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i udhit sharma wanna know how we can live in space colonies please help me in this subject


The answer to your question lies in the word live. What does a human being, and I suppose by we you mean human beings only, need to live? Food, air, water and energy are the essentials but one needs many other things to live. One needs company, means of recreation etc.


So any space colony in order to be habitable needs all this and more. I suppose you are intelligent enough to add them up.:)


We would need food and water, and be able to grow/process these within the system whenever possible.


We would need the proper mixture of air to breath and possible protection from radiation (much like the atmosphere and magnetosphere offer here)



After that, there's a lot of room for creativity. Any more specific points you can share?


Yip you can all add it up, what everybody had to say.

One thing is for sure, The first thing that we have to accomplish is a proper way of space travel before we can start thinking about space colonies.

It also depends on wich planet you wanna start a colony.

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