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I always thought algae were in the sea not in soil


Algae are primary producers, i.e. they are the start of the food chain. One third of all the carbon fixed on this planet is achieved by algae, largely in the oceans!



Soil Algae: Several hundred species of algae form three general groups - green , Blue-green algae and diatoms- have been isolated from soils, but a small number are prominent throughout the world.


They consist of eukaryotic cells: have a nuclei within a nuclear membrane. Algal populations typically range from 10,000 - 100,000 cells per gram of soil.


Green algae prefer moist, non flooded acidic soils while diatoms prefer well drained land rich in organic matter.

Blue-green algae, Cyanobacteria, are prokaryotes and are usually classified as bacteria Soil Algae contain chlorophyll enabling them like plants to carry out photosynthesis if exposed to light and moisture.


They produce substantial O.M in some fertile soils and certain algae excrete polysaccharides which increase soil aggregation.

FAO/AGL - Soil Biodiversity Portal


So this is where sweet soil comes from? (polysaccharides =complex sugars)


Algae are common in ponds and streams, but they are also common in soils.

They are pioneer species and contribute to building soil, making it possible for plant species to grow.

Algae photosynthesize energy from sunlight and contribute vast amounts of organic matter to the soil.

Many algae can also fix nitrogen and contribute this nutrient to the soil.

The organic matter that algae add to the soil improves soil quality because it is sticky and contributes to making soil porous.

. . .

Fungi and algae pair together to form lichens. The algae partner produces nutrients through photosynthesis and the fungus partner absorbs inorganic nutrients from the soil which the algae needs for growth.

Lichens can therefore colonize the harshest environments, even those with scarce nutrients, water, and cold temperatures.

Because lichens can absorb even trace inorganic and organic materials, they serve as an indicator of environmental quality, because they take up trace toxic materials in the environment.

The Environmental Literacy Council - Soil Creatures


ninety percent of carbon dioxide produced on Earth from natural processes comes from the biological activity of bacteria and fungi.
The Environmental Literacy Council - Soil Creatures



Garding you tail?

Soils are also home to a variety of snails, slugs, and insects, and, one of the most intriguing creatures of all, the tardigrade.

The tardigrade was first described in 1773 by a German naturalist Johann Goeze, who called it the "little water bear." The name tardigrade means "slow stepper" and describes the slow movement of these creatures. Tardigrades are considered to be related to insects but they are distinct enough to have their own phylum. Tardigrades are most unusual because of their color; although some are brown or colorless, they can also be pink, orange, green, or yellow. Tardigrades are predators in the soil, consuming protozoa, algae, fungi, nematodes, and other tardigrades. Tardigrades are also unusual because they can go into a state of suspended animation to survive when environmental conditions, such as temperature or moisture levels are unfavorable

The Environmental Literacy Council - Soil Creatures

:dust: :dust: :dust:

These guys look like the tanks of the soil flroa and fauna

They look a bit bear-like!



Are they in Oz soil?


A PS on Algae- "Grass eats Cow"

There are algae species that can act both as “plants” and as “animals” at the same time.


As “plants” the algae produce their own food and as “animals” they can eat other plants or even their own grazers.

These organisms are called mixotrophs and their nutritional strategy is thus known as mixotrophy, in other words: “mixed nutrition”.

This dual nutritional behavior affects the notion of food chain mentioned above.

In a comparison, imagine if instead of a cow eating the grass, the grass grabs and eats the cow.


The thesis of Wanderson Carvalho had as one of the objectives to quantify in two mixotrophic species how much nitrogen and phosphorous are needed when they act as “plants” and as “animals”, respectively.

For example, under nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) deficient conditions, mixotrophs can outcompete other algae species by eating them or utilizing the little available nutrients dissolved in the water.

Wanderson also found out that “feeding as animals” can also provide carbon and energy to the mixotrophs if light is low or absent.


In absence of food, mixotrophs can use their photosynthetic capabilities to survive until suitable prey is available again.

Mixotrophs can decrease competition since they can feed on their competitors and predators alike. Mixotrophs can survive adverse periods and because of that many mixotrophs form blooms, becoming potentially harmful to the environment.

