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Grains reacted to a post in a topic: Economics business.The Sub-prime Crisis. How bad is it?
Dude, I didn't take a day off of work this week to beat mini golf so you could just make whatever score you want! :):):) Not fair!!! :evil::evil::evil:
LOL...there is alot of +1 lives. I was telling freeze I had to kill myself just because I was so sick of playing. Actually to get the 86 million wasn't hard at all. About 15 min. The key to this game is to pick up the $ sign bags and add up the bonus then get 16x multipler. When you are getting 2,500,000 points for every guy you kill it gets up there fast! Your hexxagon score is awesome. I cannot touch it. I've got a new strategy of just trying to take all the pieces at the very beginning we will see if it works.
I was so happy to see the Star Wars as well! :) Lets go with that one!
Z, thanks for posting this and clearing up any confusion. You are absolutely correct. I found this graph which is helpful as well. I attached it to this message.
Sorry distracting was not the right word. I was trying to say distracting in the since of you post somewhere like the political forum and then go off somewhere else and your thinking, "has someone repost since I left" and you go back. All I was basically trying to get at is what are the most popular/hot issues on hypography in your eyes. Sorry for the confusion!
Turtle reacted to a post in a topic: Our Arcade is back up
Does anybody play world of warcraft? I have fallen to my master. I cannot stop playing this game. It is effecting my life, work, etc. Do not play this game if you have not. :):) For those of you who have played please let me know!!! I need help!!! Seriously!!!
I recently noticed that a majority of the most popular threads (they show up on the right of the screen when I sign in) have to do with specific topics. Please let me know which topics you think would be *MOST* popular on hypography. By most I mean the most distracting, irritable, you know the usual suspects that cause our moderators to devote a lot of attention to. :hihi::):hyper::hyper: Here is what I have so far. Please re-rank if you feel necessary. This is going to turn into a moderators soap box :hihi::):lol: 1) Theology 2) Politics 3) Environment 4) Social Sciences (I am grouping: same sex marriage, etc into this category) 5)??? Please let me know. Thanks,
**PARANOID FEELING COMES OVER GRAINS** All of hypography is against me. Must play more acrade....yes must play more precious....precious arcade. :):hyper::hyper:
No. Sorry I WILL post facts for things that are unusual or would draw a curious eye but if you don't know this for yourself your going to have to go do a little research for yourself. How long have we had a deficit???? I don't buy into the crap like neo-liberal or neo-conservative. It's crap. It is liberal and its conservative. It was not a personal remark towards Reason or anyone else, a lot of these terms like this (neo-hippie, western world, neo-marxism, BARF!!!. I just hate all this crap the world comes out with. Liberal and Conservative are what defines it today. No reason to ADD the word NEO and wrap it in a pretty package. It's just so stupid. Sorry just an issue I hate and am dealing with through therapy!!! Sorry this really is something I just hate and has nothing to do with anything so just let it go. Ill start a thread on this one day when I have the patience! :) It's personal !!!! :):hyper::hyper: i would like to clarify something. I was wrong. Veto's have been used much more than I thought. I guess I was viewing major issues. Thank god for you and me he did in regards to war actions. One day you will see. I guarantee it :) (You will get the humor of this when you read below) And by the way, congress did to. As well, people, please don't respond to me about this war stuff. I don't care about your opinion on Bush and the war just as well as you don't care about mine so just don't touch this. I refuse to have 8 pages worth of argument on war which segues away from the topic and moderators have to come in and break people apart and possibly (me saying something really stupid ;)) and all that crap. It's not going to happen. Or at least with me its not. If you try to connect war to McCain/Palin/Republican and being Bush in panties or something I will not respond as well. Logic tied to Whoopie Goldberg/female clothing/strippers/ and other things of that nature will not be touched by me as well. Simply for that old rule. I am bad with quotes. I saw Modest help somebody earlier so maybe he can help me to because I am bad at this quote stuff. Something about be careful arguing with a fool because it is hard to tell who the fool is. Modest, please help :) Presidential Vetoes Your comparing Reagen to Obama Actors without much resistance.....HAH!!! Democratic senator imdeiately trumped as inexperienced. Freeztar, Obama has less experience then any presidential candidate we have had. Yes, that constitutes a trump! Really, are you arguing this one! Really! McCain has bipartisan relationships and a history. Obama does not, well ok, 1. "While the senator's rhetoric certainly speaks of post-partisan unity, his record lacks the supporting substance. This is well demonstrated by a recent appearance on Fox News. When Chris Wallace challenged him to name an example of reaching across party lines, Obama could only name his February 2005 vote for the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA), which passed the Senate 72-26. But if this is his example of bipartisan support, it leaves much to be desired." The rest of the article is great read on. AEI - Short Publications - How Bipartisan Is Obama? Seriously! Bush might look like a deer in headlights and stutter but at least he can get through his speech without wasting time and not even knowing what to say. YouTube - Obama can't talk without reading a script Well it wasn't better off with Clinton! Clinton Environmental Record Justifies Criticism - The Tech The environmentalist swing to the liberal side for reasons unapparent except for "Big Oil" and the media. Many conservatives are doing great things with the environment. Just like not all liberals want to tax people or not all liberals are evil blood hounds sent