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  1. Nope but have the proof like everyone agrees on quantum physics Facebook pages...mass likes. How do you and why do you think America has the only world's stealth fighter jet for? It can lock onto enemy radar towers and jets and fire/destroy them before they even detect their jets. The Jewish owned afterlife Lockheed Martin gave the Jewish 9/11 CIA the technology 100%. They used psychics = Hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes to tell them afterlife technology. Now read this and tell me how many things add up and how many coincidence is there are? We can only detect America's stealth jet fighter at an distance that is no good "because" they can fire and forgot hitting radar tower and jets before they can be detected. I believe anyway that they are playing electronics dumb and are 100% stealth to any distance....Not that it matters because they can fire and forget hitting them targets destroying them before being detected.
  2. His tripping a. Have you read all the coincidences on my 2 post on this forum + seen my proven premonitions on this page with photo and on oblique weapons Facebook page with original post and original days before and after come true? This guy makes no sense bro a....Even if it sounds that crazy there is proof to back me up 100%. All the quantum physics Facebook page I post on have mass likes and shares.
  3. Actually I made the New Zealand volcano because the psychics / CIA and Jewish in the afterlife can't believe I can do them. They asked me to do a premonition so I said an volcano will happen in the outskirts of NZ. The CIA/psychics/Jewish in the after life said will people die? I said only if you want them to because I don't. Consciously they said yes and people died, so I made an premonition for the CIA and America the next day and that was an earthquake in California would be a medium sized one that wouldn't kill people but they will feel the shake and my Force...it also come true. With that attitude I'll give you the lotto numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6.... Good luck with that. Don't you believe in an afterlife? Brains are only quantum computer with electrons and atom's in both brain and quantum computers? Hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes take an wavelength signal. The lobes make an chemical reaction and an wavelength signal is an chemical reaction? Why do you think Lockheed Martin has an stealth jet fighter for? 9/11 the Jewish and Lockheed Martin in the afterlife brand down technology. And I assure you them jet fighters on the right setting are 100% stealth.
  4. Did you know double slit shot test is subconsciousness consciousness? The brain is an computer we all know that with electrons and atom's in brain and quantum computers. The hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes are how we get down & uploded...photos shows. The hidden frontal lobes have chemical reaction so it's proof they take an wavelength as an wavelength is an chemical? Slit shot test confuses everyone because when they try use an electron with an camera that detects the pattern it goes crazy mixing up the area it hits, and the electrons go crazy brake up into 2 like "teleporting" one electron to an different area, when only one electron is fired it teleports an new one out of thin air turning to Two hits on that wall. It's an consciousness program for the program we are spiritual...crazy hu. We are spiritual consciousness and the brain is an computer program but slit shot is consciousness not a program. The gov knows double slit shot test is an program and are only showing the public because they need help to crack it....They are beyond evil the people in the afterlife in charge working with CIA down here are trying to wipe me out... They communicate like psychics hear voices....The hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes are how the communicate down here and can put people under mind control to lobes like hipnoting people also "Adolf Hitler" 9 years of Parkinson disease in 4 weeks. Why? Because on hidden frontal mind control, they can stop you from dying from diseases and as it doesn't stop the DNA from changing, it allows the body to ignore disease's why not showing any symptoms unto you take them off mind control. Hitler had to take cianide pill to kill himself and the war could of been one faster "but" they took him off mind control so he could take the posion or everyone would have known that it wasn't working for a reason. The company in the afterlife is Lockheed Martin I hear working with the Jewish. Trying to wipe out me the Soul Creator God but have failed....you can just click on Scott Ryan my name and go to my open profile wall and read 4 post down and proof that I'm the Soul Creator known as God...deadset serious.