ScienceDaily: Understanding Algae That Are Both 'Plant' And 'Animal'


Hi All,

This is just the tool we need to totaly validate all the benifites of carbon to the soil, and just in time:


July/August 2007


Metagenomics Defined

Genomics will help explain the microbial world.

By Ed DeLong


"Conventional genomic research on microörganisms determines the DNA sequences of individual microbes by examining cultivated strains. In metagenomics, DNA sequence information is extracted from entire microbial communities in situ."


"The *majority of extant microbial species and their behaviors therefore represent a vast biological terra incognita. Meta*genomic approaches, which sidestep the need to purify and cultivate individual microbial strains, make it easier to retrieve genome sequence information from elusive microbial species. A second, and perhaps more important, point is that microbial species do not generally occur as single strains or pure cultures. Rather, any given microbial assemblage can consist of hundreds of different species, each one displaying significant genetic variability. The biological meaning and functional consequences of this tremendous within- and between-species biodiversity remain obscure. Metagenomic approaches enable direct assessment of community diversity and provide data sets relevant to both measuring and modeling biological processes."


"The study of anthropogenic effects on microbial processes that regulate the mass balance of planetary carbon and nitrogen cycles will also benefit from metagenomics."


Technology Review: Metagenomics Defined





A Q&A with;

George Whitesides ,The chemistry of energy

. Technology Review: George Whitesides


He hints all around the problems that TP seems to solve. I plan to send him my TP links



I think I'm going to use this title for my next compilation and updated TP posting/article;


"Closed-Loop Pyrolysis; Burning Our Way Back to a Stable Climate"


What ya think?................. and of course, feel free, as with all I write, to plagiarize, cut and paste, whatever, to get this technology seen and heard.



Erich J. Knight

Shenandoah Gardens

1047 Dave Berry Rd.

McGaheysville, VA. 22840

(540) 289-9750

  • 2 weeks later...
Can The Right Potting Mix Replace Fungicide?


Science Daily — Potting mixes custom-tailored to fight plant diseases can work much better than systemic fungicides.

The Trichoderma fungus thwarts Botrytis on more than one front. It prevents Botrytis from infecting fresh wounds, and produces compounds that keep Botrytis spores from germinating.


Surprisingly, the compost mix had a similar effect even without Trichoderma. This means there could be naturally occurring beneficial fungi or other biocontrol agents in the compost.

ScienceDaily: Can The Right Potting Mix Replace Fungicide?

Although using biotechnology to develop new drugs is by no means simple, the industry has seen steady success over the past few years.


Between 2000 and 2005, over 20 new drugs were released onto the market originating from natural sources. And although this is the first time SIDR has worked with fungal cultures, there are a number of prescription drugs deriving from metabolites produced by fungi that have been on the market for many years. These include immunosuppressive agents, antibiotics such as penicillin, lipid lowering agents and anti-fungal drugs.


There's gold in that there dirt!


Scientist/entrepreneur searches for biopesticides

science and technology



Sacramento Bee

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Next time you see an organic tomato at half-again the price of a conventional one, blame weeds.


More than diseases or hungry insects, weeds account for the high cost of organic crops, farmers and industry experts say. Weeds crowd plants, steal nutrients and cut yields.


Conventional farmers can fight weeds with a menu of proven herbicides. But organic growers rely on hand labor, delicate plowing between rows, even spraying vinegar -- whatever they can come up with.


It all adds to the cost of that tomato in the store.


If the price comes down a few years from now, there's a good chance Pam Marrone will have had something to do with it.


For 17 years, the Davis, Calif.-based scientist and entrepreneur has scoured the world for the biopesticides made by microorganisms that live on plants and in the soil. Marrone concentrates these natural chemicals into products that fight weeds, insects and diseases and, ideally, cut the cost of growing organic crops.

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. . .

Mixed with that memory of insect devastation is a picture of dead ladybugs and bees after her father, out of desperation, sprayed a powerful chemical to kill the moths on the dogwood in front of the kitchen window. Her mother, a committed organic gardener, put her foot down.


"She said, 'That's the first and last time you will ever use a chemical,'" Marrone said.


Marrone's father went back to what's known as Bt, an early and still-popular biopesticide. And Marrone, a first-grader, wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for information on careers in pest management.


