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I am going through a minesweeper phase, I love logic puzzles and recently I have renewed my love for this little addictive game!


So people what are you times? My best are:

Beginner - 11 seconds

Intermediate - 67 seconds

Expert - 315 seconds


Ill post updates as I beat them :)




Here are time of one (ie. me) who thought to be strong:

beginner: 8

intermediate: 61

Expert: 117


I also posted such a thread a long while ago, tinny managed it in 112...

I also went searching for world best times and naively thought I could compete, world records are about 40 seconds.............for the expert!!!!!!(and the world champion is from Oz, Jay)You can see videos of those people here :

The Authoritative Minesweeper: World records and the winmine community


ANd the old thread is (page 2 and further):


Now, I get only to 150, because I don't have anymore a mouse with the middle button, if you don't know what it does try with clicking the scroll button, you will be much quicker...


Yup I have seen that world record, they are crazy to watch!


The 11 was somewhat of a fluke, I have managed 8 but that was on another computer years ago and I didnt even know how to play it properly :evil:


Ill keep trying, now I have some scores to beat!

I just did a 57 intermediate, now you have to work to improve your expert... it's very easy to get to 140 actually, just do no think but just do...


I suppose that if you play long enough, you no longer look at the numbers themselves, but rather the colors and the patterns that they form. Once you recognize the patterns in the back of your mind, you'll be able to make quick actions.


will do ;)


Can anyone offer any insights into how each game is made? are they called upon from a database of premade games, or is each created individually?


I notice you cannot loose on the first click, so is the rest of the game determined from that point on?


I see quite a couple of guys on that website (on the world ranking list) have scores for beginner at 1 second. Is that actually possible without cheating? I seriously doubt it...


My bandwidth sucks too hard for me to download any of the vids, so I can't say. But ONE SECOND? NO FRIGGIN' WAY!


And the counter starts on 0, that means you have 2-[math]\epsilon[/math] seconds to finish in 1.


And no its not cheating, try 100 of them and you get down to 5 or so (as I didn't remember my old mouse and old computer record I wrote the records I do now, but I was at 5, 6 or 7).


Jay, if you surf a bit on the world ranking site and links from there there is all the explanantion: I remember having it read ages ago somewhere

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