  5. Yes but then we tax per part and gives us taxes to create more jobs. Self service checkouts should have the same tax put on them now. Taxes per customers use of them...1 hour = $18 dollars tax. If we did my self funding idea, we would want robots because not many people would need to work. Self funding sees us go into debt each country average population size of 25 million by $460 billion dollars "paying back the debt" as we get the money. So we borrow $460 billion GDP interest is 5% so say 6% and we self fund people's water power bills and self fund hospital's saving tax money. I worked out that $460 billion dollars self funds water & power bills "+" saves the public $31,000 taxes from hospital taxes over 3 years. The good thing about self funding is once you fund it, it's self funded for life by interest interest. So if I give each state in Australia $11.5 billion dollars and like Adelaide with water bills 3* more then other states, we can self funded it for life like this.. Adelaide water department clears and makes profit of $320 million pa. 5% of $11.5 billion dollars in an interest fund is $575 million dollars pa. We hand $320 million to the water department and are left over with $255 million Dollars. We put back in that $255 million dollars each year from interest, and it makes 5% pa to give the department a rise of $25 million dollars every 2 years or something like $140 million dollar rise in cost and profits every 10 years..... That's how you self fund for life. We may go into debt but we ant paying 6%pa interest. That's because we are going to collect the public's water and power bills every month bills for the last time they pay for them. That means within an month or say 3 months, I ruffly collecting 25% of that $460 billion dollars "so" 6 months time I got 50% of that money we borrowed. The point is that each month I collect it, I can pay back the debt. In 6 months time, I have payback 50% of it or better yet, just stick it in an interest fund making 6% pa also. This means the 6% I borrow the $460 billion dollars for only turns out to be less then 1% to borrow it....Just tax the public $25 each for an 1 off tax and that 1% is paid for...No more water or power bills, and in each state 5 big hospitals are self funding for life from $12 billion each making $625 million dollars pa to cover their running cost. Adelaide only has 4 big hospitals same as other state's "so" really 3 bug hospitals in Sydney and Qld Mel can have a budget off $775 million dollars. I think you get the point. The hole would can self fund now saving the public $62,000 pa within 6 years time. 12 years time the government will save another well save for its self $60,000 pa. Now $60,000 * 27 million people = $5 trillion dollars ish extra in revenue.
  6. Self funding by borrowing = debt money payed back within an year. Read this first because it explains how it works... This is how it works but confuses People. You miss understand. I'm borrowing that X billion dollars and still collecting the money. So I borrow $460 billion dollars but they the public are still paying 25% off that $460 billion dollars every 3 months...I'm in essence getting that money for free because the public is paying me 50% back in 6 months and I ether pay that loan back faster or invest the money making more money/interest. So the public are going to have to pay that bill money ether way. This way I self fund it and pay 1.2% extra. So really I'm getting the money for free because after 3 months, im getting it as it comes in so I'm really paying 1.2% interest on the loan money "so after that year" everyone gets a final water bill off $75 dollars and never pay a water bill again "self funded" for life, and that $75 = 1.2% interest...Free. So X billion means nothing. I borrow $460 billion dollars for 6% pa interest but make back 25% in 3 months, then 50% in 6 months that not only makes me money, it also pays back the debt at the start midway and end.... I'm pretty much getting the money for free to sell funds the budget for life and interest interest. So after 1 year it's budget is all paid for and the public gets free water and now they save $15,000 each pa.... Almost. So I have found an crazy best idea ever system that will make every country rich including the public 😉. 3 years time the public save $31,000 dollars from $1.4 tillion dollars and we are doing it for almost free.. Don't forget it's self funded for life by putting back in some of the Interest made to pay for an rise in budget cost every year or 37% rise every 10 years for life. It's just not having that huge sum on me that prevents me from doing it, so we borrow it and do it that way. This is how the world is saved.....self funding. We simply borrow $450 billion every 1 year and pay it back every year. This way you would pay it back every 1 year, that sees the public save $15,000 extra in their wallets every year, we borrow $460 billion dollars. Example. This is how we self fund it for life. Ok self fund Adelaide water department for life will cost $11.5 billion dollars. Adelaide has the most expensive water bills in the country "3* more then other states" so we hand it $11.5 billion dollars in a 100% safe 5% pa making interest fund, making $575 million every year. Adelaide water company makes $320 million dollars profit pa, so we hand it $320 million dollars from $575 million dollars, and leave "every year" the extra/leftover $255 million in the interest fund making interest interest. So now the water department can have a rise of 5% of $255 million dollars pa forever.....It's like $12 million dollar rise