She would go on to earn a Ph.D. in entomology at North Carolina State, chasing dreams of developing natural pest-killers.


In 2006 she founded Marrone Organic Innovations, and by April of this year announced she had raised $3.75 million from investors.


So far, Marrone Organic Innovations has just one product, GreenMatch O, on the market. The all-purpose herbicide is approved for use by organic farmers in every market except California, where it's under regulatory review. The company is working on dozens of others, including many it has licensed from scientists eager to get their invention into Marrone's product pipeline.

Nice story worth reading in full

Scientist/entrepreneur searches for biopesticides | ScrippsNews


Ancient bugs made own fertiliser

Monday, 16 July 2001


Making nitrate - bugs took over where lightning left off.

Bacteria that lived on Earth two billion years ago produced their own nitrogen "fertiliser" in order to survive.


That's the suggestion of new report revealing a nitrogen crisis early in our planet's history may have triggered a critical evolutionary leap.


"Our results indicate that a couple of billion years ago, life had to invent a way to make its own nitrogen fertiliser because the amount being produced by lightning dropped to almost zero,"

News in Science - Ancient bugs made own fertiliser - 16/07/2001

I have seen reports of (above cloud) lightening 5 miles high and wide in the US mid west.

What does that do to nitrogen levels?


Why should anyone—person, ungulate, or bird—eat soil? And how do dirt eaters choose which soil to consume?

Why do plant-eating animals and pregnant or nursing women particularly hunger for soil? You might suppose the easiest way to get answers would be to ask people, since animals can’t tell us.

But if you quiz soil-eating people about their motives, they just give unhelpful replies like I feel good when I eat it or I like the taste.

If you press them, they say they think it cures stomach problems or worms or diarrhea or aids, or that it is good for them during pregnancy, or that it adds a good taste to food or masks bitter tastes, or that it is useful as a pacifier in a baby’s mouth.

These varied answers don’t identify precise physiological explanations for geophagy, but they suggest several possible benefits.

The six explanations most discussed among zoologists, anthropologists, and doctors are to assuage hunger, to provide grit for grinding food in the stomach, to buffer stomach contents, to cure diarrhea, to serve as a mineral supplement, and to adsorb toxins.

Eat Dirt | Environment | DISCOVER Magazine

Lot of theories in this fascinating article on the huge prevalence of soil eating among humans, animals and birds.

no one has pointed out that eating soil ivolves eating 90% critters and wee beasties.

Whole Lotta Bugs


Whole Lotta Bugs

An estimated 5 million trillion trillion bacteria live on Earth (and they have a combined weight roughly equal to that of the top three feet of France).

94 percent of them live in the top 1,300 feet of Earth's surface.

The bacteria inside animals and us account for just a fraction of 1 percent. (*90% of 'human' is a bug of some kind) Whitman's estimate reemphasizes the enormous genetic diversity of bacterial life.


Within the multitude of oceanic bacteria alone, he calculated, any given gene is struck by four mutations every 20 minutes. Though most mutations are detrimental for the bugs, he says, "this gives you a tremendous opportunity for change and adaptation to a new environment."


An alternative to pyrolysis??

Certainly our present method of disposing of human bodies is not ecologically sound or even probably sustainable.

From Bodies to Rosebushes

by Josie Glausiusz

For the environmentally aware, death is the final indignity. A cemetery burial can take 50 years to decompose and can contaminate groundwater. Cremation pollutes the atmosphere with heavy metals and noxious gases. Biologist Susanne Wiigh-MŠsak has another way: Freeze-dry the body and turn it into fertilizer.

From Bodies to Rosebushes | Environment | DISCOVER Magazine


How to Make a Desert

You don't need to destroy all the plant life you see--just rearrange it a little. Then let nature do the rest.

Schlesinger knows that the tablespoons of soil he and Raikes are collecting may help reveal a profound secret of the desert. If Raikes and Schlesinger had come to this spot 150 years ago, they would have been surrounded by almost uninterrupted grasslands stretching across the basin. Somehow the Jornada has since changed, and Schlesinger, Raikes, and the other researchers who work here think they know why.

