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As Setchfield and many others have noted, The relationship between Emoto's ice photo of thin layers of ice and various things (such as playing music, placing written messages under its dish, prayer and meditation) done near it as the ice formed is not properly demonstrated by the procedure he uses. With full knowledge of the thing done near it, Emoto and others choose from hundreds of sample the one or ones they feel best shows the effect they seek to demonstrate. This approach can be used to (invalidly) demonstrate nearly any effect – Dropped dice or paper clips could be used as easily as ice (though ice is much prettier).


I believe this to be another of instance of the commonplace occurrence of an unsubstantiated claim what will be accepted only by those who strongly want to believe it and those who are deceived into believing that it is substantiated by proper scientific experimentation. In short, I think Emoto's work is a bad, fraudulent thing, and suspect he is motivated by a desire for personal financial gain.


I agree with most of that especially the inconsistency of his science, but do you think it in anyway validates that the mind can affect the formation of the crystals, even if the results are not necessarily accurate as far as the intention?


I think even if he doctored the results, the fact that the crystals were affected at all is intriguing to me.


Isn't this what quantum mechanics and Heisenberg's principle is all about? It is very obvious that the oberserver has influence on the observed. Intent is what helped create the reality around us, and intent is different from doubt. In a given situation, there is a big difference in existence when one is intent in doing something, over one who's doubtful in doing it. The thing to verify is if such intent follows definite patterns (whether such pattern is harmonic or otherwise).

I think even if he doctored the results, the fact that the crystals were affected at all is intriguing to me.
Consider the following:


I hypothesis that writing a number on a piece of paper can effect the outcome of a fair, six-sided die rolled with an ordinary die cup. To test this, I write the number “1” on a piece of paper, roll the die onto it, and photograph the die and paper. I repeat this 100 times, then repeat the process for the numbers “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, and “6”.


I select one photo that shows a die roll of “1” on a piece of paper with the number “1” written on it, one with a die roll of “2” on a piece of paper with “2”, and so on. I publish this collection of 6 photographs, claiming that it proves my hypothesis.


According to people who have studied how Emoto produced the photos such as those in his book "The Message from Water", this is essentially the same procedure Emoto uses. Emoto refuses to publish all of the full details of his procedures and/or allow it to be observed by an impartial party.


I don’t believe the procedure I describe would demonstrate that a number written on a piece of paper affects the roll of a die on it. I don’t believe Emoto has demonstrated that writing on paper placed under a dish of water, music, prayer, or other things done in its vicinity affects the formation of ice in it.


1) Dr. Emoto is a con artist who wants your money and only wants your money. As CraigD said, he can produce the same results with dice, so let's get him to write a book so we can all buy it.


2) I can't stress this enough and have stated this in quiet a few threads already. Alot of you people need to learn more about quantum phyisics. The observers effect does not, never has, and doesn't even come close to stating anything like what rocket art says. Its through limited understanding or lack of knowledge that leads people to make ill concieved statements such as that. It does not in any way hurt yourself or harm anyone else to crack open a QM physics book and take an active role in your education.


3) There is no such thing as a soul. Yes it sucks, when you die that's it. So rather then wasting your life on death cult ideas, live life for what it is. Please.

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