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Indruction summery.


Is faith alone in its simple form the holy grail of sorts, of our existence?


I find this simple inquiry has profound consequences.


Is faith a way of being that is so elusive we can't bare but unintentionally express it in some form?


Do those forms get so wrapped around themselves they end up masking faith and the purpose of its message?


I investigate the subjects related to faith in a variety of avenues and translate the one face with many masks that pops up in the lines and between the lines throughout the foot print of humanity and all of its history.


I come to a conclusion of sorts so simple but profoundly powerful that I reached through an attempt to truly lend an ear to this face of wisdom we pass on through history as our most sacred of holy things...transported via many forms



The following is an excerpt from a discussion that I decided to share for this topic. I appologize for the structure.


In the following:The topics I intended to cover was the movement of the concepts related to "The secret: the film", and Religion and how they manipulate and how I believe they confuse a message that has long long existed beyond any other knowledge. This message contained in the bible and all other sorts of profound teachings of various subjects.


I need to first define what I mean by faith and how it is a foundation to so many teachings, and parts of our everyday lives and why it is an important thing.


In my conclusion, Faith does not mean specifically, you believe in god. Why I find that this is so is that in order to beleive god you have define god in some form. First, you have to name it "G-D". And someone may choose a different word. Then it may be given an attribute of sex or a nature of justice and goodness, OR an imagery of a glowing powerful person, spiritual energy, or deep stir in your awarness, etc..


I see that when we are describing such a thing as faith we are performing an act of expression and a form of art. We apply something to what was an embodiment of no thing, and now we can believe it. However this no longer requiers faith because you have something of form and the like to believe. We will always differ on what to believe in this matter as much as it is that we ourselves as personality and character differ.


So, faith, in respect to teachings, is simply an act of confidence of something you can not prove even without the word of god. If you have someone you love, and they tell you "I love you! ", it requires faith and confidence to make that real. The person can not pull out their love from their chest and hold it out in their hands and say look here is my love for you. No you can not prove it, but we can express it and expose it in art.


So, all descriptions, illustrations, and expressions aside, faith can still occur in the act of any specification. Dreams, ideas, hope, theories, designs, friends...




If you are refering to the film ' the secret' then I must disagree with you in suggesting the film is pushing faith as a tool. That is not what I got from the film, in fact I found the message to be one utterly devoid of faith - thankfully.


I want to clarify this was precisely my point. I said that they are yet another form of expressing a very old and long known 'secret'. (It seems a secret because it has so many masks the face of the knowledge has been forgotten.


The idea is that the universe has an intelligence that will conspire to help you when you have 100% confidence in your beliefs.


They say and -memory quote-: "Ask or say once in and idea and only once, because to ask again is to show you do not believe". end quote


The idea is to Have FAITH in the universe, yet, no there is no need to have faith of the divinity kind, or the religous kind, or the godly kind.



I have to also mention that I am expressing understandings of scriptures, and other written knowledges (including the secret), to show where I see they all connect and to show the misconcption or illusion of their differences. In otherwords the translation of knowledge that I am filtering through my experience and stratagy of thinking. The reader should not require to debate directly with the author (myself), but to rather reply with the support of your translations against mine.


I think in general the comman view and interpretation of the bible is one that disturbs alot of us with this egocentric grasp.


My early understandings of it before I studied it, was quite the same, that god is human like, and he will burn us if we are not like goody little two shoes. This is the attitude alot of us feel when getting into the subject of the bible and god. An imediate ugly cult like motive. However read on and see how this effect can be tossed out of the way giving us a nice clean fair path for our interests.


But, Here and now, I want to show a perspective of a structure or system.


When we put the ego and human mind interpratations aside we see Nature has Laws. We didnt create them, they just are.


When we interpret things in this manner we see it in a whole new light. In the scriptures of the word of god for example;


When we remove the human attatchment and view in the perspecitve I am sharing here, we see that these words and these messages of text are not judgment in human form, they are like laws of nature.


Just as an proposed example; "As a natural function, god will burn you if it tries to embrace you when you are a dry leaf of faithless sinful nature." Almost to say, god has no choice, he would like to take you home, but you would burn in his presence.


The bible teaches that even though we follow the law of god, it does not change us, transform us, or make us good (righteous - like to be the proper shape to fit into a square slot. If we are funky looking triangles, the obvious 'laws' will not let us fit) to fit into in gods way of seeing.


It teaches between the lines, and underlying the stories, and all throughout that only faith transform you right inside to fit in alignement with the laws of nature.


It also says, Jesus taught about this over and over in hundreds of ways. "If you want to learn how to shape yourselves, you must beleive what I am telling you (jesus christ)."