in profit and cost every year forever.....10 years time it can have an $130 million dollar increase every year.... Interest has saved up bring in more money = money to rise each year. 5 states = $60 billion dollars, saving the public $1,000 - $3,500 pa in water savings... poor use minimum wealthy use more and the rich even more. Average the saving evenly everyone saves $2,000 dollars pa so far for life. Now we spend $20 billion dollars on 5 massive $4 billion dollars each coal power plants or 5 nuclear power plants. Now add cost of wages and coal pa to power it billions pa.. .same thing $80 billion dollars in the interest fund living off the internet interest for life. We are talking about $100 billion dollars max to self fund free power to the public for life in an interest fund. PS power companies combined make $40 billion pa....that means in 3 years time it pays for it's self + at same time the public is paying taxes and for power unto years and years time "then" $50k savings pa minimum. Some will self fund faster then i others. We will compisate each power company $1 billion dollars so $20 billion added. Really we buy the power plants off them for $3 billion dollars and expand $1 billion dollar extra on the power plant in each state that foundation is ready to expand by a huge amount at any time.....This way the $100 billion pays for nuclear fuel or coal and wages "+" has $30 billion in an interest fund making billions pa every pa ready to pay for price increase and expandeger of powerplants every 5 years. The public now saves poorest minimum $3,000 - $10,000 pa from power bills. Average it out to $8,000 each pa. For $160 billion dollars we have saved the public $8,000 pa. ....a fair tax taxes the rich giving everyone an even % so like now all Income group's save $8k pa. Now Australia hospitals would be 5* hospitals each state at $12 billion each hospital = $300 billion dollars to cut taxes by $4k+ pa each person, why self funding every states hospitals for life. We are up 2 $460 billion dollars and have self funded for life water bills, power bills, hospitals saving the public on average $14,000 pa could be more seen as rich and wealthy spend much more on water and power. So in 1 year the public will save $9k as power will take 2.3 years to payback debt why water and self funding hospital's will only take one year.... In English we keep borrowing about $460 billion dollars every year and self fund public cost and government departments. It will add up that in 3 year time, the public would have saved at least $31,000 dollars...Keep borrowing $460 billion dollars every year repeating. In English in 6 years time the public will save around $62,000 dollars. Just keep self funding every year and over the next 6 years, the federal government will bank $61,000 * 27 million people = mass trillions of dollars. Once again. is is how it works but confuses People. You miss understand. I'm borrowing that X billion dollars and still collecting the money. So I borrow $460 billion dollars but they the public are still paying 25% off that $460 billion dollars every 3 months...I'm in essence getting that money for free because the public is paying me 50% back in 6 months and I ether pay that loan back faster or invest the money making more money/interest. So the public are going to have to pay that bill money ether way. This way I self fund it and pay 1.2% extra. So really I'm getting the money for free because after 3 months, im getting it as it comes in so I'm really paying 1.2% interest on the loan money "so after that year" everyone gets a final water bill off $75 dollars and never pay a water bill again "self funded" for life, and that $75 = 1.2% interest...Free. So X billion means nothing. I borrow $460 billion dollars for 6% pa interest but make back 25% in 3 months, then 50% in 6 months that not only makes me money, it also pays back the debt at the start midway and end.... I'm pretty much getting the money for free to sell funds the budget for life and interest interest. So after 1 year it's budget is all paid for and the public gets free water and now they save $15,000 each pa.... Almost. So I have found an crazy best idea ever system that will make every country rich including the public 😉. 3 years time the public save $31,000 dollars from $460 billion dollars and we are doing it for free.. Don't forget it's self funded for life by putting back in some of the Interest made to pay for an rise in budget cost every year or 37% rise every 10 years for life. It's just not having that huge sum on me that prevents me from doing it, so we borrow it and do it that way Crunch the numbers guy's & girl's 100% is not delusional but the biggest idea in econemy and tax debt reform in history...go ahead. I'm only basing this on 5% interest fund pa, and you can safely make much more then that in a safe interest fund....mass less billions needed "but saying that" you want to leave it at 4% so even in a disaster it's still self funded "+" prices drop in them kind of disasters. After the government's do the above, they buy 1 big retail shopping centre because in AU Coles or Woolworths make their own local cheap as chips products, that if food prices tried to go up ...They wouldn't by much and the gov can self fund cheap brands also for pensions and people on gov payments. I'd say low income workers but they are going to save well over $50k pa....The government can do a rare 1 off tax to make trillions if need be. Self funded for life no question asked. That point when you know your that good/smart.
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