InfiniteNow Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 What's the best way, in your opinion, to improve the world? You can list up to three, and discuss as you would like. Improve the world? InfiniteNow, that's such a subjective question! Yes, rhetorical self-like figure shown there in the quote, you're right, but that's really what I'm interested in hearing. :phones: Mine change with each passing moment, but here they are anyway: 1) Share information freely, and correct misconceptions as they are found2) Recognize our own faults and fallibilities, and be comfortable with the idea of being mistaken3) Relax Zythryn 1 Quote
Buffy Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Always say "Please" and "Thank You!" And say it like you mean it! Manners matter,Buffy Quote
InfiniteNow Posted February 27, 2007 Author Report Posted February 27, 2007 Thank you Buffy. Excellent. :phones: Will others please share their ideas? Quote
Monomer Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Think about other people rather than being selfishCommunicateBe open-minded Zythryn 1 Quote
Queso Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 TV Programming needs to be deleted. Families need to be honest with each other. Everyone does. Quote
Michaelangelica Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 The Paradoxical Commandments * People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. * If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. * If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. * The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. * Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. * The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. * People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. * What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. * People really need help but may attack you if you do help them. Help people anyway. * Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway. * by Dr. Kent M. Keith I used to have a wonderful quote about how we need to educate for tolerance of difference, for tolerance of ambiguity etc. I see if I can dig it out. I do think our public schools are woefully under-resourced by comparison to a lot of private schools and we are creating divisions in society rather than breaking them down. Education is very important in improving the world. At one stage in Oz we had 90% of those in jail illiterate or with learning difficulties. Things are a bit different now we are filling gaols up with female drug addicts. But still without the ability to read you are disenfranchised from this society and a lot of it's best bits of culture. Everyone should be able to read fluently. Politics should be taught at every level. We cannot give enough money to education and pure scientific research. InternationallyOn a world stage we need to stop our corporations ripping off poor counties and start the money flow back to them, than at present, flowing away from them. EnvironmentallyWe need to teach all children to garden. Then they will understand and love the earth and its gifts. Quote
maikeru Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Compassion and concern for others and things happening around us, including the environment. It's too easy to ignore what happens outside of our lives or minds. Limiting waste and improving efficiency. This includes limiting trash, energy consumption, and not buying too much stuff we don't need. Improving efficiency helps us get more from what we already have. All resources, including people, are finite, but managed properly, may become almost infinite. Help and encourage everyone to get an excellent education. Education can help produce more productive, creative, artistic, and free individuals. It betters societies and provides more opportunities to everyone. Education does much to level the unfair playing field we're all heir to. Zythryn 1 Quote
pgrmdave Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Consider other people before you do things. Forgive everybody who asks, and those who don't. Forgive yourself. Try to be the person you think you should be. Quote
Tormod Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 1. Be yourself2. Accept differences between people3. Avoid judgement Quote
ronthepon Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Inerestingly this thread could be the stuff of a 'new religion' Or just a collection of all of them. Think for the good of the whole rather than for the unit. Say nothing if you've got nothing good to offer. Realise your insignificance in the world before you do anything. Never feel too old or experienced to learn. If you cant do what you say, then shut the hell up. Quote
Fatstep Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 1: Be tolerant of others' beliefs and values, even if you think they are wrong. If you cannot convince them with reasonable proof then leave them alone, it's their right to be "wrong", so let them. Quote
Zythryn Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 If everyone lived by:"May I do to others as I would that they should do unto me."Plato Quote
jungjedi Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 i think there should really be a STARFLEET and all of the military industrial complexes around the world would be converted into the starfleet industrial complex.that way you dont get countries producing duplicate system ie. one type of jet constructed in china to be up to par with a jet contructed in the U.S.also,it would cut down on the shear waste that countries allocate for defence while still maintaining jobs Quote
Queso Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Inerestingly this thread could be the stuff of a 'new religion' Or just a collection of all of them. noooooooooooooo!!!! Complete opposite! These things should DETER religion. The last thing we need in 2007+ is a new religion. (IMO) Quote
Mercedes Benzene Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 -Eliminate religious extremists. -Get rid of wepons (used for non-war purposes) and drugs. -Lock up anyone who commits ANY crime, for life (we're going to need bigger jails :lol:). Or put them to death. No jokes. It would be difficult. Many would be in opposition. And the funding and effort needed would be practically incalculable, but it would work. Quote
Edella Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 -Eliminate religious extremists. -Get rid of wepons (used for non-war purposes) and drugs. -Lock up anyone who commits ANY crime, for life (we're going to need bigger jails :lol:). Or put them to death. No jokes. It would be difficult. Many would be in opposition. And the funding and effort needed would be practically incalculable, but it would work. It would work to bring society to its knees. A very bad idea. Quote
Mercedes Benzene Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 It would work to bring society to its knees. A very bad idea. Really? Who would oppose it? If you did, and took action in a negative manner (breaking the law), you'd get locked up. This would be the perfect society. Unfortunately, there's no way to achieve a perfect society, so it's a moot point. It's just like communism. In theory, it would work. But that's the key. Theory. I'm just stating what would work... if it would be possible. Right now we need to focus more on things like unity and togetherness, and eliminating factors that tear us apart. Quote
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