. See, one of the basis of quantum mechanics is that uncertainty will exist even in the most stable of conditions. Therefore, by definition of crazy, also synonymous with disorganized, we can clearly infer from this that he was not completely at odds with quantum mechanics, he just believed that its boundaries where not yet defined. Which leads me to the greater importance here. What are the boundaries, if there are any at all?
  7. I find your claims interesting, but answer me this. To whom decides the limits of a non space for which the very measurement of change(time) stabilizes uncertainty. It seems to me that your claims state the contrary of contemporary science. Is it that you are suggesting that the governing dynamics of our cosmos are actually static, for you clearly claimed that if anything entered this non space then our universe as we know it would not exist. Therefore, you are also stating indirectly that time cannot therefor exist for it is the measurement of the rate of change and change would bring about destruction of our universe.
  8. I donot believe that all the options here have been explored. I would much rather have you elaborate on your meaning before I make random and feasibly incoherent assertions based off of your information.
  9. ty for ur intrest in my research. My transition has been my focus for sometime and i appreciate u creating a window for me to use this time as a medium to express my situation. My family has suffered rather significant losses that have driven us to the U.S., for clearity of this occurence. My mother and father have been divorced for some time leaving me imbalanced in social situations. As a result, my mother believed it wold be more benificial for me to experience the social diversity of american life. I cannot say that I find america unappealing. My problem lies in my acquired sense of hostility towards war, and this is no land of peace. In fact now that the topic has clearly changed, I would like it if u would be so kind as to explain to me the significance of the current war or police action that is taking place.
  10. tere is how u say hello in estonian. I was born in greece, but I am currently living in Charlotte Michigan attending Michigan State University. I am currently undergoing extensive study in areas of quantum philosophy and logic. I desire to one day alter or elaborate on the anti-materialistic arts of plato's theory of forms. I look forward to being in a community as well reconized as hypography.
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