from hell (:):lol:;)). All of you please look into Republican Environmental Contributions. All I am asking is for a look. The media has painted a pretty picture but don't let it manipulate your thought. You don't have to like it and you can come up with a hundred reasons not to like it but just know it is there and it is happening it just wouldn't be fair to give attention to it, or at least the media feels that way. You are correct though. Both parties suck at it. That is why it needs to be in private hands!!! Republicans for Environmental Protection Do I hear CNN on your channels!!! I know you can find a thousand things against republicans and environment just like I can democrats and environment. Just please do some research. There is some good out there. ROFL Even democrats have come out and said it is a sad day for the democrats because of Russia. I welcome your gurantee and accept it. I now hold the Freeztar personal gurantee. A gurantee should not be use loosely. We shall see come debate time if your gurantee is guaranteed! I will hold you to this one. :):):) :doh::doh::doh: I just hate that he fist bumps and looks good in a speedo! (People who don't understand me, I am just trying to lighten up heated issues after a debate/post/whatever and I hope you play along. Freeztar understands this and it is good to maintain compassion, laughter and fellowship if we want to get through this.) Or at least I think so. :hihi::hyper::hihi:
coldcreation reacted to a post in a topic: Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin
Absolutely agree. But let us remember the current deficit was not created all by this congress and president. I disagree with you here. Just because the government may get the money here does not mean it is spent here. Money in the hands of our government is a lost cause. Look at any major government project and they have a deficit. Government cannot be efficient. It needs competition. I myself lay more on the libertarian side on these issues. I like this diagram. Government Spending Diagram Agreed! The only part I disagree with is that they are not as bad as liberals. I also don't buy into all of this neo stuff. I absolutely think you can rely on McCain. I think him and Palin together are a tough team who WILL clean up Washington. They both have success in balancing budgets and they have taken care or corruption. The resume does not get better than that for what we need right now. What worries me about Obama is that he has never balanced a budget, never worked in a bi-partisan effort, and never has cleaned up corruption. i am looking for the resume that I think fits the job description. You asked me if I think I can rely on McCain, I do. Again, I don't get all into that media stuff like "maverick", "neo", etc, so I cannot really comment on all of that. I respectfully disagree. There will be more clogging in my eyes. He will be stopped by his own party. He will try to get people to come to his side and since he has no relationships will be forced into approving things he wouldn't otherwise approve to gain that relationship to pull for something on his side. All presidents must do this but he is going to have to do A LOT of it because he has no major political connections. I agree with you. The president these days has little to do with much except VETOs and we rarely see that power even used. I completely agree that advisors, cabinet, and staffers are crucial. I think however you are not giving Palin enough credit. Alot of what I am hearing about Palin on this message board sounds like an echo of CNBC in the background. I am not saying you by the way. I think Palin has a great track record. Again, she has balanced a budget and fought corruption. Again, I find it funny when people say they don't know much about Palin when she has more of a consistent (or even saying Yay or Nay) voting record and actions that define her then Obama. I enjoyed your comments and agree with a lot of what you have to say. Do I think McCain/Palin is the perfect But I absolutely think Obama has no business at what he is getting in to and think he would be the worst choice out of everyone. Reasons being. 1) Unexperienced- no explanation necessary 2) No Connections- Easily manipulated allowing for corruption 3) Speech- You think Bush is 4) Self Righteous- no explanation necessary 5) Environment- He signed on to Bob Dole's environmental proposal has none of his own. Well he didn't have any of his own right before democratic nominee campaign. Now he has a whole bunch he whipped up last minute. You know what happens to project whipped up last minute. 6) Consistency- None there. Look at democratic campaign to prez. campaign. 7) Allegiance- I don't take the campaigning in another country likely. I think if he wants to run for World president he needs to go take it up with the UN. 8) Vice President- I think he is an a**hole and his track record makes me want to throw up. 9) Strength- i don't think he has the cohunas to deal with Russia and that makes me very nervous right now. 10) He looks to good in a speedo to be a president :hyper::hyper::singer::hyper:
I wish I was an unemployed teenager!!! More time for hypography games!!! :hyper: :singer: :hyper: I have been playing games for a lonnnnng time and is by far my favorite pass time. That buggin game is by far the hardest one in the forum. I first started playing and was like how the heck did this guy get this score. Then I just kept on working with it. I think a little luck came into it as well with that game. If it makes anyone feel any better I stayed home today because I was on to late playing all these games! :D
I am sorry but your comment really astonishes me. First, personally I care about a hundred dollars. A hundred dollars compounded annually at 8% over 30 years adding an additional $100 each year comes out to over $12,000. That is one hell of trip traveling the world when I retire. :singer: Second, the overall impact is what we have to look at not just if you care as an individual about losing $100. The overall tax revenue from the government increases filtering it into a lost system instead of keeping it in the hands of Americans who could pump it back into the economy. It is not just the impact on you its the impact as a whole.