In many cases, they believe, a desert is like a living organism. Like a cactus or a sidewinder, it needs parents to give it birth, but once kicked into the world it can grow and thrive on its own. Deserts aren’t necessarily the product of outside forces like decreasing rainfall, they say. Rather, it’s the internal ecology of the desert itself--its web of plants, animals, and soil--that drives its growth to maturity and stability. Nor does the transformation of a grassland to a desert necessarily mean the creation of a place where life is more scarce--only one where life is rearranged.

How to Make a Desert | Environment | DISCOVER Magazine

I wonder what the role of soil microbiology was/is here and how cow poo changed all that?

Are We Ready for Alien Bugs?

In a dozen years, NASA plans to bring Mars soil samples to Earth. No one is quite certain what to do with them when they get here

Are We Ready for Alien Bugs? | Space | DISCOVER Magazine

A good question, Safely locked up I would hope.


Altruistic bacteria?

Death and the Microbe

Most people think of bacteria as selfish individualists. But in many microbial colonies, some bugs gladly sacrifice themselves for the greater good of bugkind.

by Lori Oliwenstein

When times get tough, bacillus gets pregnant. Normally the common soil bacterium divides by binary fission; it doubles its chromosomes and builds a septum--a wall--right down its center, dividing itself in half and producing two identical twin cells. But when food starts to run out, and survival becomes paramount, such equality is the first thing to go. Binary fission is still the order of the day, but the precursor cell now places the septum closer to one pole than another, producing two unequal cells-- only one of which will survive.

Death and the Microbe | Environment | DISCOVER Magazine
Prokaryotes at the Gate

Bacteria, ancient members of the prokaryotic world, are striking back with a vengeance and we are running out of weapons to fight them.

. . .


Tomasz, however, argues that we need to rethink our whole approach to treating infectious diseases. Despite its intuitive appeal, Tomasz believes the scorched-earth, take-no-captives approach to bacteria may have backfired.


"Bombing everybody who resembles a prokaryote at the gate is probably a mistake," he says.


That indiscriminate practice just incites every industrious germ in the vicinity to develop and share resistance strategies.

Drugs designed to combat a broad spectrum of bacteria may be cleaning out your respiratory system, but they're also furnishing the hardiest bugs a lab for experimenting with resistance

Prokaryotes at the Gate | Health & Medicine | DISCOVER Magazine

Why arn't there more dead gardeners? If they muck around with bacteria all day?


Not long after Viking landed on Mars, the Friedmanns published a paper describing microorganisms living in the Ross Desert of Antarctica, in mountain ranges so cold and dry they were thought to be devoid of life. NASA had sent researchers to test soil there, in fact, as a trial run for Viking; they found nothing persuasive.


But the Friedmanns did, without leaving Tallahassee. Not in the soil, but in a rock shipped to their lab-- a small but perfect specimen of Beacon sandstone, as Friedmann described it.

The rock was colonized by bacteria that led a miserable existence. All through the dark polar winter, they would barely hold on, at 50 below.

Not until summer could they thaw, rehydrate, and photosynthesize, and then only when midday temperatures were sufficiently high--and only if, at the same time, water from melted snow still lingered. The Friedmanns called these creatures cryptoendoliths: crypto for hidden, endolith, meaning inside rocks.

. . .

Friedmann keeps a large collection of such death-defying organisms in his lab and studies them between treks to exotic environments.

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Among the denizens of the extreme are thermophiles that love water so hot it would kill us, psychrophiles that thrive in places so cold, halophiles in salt brine so strong, and barophiles under pressure so high that we’d expire. Together, such microbes are sometimes called extremophiles, as opposed to mesophiles--creatures, like us, that prefer medium conditions. Of course, from an extremophile’s point of view, we are the ones who live at extremes. It is a very subjective measure of things, Friedmann says.

. . .

Friedmann has traveled the world looking for them, but the wretched of Earth do not congregate in places that humans find comfortable. So Friedmann has searched in deserts from the Gobi in Mongolia to the Atacama in Chile, and in frozen lands from pole to pole. He has looked high on mountains, and deep in the sea. And along the way, he has wondered: If microbes colonize such miserable habitats on Earth, where else beyond Earth might similar life-forms exist?

