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...To those of you who were in the middle of a conversation in the TP parent thread. I know it's going to be a slight challenge to pick-up new threads and maintain the context of some of the dialogues in which you were engaged, but hope that the benefits of this change far outweigh any such minor costs. However, for those of you it impacts, I wanted to send a quick apology.


Sorry. :phones:


If someone wanted to pick out a sub-thread by telling us which post numbers to include, we could create a new thread for you. Please just let us know here...


Preta seedlings,



Thanks Buffy. I forgot all about that. Let's agree on a format.


Thread to add posts to should be first (with link).

Post numbers to copy over. If there are several, please separate with proper punctuation.





Below is the thread to which I would like to request you copy some existing posts from the parent thread:




Specifically, please copy posts # 4, 8, 9, and 64. Thanks.



We can also do a total creation from old material such as:




Can you please create a thread titled "Charcoal Creation." It would be useful to populate it with the following posts from the parent thread:


#48, 59, 220, 224, 400, and 780. Thanks. :phones:




Remember, let's keep it fresh, and try to avoid the urge to copy EVERYTHING!! :hot:


UM How about

Historical, Archaeological and Indigenous uses of Charcoal in "Farming"

Withe some of these posts:

(Pity when I search native I don't get the numbers of posts.

Forum: Terra Preta 02-26-2007, 05:01 PM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By Michaelangelica

Smile Re: Terra Preta carbon-nanotube?


:offtopic:Fascinating stuff carbon:interesting:

If it can get down this small wow!

siRNA delivery into human T cells and primary cells with carbon-nanotube transporters...

Forum: Terra Preta 02-23-2007, 10:28 PM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By malcolmf

Re: observation that runs counter to what I have been reading




Forum: Terra Preta 01-07-2007, 01:59 PM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By Michaelangelica

Smile Re: Terra Preta


I imagine it being done as grain is powdered. Have you seen pictures of Native peoples using a long thick tree pole and slamming it up and down into a big high walled container -a little like a huge...

Forum: Terra Preta 11-02-2006, 09:46 AM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By erich

Re: Terra Preta


A letter to Nature:


Access to articles : Nature



Nature 443, 144 (14 September 2006) | doi:10.1038/443144b; Published online 13 September...

Forum: Terra Preta 05-17-2006, 01:21 AM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By Michaelangelica

Smile Re: Terra Preta Old Aboriginal Terra-forming?



I recall reading a paper published in the eighties that suggested that native peoples here in the Pacific NW of N. America (where I live) had terraformed large tracts of land in the area...

Forum: Terra Preta 05-17-2006, 01:02 AM



BBQ charcoal seems cheaper than horticultural charcoal. The BBQ charcoal I purchased looked like it had been some sort of worked or turned timber. It had a hole in the middle and was hexagonal. It...

Forum: Terra Preta 04-25-2006, 10:13 AM

Replies: 423

Sticky: Terra Preta - The parent thread which started it all

Views: 21,212

Posted By erich

Re: Terra Preta


A few years ago,can't recall where, I saw an article on the Terra preta soils comparing it to the native arboriculture practiced by the east coast Indians. What the Europeans saw as virgin hardwood...

UM How about

Historical, Archaeological and Indigenous uses of Charcoal in "Farming"

Withe some of these posts:

(Pity when I search native I don't get the numbers of posts.


Unfortunately, its not really possible to do anything with this list. What you want to do is do your search, then click on the title of the post itself, which will take you to that post in the thread which will show you the post number. Write it down, then click Back in your browser to go back to the search results and repeat until you have all the post numbers. THEN we might be able to do it....


Manual labor in the high-tech age,


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