So if Obama now supports the pipeline in Alaska and Obama is sent from God, then it really is God's will..:singer::hyper::singer::hyper::D:hihi: Sorry I had to throw in a little humor!
On January 1st 2006 was an important day for baby boomers. It begins an extended cycle of a baby boomer turning 60 every 7.7 seconds. Now that the largest group in America is heading into retirement and only about 60% of these individuals feel "retirement ready" we have to examine Obamas' intended increase of the capital gains rate. The market is hurting. Financials and real estate are down. Yield curves in the fixed income market are in disarray and two of the largest holders of mortgages and providers of fixed income are financially tapped. Now is not the time to be raising capital gains Mr. Obama. You would send the economy into a depression and hurt millions of baby boomers retirements in the process. Which means increased taxes for the generations to come which would fiscally break America in years to come for future generations. Investment and funding in the equity markets would pull back tremendously which obviously would create a downtrend only reenforcing the current down market. I urge you all to read or listen to this letter to Obama from Bill Miller, one of the best fixed income managers in the world. PIMCO - Investment Outlook - July 2008 "Dear President Obama:" I used to thing hands down Obama was going to be president. I now think that will not happen and here are my reasons why. 1) Clinton is against him. I know your looking at the screen saying did you watch that democratic convention and my answer is, "yes, did you." I urge you to go to youtube and re-listen to Bill's speech. He talks about how Obama made his greatest choice yet by choosing experience. Hmmm. Think about that. By choosing Biden it was his greatest choice because he choose experience. Is that not what McCain has that Obama lacks. Clinton then goes on to say with Biden's experience, connections, etc comes Obama's "imagination" and "wishful thinking" or something like that. Think about these words. Bill Clinton is the greatest politician I have seen. By the way, I do not like him. He is amazing the way he can swoon America and his political stamina is unmatchable. In the back rooms of this election I believe Hilary and Bill are telling their supporters this is what I am worried about with Obama and it will filter through their ranks. You can call me crazy and think this is completely ridiculous and that is fine. But I know Bill and Hillary and they want an 2012 Hillary ticket. 2) You guys can continue to smash Palin all you want she did a great job in her speech. The polls indicate that by a long shot. First she had higher ratings as well she had an outstanding approval rating. Higher then her counterpart. Here are the links for you fact buffs. Rasmussen Reports: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a presidential election. Palin Nabs Highest '08 Broadcast TV Convention Ratings - TVWeek - News I hope the media continues to pounce on her and talk about how she has no chance against Biden in debate. I remember similar comments from the Gore/Bush campaign when they said Bush has no chance against Gore. Well during the debate Bush did great (even democrats said he won the debate) and pushed him into the lead. So keep on talking her down media, I love it. They currently hold the lead but should give a larger spread if she wins the debate. As well, Palin is frequently compared to Obama on her experience. Hello anyone out there? Does anybody else see something very fundamentally wrong with this? They are smashing Palin (a VP candiate!!!) for having less experience (2 years) then Obama (Presidential Candidate!!!). Do you see what I am driving here? If Palin is not qualified based on experience then what does that make of Obama folks? 3) Obama has not track record. He talks of change. That's great! What kind of change. What are you going to do? What have you done in the past? What is change? Besides raising taxes on the upper class Kind of brings back memories. Anybody remember this one. "It depends on what the definition of is, is" Well Mr. Obama what is your definition of change. 4) People continue to tell me well Obama is leading the polls. Well first, not anymore. Second, even with his trips to other countries and all of this hype around him he has been tied for a very long time with McCain. That does not bode well for him. Obama wants to increase taxes on the upper middle class. News flash for people out there! Just in case you don't consider yourself upper middle class or "upper class" or "rich", here is a little barometer. If you are married and filing jointly and make over $90,000 combined, or you are filing single and make $62,500, and have college education you are the upper middle class. The same class he is talking about taxing. Do no think that if you are skating right around those numbers it doesn't through you into the pot. Well one might say wait a second. I'm not rich, I don't feel rich, what do you mean I am apart of the upper middle class. Exactly folks. When he says tax the upper class he means you. Don't think that when he says he is going to tax the upper class that does not mean the upper limits of the middle class as well. About $35,000-$40,000 individual income. I seriously hope that this man does not get elected. We all are in for one hell of a "CHANGE" in deed if he does. In closing. Why should you vote for Obama? Because he stands for change, he fist bumps, and looks damn good in a speedo. :singer: