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  1. First, ALL Muslims believe in the Holy Qur'an. However, yet in VIII century came some Muslim interpreters, who stated, that the Qur'an doesn't fully fit the so called "Hidden table" of Allah. Sure, not all deeds of Muhammad may be example of moral behavior for modern people. I believe, that these two basic settings MUST turn mandatory for islamic teachings both for schoolchildren and High education. All versions of Islam, which don't fit these two demands, are not welcomed.
  2. I'm forced to quote Myself: "Islam isn't better, than previous religions, Judaism and Christianity". You just quote Bible to support my assertion. Please, red one more time my previous comment. Where, exactly, I'm wrong? Nobody urges the Jews or Christians to kill Egyptian first-borns. Moses himself killed only one Egyptian, who mocked a Jew slave. All "Egyptian executions" had performed cruel God himself. Instead, Muhammad just took the role of Allah and punished "unbelievers" through Jihad. Muslims simply follow Muhammad's example and teachings. They learn Qur'an thoroughly. They live it. Live Muhammad's life in Mecca, the wars of Medina. From Muslim point of view, Muhammad's beating of Jews continues up to this day, in the form of beating Israel. This is precisely what have been tought Iran and other schoolchildren. They know, that their moral duty is to free Palestine, to free Jerusalem, to behave haughtily towards "infidels" and "unbelievers"'. And to sacrifice their lives, or at least participate Jihad giving money. All this in XXI, not XX century. You actually claim, that the problem doesn't exist, or maybe the pregnancy would disappear without result.
  3. All attempts to pacify Palestinians due to far-reaching concessions (Oslo etc) have failed, such is our collective experience. In their attempts to annihilate Jews, the Palestinians continue to relay on all possible anti-Semitic powers. Here's the historic line of Palestine Patrons: Turkish Empire (Turkish sultans were Caliphs of islamic Ummah), then (after Britons violated their promises to create whole-Arab State), the Palestinians turned to Hitler's help (Rommel, obviously, headed to Palestine). Then Britons together with de Gaulle released Hitler's pupil Al Husseini and brought him to Palestine (1946). Out of 5 Arab states, which participated this attempt to annihilate Jews, 3 were British allies (Egypt, Jordan and Palestine), while 2 were French allies (Syria and Lebanon). Then came Nasser, USSR, Saddam Hussein, Arab League, Iran's Ayatollahs. Currently we face Iran-led coalition, which includes HAMAS, Hizbullah and Syria. Abu Mazen is joining this coalition, due to reconciliation with HAMAS. Probably, Putin will give assistance to this additional attempt to annihilate Israel. At the bottom line, the main obstacle to peace is just Palestinian reliance on anti-Semites, who promise to annihilate Israel. Currently, such "benevolent friends" play Iran and Hizbullah, together with Western anti-Semites like BDS.
  4. In the past, religions and ideologies, indeed, served pretext to mass crimes: Christianity, Nazis, Communist regimes, imperialist regimes, some nationalists etc. But all old ideologies transformed or gone. Only Islam is "in duty". Let's imagine, that Christianity remained in its VII century shape, or Hitler was welcomed as a model of pacifism. Or the USSR was not confronted by NATO. Aggression must be confronted, otherwise it win. From the point of view of humanist teaching, Islam isn't better, than its predecessors, Judaism and Christianity. Qur'an lacks humanism. Be sure to read Qur'an and to understand Muhammad's promise. Not occasionally, Muhammad was forced to compel his teaching by force, namely "Jihad". Caliphs continued Muhammad's way, together they developed believe and social system, which fit perfectly the goal, that is conquest and power in the name of Islam. Supremacy is the core of Islam. The main obstacle for "humanization" of Islam is Muhammad himself. He was successful politician and conqueror, and here is the problem. Because of lack of other moral commandments, Muslims try to imitate their model, Muhammad. Let's imagine, that all human beings behave like politicians and cruel conquerors... Just such behavior we distinguish in Muslim countries. Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Turkey, Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Pakistan... And this is prototype of the World Caliphate.
  5. And here's how this works: Christians, Muslims, & More AGAINST Evil Zionism : mam7jmm Nibiru/Aliens/ETVs … This community is «Christians, Muslims & More AGAINST evil zionists.» THE ONLY GROUP THAT IS THE ENEMY OF HUMANITY ON EARTH IS THE zionists THAT COME IN MANY DECEPTIVE FORMS; they are THE ONLY TARGET HERE. The zionists are anti-islam. Christians are not anti-islam. The zionists are anti-christian. Muslims are not anti-christian. STAY FOCUSED AND RECOGNIZE «satan» WHEN it REARS its COWARDLY MOST UNCLEAN HEAD. Take care and GOD bless! We must go. Yet in 2014, Pope Francis demonstrated his support to Palestine Cause by performing prayer under Defensive fence between Israel and Palestine. Then in 2017 he declared, that Islam has no connection with islamist terror. At the bottom line, Pope tries to pacify Muslim extremists on the basis of anti-Semitism, which is common value for Islam and Christianity. Just along the line, specified by above islamist anti-Semitic ideolog.
  6. Unfortunately, an anti-Semitic assault participate much more than 2 parties. For centuries, we are target of numerous anti-Semitic powers. Currently, built-in islamic anti-Semitism, together with worldwide "New" anti-Zionist anti-semitism, have replaced old bankrupted forms of anti-Semitism like Christian, Nazi and Bolshevik form. This conflict between Jews and anti-Semites is extrimely unbalanced, and Palestinian people take this opportunity to annihilate Israel. Worldwide anti-Semitism is the main obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine.
  7. Palestinians, not Israel, have overturned Oslo process. Palestinians have rejected all far-reaching Israel's proposals and concessions, made after Oslo (this includes Obama/John Kerry plan). The Palestinian people voted for HAMAS, islamist party, which proclaims genocide of the Jews and makes practical preparations for implementation of this program. This very topic deals, inter alia, with HAMAS-Hezbollah-Syria-Iran preparations for "final solution" of Middle East Jewish question. In such situation the People of Israel have legal right to defend themselves. Not Netanyahu, but prevailing majority of israelis came to the conclusion, that Palestinians don't want peace in exchange for any Israel's concessions. Regarding occupation, so, according to the international law, occupation is one of legal means to prevent aggression. Therefore, Israeli occupation of the West Bank is legal and just. The essence of my proposal is to make this occupation yet more legal and more grounded from moral point of view. Regarding "critics" of Israel, in existing circumstances this "critics" demands, at the bottom line, self-annihilation of the Jewish state. It justifies Iranian-led preparations for the genocide of the Jews. Undoubtedly, this "critics" is anti-Semitic in the worst sense, it is genocidal.
  8. PEACE NOW (Taken from «United with Israel» mail): “Palestinian leader Abbas did not demand that Hamas cease to seek Israel’s destruction, as a previous report had claimed. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has refuted a report citing an alleged demand by PA head Mahmoud Abbas that members of the Hamas terror group must recognize Israel if they want to be included in the cabinet of a unity government. Haaretz reported Monday that Abbas made the statement during a meeting with 12 former Israeli lawmakers at the PA headquarters in Ramallah. In response to the report, Abbas’s office said, “The presidency denies the remarks attributed to the president by Haaretz.’” Both the US and Israel stated in October that they would not negotiate with any Palestinian unity government that includes Hamas as long as the terror group refuses to recognize Israel, among other conditions.” … “Yet Yahya Sinwar, the political chief of Hamas in Gaza, said in response that “gone is the time in which Hamas discussed recognition of Israel. The discussion now is about when we will wipe out Israel.” Hamas and Abbas’s Fatah party recently signed a reconciliation agreement that would end PA sanctions on Gaza and restore a PA-controlled government in the coastal territory by December 1. Israel announced that it will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with the PA after it signed a reconciliation deal with the Hamas terror group.” Therefore I insist, that Israel must temporary resolve the problem of the Palestinian independence by the one-sided recognizing of the existing twofold Palestine state. Let Palestine turn full member of anti-Semitic UN. In any case they belong to anti-Semites. In another hand, we must announce war on this aggressive, islamist state, which seeks annihilation of Israel by the means of a war, terror and anti-Semitic propaganda. It means, Israel must continue all existing security measures, that is we must prolong the existing occupation of the West Bank and (partial) blockade of Gaza. Both measures are legal under International law. In addition, Israel must perform the one-sided implementation of Oslo accords, that is formal annexation of the “C” zone, where seat all Jews of the West Bank. This Oslo border may be changed in the way, which fits the international law, that is only through a new peace agreement between Israel and Palestine, for example, on the basis of land and population “swaps”. Naturally, HAMAS must sign such agreement, along with FATAH government.
  9. I've completed this topic by adding some conclusions. Pleas, re-read the completed topic "Naqba".
  10. «Politically correct truth» says that Islam, in general, is the right religion, but some Muslims misunderstand it. But My personal experience, as well as the collective experience of non-Muslims, says exactly opposite: most of the Muslims we face in our life are good people. But when Muslims unite and act collectively, for example, as part of a religious-political movement, or an army, or a nation, or an «Islamic ummah,» they commit mass crimes. There are a lot of examples. Today, the so-called Islamists are eager for nuclear weapons and threaten to destroy this planet, in the name of Allah and Muhammad. Common sense says that the problem are not the Muslims as people, but the Islamic religion. Even a cursory analysis shows that the deeds and teachings of Muhammad cannot serve an example of the moral behavior of Muslims towards non-Muslims, both in everyday life and in politics. The fact that non-Muslims make up the majority on this planet does not matter to Muhammad, he believes that «non-Muslim cannot be equal to a Muslim». Accordingly, the «politically correct» behavior of non-Muslims only confirms the basic message of Muhammad: Muslims will win, even if today they are minority and are weak. Anyway, Muslims must attack the «infidels» in the name of Islam, in all ways, from war to bribery and treachery. «The infidels» will either turn to Islam, or submit and will pay a tax, or they will be destroyed. The goal justifies the means — this is the essence of the doctrine of Muhammad as a politician. We all have to understand that the victory of such Islam is the way to the end of the Mankind, that is, the apocalypse. This is not only a nuclear baton in the hands of Islamists. Equally important is the principle that «the goal justifies the means». Islamic policy generates conflicts within the «Islamic ummah». Today’s wars between Muslims are a consequence of islamist doctrine. These «internal» conflicts between Muslims are unavoidable, and they serve as a prototype of the future «World caliphate», that is, the world domination of the Muslims. If we all become Muslims, then we will destroy each other mutually. In other words, the World Caliphate means Apocalypse, or the End of the World. In order to avoid this End of the World, which threatened Muhammad in his Qur’an, the «infidels» together with non-Jihadist Muslims are obliged to render firm resistance to jihad in all its forms and manifestations, and simultaneously to explain to all Muslims, where they are wrong. Instead of «politically correct» chatter and concessions in matters of principle, the Justice should become the basis of the international community’s policy towards the Muslims,. It also means that the «infidels» have to correct themselves in order to be saved from the Islamist apocalypse. Morality must return to our daily life and politics, otherwise all will perish physically. Politicians are obliged to stop their habitual intrigues and lies, we must stop massive corruption, exploitation and trafficking drugs. We all must begin correcting ourselves and uniting against Jihad. The reform of Islam, which many Muslims talk about, must be radical, otherwise it will fix nothing. The international community must help Muslims proclaiming «Islam with a human face,» even if they are not the majority in their countries. The dream of democracy in the countries of Islam will have to be postponed until Islam is radically reformed, or lose its influence. Those Muslims who are fighting against aggressive Islam, like Al Sissi in Egypt and Gulen in Turkey, are right, even if they remain minority in their countries. Just these people must implement the reform of Islam, and create Islam with a human face as an alternative to Islamist aggression. Until they win, even the most pleasant Muslims will remain potential enemies, capable at any moment turn beasts «in the name of Islam.» At the bottom line, the best way to reassure and convince Muslims is to take hard line of Justice.
  11. This question needs exploration. I cannot answer it.
  12. Correct, My intention is to explain, that Carnot Cycle doesn't play outside classic heat engines.
  13. Well, there are already proved hydrogen vehicles, produced by Toyota, Honda and Hyundai: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_vehicle
  14. Yes, it's the hypothesis in my mind. I'm just trying to prove it.
  15. The aim is just the saving of gas.
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