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  1. So with nuclear fusion, making lead into gold is possible, not just myth?
  2. In a way it can, it does spread with more material that it ignites and when that material ignites, there's identical fire with the same traits as all fire does, red/yellow/blue and HOT! now it might not be genetic, but it is chemical, and traits are the same
  3. radiation is near transmuting but inst there a way to shoot protons at other protons hard enough to force its change to a different element? like shoot 1 Hydrogen atom to another and now you get Helium?
  4. I guess there's ways of quitting smoking and AIDS... not so much cure for cravings, not for lowered white blood cell count, good point but still
  5. ...............................
  6. Okay I know that the orbits of Neptune and Pluto cross paths, why is this so?
  7. Just a question, If we evolved from lower species, (e.g. men from apes) then why are there still apes left? shouldn't they have evolved into extinction to something even more evolutionary?
  8. I kinda have a knack at reading peoples minds.. perhaps its just knowing the facial expression to well, but its pretty easy to tell when someones lieing with a pokerface on too, so id say, reading minds?
  9. the title is kinda like 'why have sex when AIDS will kill you?' lol anyways good luck guys with the quitting plans!
  10. didn't see that, sorry
  11. What type of expanding? Explosions? shock waves?
  12. Everyone wants power. Its what they want to do with that power that makes them dangerous. The president on a bad day, could probably kill everyone on the earth. So when you have power over the earth, what would you do? Natural reaction would be to make it better, right?
  13. I plan to study after im through college, Alchemy. Where should i begin? ive already done research about famous alchemists such as Nicholas Flamel. I'm interested in the power of transmutation and Quintessence. I know Alchemy just sounds like science in magic but, cant stop myself from liking it so much!
  14. so obviously in this case a diamond house would be the stupidest thing to build a house for. but wood would shatter just as easily.. so the only thing that can be still intact is a concrete nuclear fallout shelter?
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