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Submitted on behalf of TheBlackAlchemist. Quality is not good because I received BMP files in low resolution.


#1: A Serene Shore

#2: A Mystifying Murmuring Brook

#3: A Lovable Landscape


I have had a few problems getting some of these to work....they're okay now..


Deer feeding in Coulston park




Irish lambs grazing around "Sugar loaf mountain"




A view of the lake of Stourhead (World Heritage site)




Durdle Door in the summer




Lacock riverside bathed in a golden evening light




My second entry:


Title: Clouds


Shot from my inlaws' terrace with a compact camera. The cloud just never stopped growing. With the backlight it was a fantastic sight.



Sorry, How do you make Thumbnail attachments again ?? :xparty:


I took these 2 days ago.. so I just photobucketed them. If a Mod feels inclined to reduce image size or put them in a thumbnail please free do so..


"Went Fishing" - My mom's property on the Lewis River.. Turtles been here before :hihi:



"A beautiful Meadow" - ouside of Battle Ground, Washington



"Another beautiful Meadow"



Entry 4:

Description: A picture of Hopewell Rocks. The tide level change here is arguably the largest in the world. People can walk around when the tide is out. There's even an emergency platform that people can climb in the event that the tide comes in while out exploring.

Place:New Brunswick, Canada.


The Force of the Moon

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