Obviously whether we believe jesus existed and the stories of his life are true makes no difference beacause the stories have been changed and no one can know for sure what history had for fact. So although they say you must believe and accept jesus christ as your lord and savior, you do not know what you are accepting other than words and ideas of who the person was. However, I see the same face when we remove the mask, that it is saying please learn what I teach, beleive what I am saying to you about faith in order to be changed and made in such a way that you can be righteous in gods law. Again, just a simple, way of nature, and not a right or wrong human interpretation of moral..


Its impossible for us to be perfect and moral and right and good, we are according to scripture the form of sin. Our human form may strive all it wants to be holy but it still is human.... so even in the scripture in many areas of time and sections it says in practical down to earth old school knowledge, you are sin, you are human, accept that, stay with reality. Your not aliens from other planets, or angels from heaven.. your just human and although goodness is helpful to protect knowledge and assist in sharing the underlying message, it will not change you.


The final point in all the text and the ONLY thing that changes us is to try and get our nature to become faithful.


I see that we are here and existence is, and that in itself is quite miraculous. Any answer we create in our sciences or anything that comes from our human mind can be no more than a creative expression, or a statement of the incredibly obvious.


We are like children who describe the universe by walking up to a giant and pointing at its shoe and saying; "hey look the shoe is brown,the shoe has laces, the shoe sits upright. The shoe sits there."


And although we've learned to express the shoe in incredible detail, again we only point to what is already there quite the same as what a child that thinks it has discovered is the most amazing thing that may of major significance, but to an adult, it is often the blatently obvious, and it does not answer much more than saying, "look, you are, the rock is, that person laughs loud".

Much like an observation, and not much more, in the biggest of all pictures.



Now if all we have to do is seek for that of which we do not know, and have confidence in that it must be, to have faith, then, well that isnt really too bad is it? that isnt to hard is it?


That does not require you to conform to thinking, lose your individuality, be religious, or supportive of religion. It meerly aligns you with nature, and as all various teachings say in their expressions, this will help you, and it will be good for our lives in now, and all lives in long term.


Good and evil in respect to all of this is that which assists progress of our understanding, and that which dampers progress.




Everytime you see someone new, no matter who they are, have faith, and before anything else upon that person say to yourself, I wonder what good things and great talents that person is capable to do and how I could help them do it?


If this is your first thoughts on every person you can encounter, notice how appearence and judgement will disapear and suddenly your world will changed inside you. Where is the good, what good does it have, and how can I help release it..



The cynic in me says that approach is a bit naive. There is a flipside to this as well, what bad talents do they have or intentions might we inadvertently through such naivety help them achieve. Worse what are we doing as a collective to preclude some people from even coming to the conclusion they have a great talent? Especially when many of the things that prevented great thinkers to do great things were precluded by those very concepts you speak of produced by a clinging to faith.



This approach is not for them. It is for you. I see that it is naive in the form that we should just walk up to people and say, "oh you are a talented enviromentalist? Here take $50 and I hope it helps", and then they go buy beer, or bet the money in gambling... Obviously a blind approach of this kind is not the application I intended.


Rather, the approach is for you, and to cleanse yourself.


For example; You buy tickets to a concert and the speaker comes out dirty and in ragged cloths.. some might immediatly react like 'ugh' who is this bumb? Now our nature is to respond like this sometimes. It must take someone in "our" minds to be considered lesser than and lower than, ourselves in order for us to confirm our greater than. And vice versa, only can we be more significant than if we allow ourselves to believe that is some thing or some one less significant.


However, if we skip this step for a moment, and give ourselves the gift of wondering where is the goodness I could discover with this person who has come before me. There is no dirty bum, there is not greater than, or lesser than in this moment and that is for our own selves. This changes our inner filter, or lense dramatically I find... Now this does not mean you should not later be wise and skeptical of this person who appears a negative statement of survival. It is the initial window that we have that stirs the world we experience.


It is the eye and form of faith that gives us that experience. Having confidence that there is good and great things hidden in this world and your first intention and overall mission is where can I find it even though I do not know where it is.



To finish, and return to the "The Secret", there is nothing bad about it so much as there is not need for it to become a religion of sorts, and there really is no need for religion in the first place.


It is stated in many texts in my opinion between the lines, or indirectly that even religion and ideas and acts can not save you or better you and they have no purpose, but they do have ajenda.


They may have helped at one time but they are eventually creating a problem, and its important for us to see that I think, and understand all the points (spears) being thrown at the target we can not see will never all hit the bullseye at the same time.... But if we open our eyes to the fact that we are all playing the game of faith to throw a spear at that which we can not see, we can realise, that all we need is one spear with all our hands and in faith we can all hit the bullseye.

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