The Law
The subject of an expert’s testimony must be scientific knowledge.
Ordinarily, a key question to be answered in determining whether a theory or technique is scientific knowledge... will be whether it... has been tested. [i.e., scientific method]
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993), 509 US 579.
I dated U.S. Vice President Gore’s daughter. The experience exposed me to ultra-privileged information, making me a witness of national significance: ... corruption, organized crime (the Mafia)....
I am the subject of a witness-tampering operation.
“diagnosed with Delusional Disorder”:
... DOJ officers placed me in a small unit with Peter Gotti, the “boss” of the “Gambino family”.
When poor psychosocial functioning is present in Delusional Disorder, it arises directly from the delusions themselves. For example, an individual who is convinced that he will be murdered by “Mafia hit men” may quit his job and refuse to leave his house....
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (2000), “Delusional Disorder”, pp. 323–326.
No scientific testing has validated the selection of “Mafia hit men” as an example of delusions. No scientific study shows that people who fear “Mafia hit men” tend to be delusional or even wrong.
Thugs threatening to murder me and take down my Google Docs.
Dear DSM Steering Committee and American Psychiatric Association (APA) governing board,
... Can anyone cite a study showing that fear of “Mafia hit men” tends to be a delusion?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR) (2000), “Delusional Disorder”, pp. 323–326
When poor psychosocial functioning is present in Delusional Disorder, it arises directly from the delusions themselves. For example, an individual who is convinced that he will be murdered by “Mafia hit men” may quit his job and refuse to leave his house....
(These all are addressed to me.)
Judge Condones Lawyer’s Violent Threats Against Defendant
Less commonly, the individual may have the delusion of having a special relationship with a prominent person (e.g., an adviser to the president)....
I dated a U.S. Vice President’s daughter (making me a witness). Racketeers employed by the government have falsified official records and published fake biographies about me to cover up the fact that I am a witness who dated U.S. Vice President Gore’s daughter 1994–1996.
Persecutory Type. This subtype applies when the central theme of the delusion involves the person’s belief that he or she is being conspired against... spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, [or] harassed....
Aryan Brotherhood lieutenant / COINTELPRO-operative admits:
“The people I hired to follow you....”
“I sent some additional P.I.’s to follow you everywhere you go.”
“You’re not a hard man to find. I’ve found you many times over”;
FBI personnel admittedly have been following me and spying on me;
2013-Apr-19 Warrant Without Probable Cause;
I am being maliciously maligned and harassed: “Criminal Conspiracy Committed by Employees of the U.S. DOJ, Courts, and Secret Service”,
I have health signs consistent with poisoning and drugging.
Somatic Type. This subtype applies when the central theme of the delusion involves bodily functions or sensations.... Most common are the person’s conviction... that there is an infestation of insects on or in the skin [or] that there is an internal parasite....
I have health signs consistent with such infectious diseases; and science shows I have an infectious disease sensitive to Albendazole.
Grandiose Type. This subtype applies when the central theme of the delusions is the conviction of having some great (but unrecognized) talent or insight or having made some important discovery.
So if an independent scientist makes an important discovery, diagnose him with ‘Delusional Disorder’, ‘civilly’ commit him, and subject him to drugging and interrogation about his discovery?
Dear DSM Steering Committee and American Psychiatric Association (APA) governing board,
... Can anyone cite a study showing that fear of “Mafia hit men” tends to be a delusion?
What valid science justifies the appearance of the terms ‘President’ and ‘Mafia hit men’ in that DSM section?
What scientific study shows that fear of “Mafia hit men” tends to be a delusion or even wrong?
What scientific study shows that people who believe they “have a special relationship with a prominent person (e.g., an adviser to the president)” tend to be delusional or even wrong?
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (1993), 509 US 579, 590, 592–593:
Federal Rules of Evidence, Rule 702:
What scientific testing has validated the selection of “President” and “Mafia hit men” as examples of delusions?
Mafia, President, mass-shooters, and more:
“Railway Hall Stairs scene” (1994)