. . .

Endoliths have been joined in recent years by a number of other impossible life-forms, microbes that might also be models of life on other planets and moons. Earth is infected with bacteria more than a mile below its surface--the current record for deep-dwelling life is 9,600 feet. Microbes may live deeper, but drilling to find them is too difficult

Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places | Space | DISCOVER Magazine

A fascinating article. well worth some study

How are we going to protect all this life/diversity from us?


Lichens, Plants and Snail Poo


The harsh Negev Desert in Israel is strewn with limestone boulders, which have nitrogen-fixing lichens growing on them. Various species of land snails feed on the lichens during the night.

Once the sun comes up the snails retreat to the sheltered areas under the boulders and release their faeces down there. Research has shown that about 11% of total soil nitrogen inputs in the Central Negev Highlands of Israel come from the snail poo!

Nitrogen Fixation

A wonderful lot of articles, Michaelangelica! I don't think we can protect all of them equally, and in many cases, we may never know what was there, what was lost, and what may yet come.

Yes, no doubt you are right

I wonder how we would protect this life if it came from soil from Mars?


'Wee beasties' on holiday ?


By Catherine E. Toth

Advertiser Urban Honolulu Writer

WAIKIKI — The postcard-perfect beaches of Hawai'i attract millions of people every year.


And it's no surprise: The state has some of the cleanest waters — and sand — around.


But that doesn't mean these beaches aren't teeming with microscopic critters.


While there haven't been a lot of studies done on Hawai'i's sandy habitats, researchers who do look at the inner life of beaches say it's a fascinating world of nature at its smallest and finest.


"Like in any animal kingdom, you have predators and you have prey," said Watson Okubo, Monitoring & Analysis Section chief of the state Health Department's Clean Water Branch. "They're all feeding on each other. It's a mad world."


Many of these microscopic organisms are less than a millimeter long and sometimes as small as one-twentieth of a millimeter. A bucket of sand may contain thousands of these tiny creatures.

Sand between your toes? Eek, it's alive! - The Honolulu Advertiser

New 'wee beastie' discovered sunning itself on holiday in Yellowstone National Park sauna



The team found the bacterium makes two types of chlorophyll, explaining how it can thrive alongside other species in microbial mats and compete for light with cyanobacteria.

New bacteria uses antennae to harvest light


Also here ( lots on genetics and how to get it without growing the critters)

ScienceDaily: Surprising New Species Of Light-harvesting Bacterium Discovered In Yellowstone

The research team led by Bryant and Ward found the new bacterium living in the same hot springs as the most famous Yellowstone microbe, Thermus aquaticus, which has revolutionized forensics and other fields by making the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a routine procedure.


An old but groundbreakingly relevant article?

Light harvest protein found in plankton


Light harvest protein found in plankton


Well written easy to read article here:-

Although chlorophyll-producing bacteria are so abundant that they perform half the photosynthesis on Earth, only five of the 25 major groups, or phyla, of bacteria previously were known to contain members with this ability.

GeneticArchaeology.com - Surprising New Species Of Light-harvesting Bacterium Discovered In Yellowstone (7/26/2007)




Save your drier lint for your garden bacteria

lint makes a great addition to your compost heap or worm farm. Apparently stray sweater fibers make a good snack for the bacteria usually found in these types of soil.

Not quite 101 uses for dryer lint - DIY Life
What's good for the soil is good for the plant[/color][/b]


Article Last Updated: 08/03/2007 06:59:13 PM PDT



A fertilisation philosophy is more important than the actual fertilisers you apply. Fertilisation is not so much a solution to a plant's nutritional needs as it is a strategy of ensuring long-term health, not only for plants but for the soil they inhabit.


It should be noted that "plant food" is not something that can be externally supplied since plants make their own food, which is sugar, from carbon dioxide and water.

What we can provide are the mineral elements that make leaves green, enhancing their light-trapping capacity while also serving as catalysts for photosynthesis and other physiological processes.


The mineral elements needed by plants can be provided immediately with fast-acting fertilisers or, a little at a time, with mulch.

If you mulch properly, the humus that is eventually created in the soil will provide constant mineral sustenance for your plants.

