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I think there were a lot of good entries! If all months are going to be as difficult to vote in as this, I might just have to submit better photos (to make it easier for you all) :shrug:.


Anyways, my votes:


1. Monomer: Praying Mantis

2. Sanctus: Mountain trip #1

3. Killean: Rainbow over the fjord

4. Mercedes Benzene: A Marsh

5. TheBigDog: Wind on the Lake


I almost forgot to do this part. . . Everyone needs to remember to vote!


And my votes are:


1) Monomer: Praying Mantis

2) TheBlackAlchemist: A Mystifying Murmuring Brook

3) Celtfaery: Master of all he surveys

4) Tormod: Clouds

5) Killian: Rainbow over the Fjord

1. Tormod -- Clouds

2. Killean -- Rainbow Over the Fjord

3. Celtfaery -- Digitalis

4. Racoon -- Went Fishing

5. Monomer -- Praying Mantis

Was that within the deadline ;)


Voting is done, tally the scores adjudicator!


Pyrotex' vote was about an hour after the deadline so they are not accepted. I don't think they would have changed the standings much anyway.


Edit: (Sorry, I wrote "Racoon's vote" at first...early morning for me) ;)


:crying: DARN! Sorry I was late. Actually, I didn't see the links to the contest until Thursday evening, and had no time (at that time) to vote.

And my computer had hard drive problems.

And my shoelaces were untied.

And... :love:

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