The best testimony to the benefits of mulch can be found in the classic book, "Gardening Without Work," by Ruth Stout.


"My no-work gardening method

LA Daily News - What's good for the soil is good for the plant


CO2 Effects on Grassland Soil Microorganisms Reference

Drissner, D., Blum, H., Tscherko, D. and Kandeler, E. 2007. Nine years of enriched CO2 changes the function and structural diversity of soil microorganisms in a grassland. European Journal of Soil Science 58: 260-269.

What it means


Certain scientists, such as Hungate et al. (2003), have claimed that the future availability of nitrogen will likely be too low to support large increases in plant growth over the long term, primarily because of their contention that when CO2 enrichment increases soil C:N ratios, "decomposing microorganisms require more nitrogen," and they contend that "this effect can reduce nitrogen mineralization," which they say is "the main source of nitrogen for plants."

However, Drissner et al. found that in their 9-year-long FACE experiment, "stimulation of enzyme activities in the enriched CO2 indicated enhanced C, N and P cycling and greater availabilities of nutrients for microbial and plant growth [our italics]."

And they go on to say that their results "support the hypothesis of positive feedback proposed by Zak et al. (1993), who stated that additional C stimulates microbial decomposition and thus leads to more available N under enriched CO2 [our italics]."

CO2 Science


:alien:Astrobiology Magazine reports that a team studying methanogens - microorganisms that produce methane - has demonstrated their ability to grow on the types of soil found on Mars.

"We had found that methanogens can grow on Mars soil stimulant, but we didn't know if they could grow on other types of soils found on Mars," Kral said.:turtle:


For years Kral has studied methanogens, ancient microorganisms from the biological domain Archaea, as potential candidates for what life might look like on Mars.

At first glance, Mars appears unfriendly toward most life forms. The planet currently contains no detectable organic matter and has extremely cold surface temperatures.

However, methanogens seem to be a potential candidate for what life on Mars might look like -- they produce methane and live in harsh, anaerobic environments, such as the guts of animals, in deep parts of the ocean or in the Earth's crust.

Media-Newswire.com - Press Release Distribution - PR Agency


Isolation of Soil Microorganisms

Isolation of Soil Microorganisms

A Project for Elementary Grades


Title : Isolation of soil microorganisms

Objective : To isolate and count the microorganisms found in a sample of soil by the dilution method using aseptic techniques.


"Microorganisms carry out primary production in the deep subsurface, using chemical energy from rock weathering."

. . .

In the deep subsurface, where there is no oxygen, the oxidation of basalt minerals by water yields H2 gas.


Lithotrophic microorganisms, such as methanogens and homoacetogens use this H2 gas as an electron donor (fuel), and dissolved CO2 (from the atmosphere or mineral deposits) as an electron acceptor (oxidizer) to obtain energy. The products are methane gas or acetic acid and cell material.

Google Image Result for http://www.pnl.gov/slme/pnlslmeb.jpg

  • 3 weeks later...



headline bar


GLOMALIN: A Glycoproteinaceous Substance Produced by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi


1Sara Wright and 2Kristine Nichols

1USDA-ARS Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory, Beltsville, MD

2Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, Mandan, ND




The following methods may be used to examine glomalin, an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal protein, which is ubiquitous in the soil and has been found coating fungal hyphae and soil aggregates. Because of its importance in forming water-stable aggregates and in soil fertility, concentrations of this protein are being measured in a variety of soils to compare soils of different compositions and/or tillage or disruption practices. Please refer to the listed references for further details concerning the methodology and results. For further information on glomalin, please see the Glomalin Information page (PDF) file, Glomalin-Soil's Superglue, Glomalin: Hiding Place for a Third of the World's Stored Soil Carbon, and other Glomalin Research at Mandan, ND and University of Montana.

Please e-mail Kris Nichols at [email protected] to receive updates and changes to these procedures and/or continue to monitor the SASL Homepage and the INVAM website. Also, please let Kris know in your e-mail if you wish to be included on a list where ideas, questions, and methods may continue to be exchanged. In addition, if you have any improvements or additions to the current methods, please e-mail Kris so everyone can be informed.

Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory Products and Services

  • 4 weeks later...


You know I just remembered that years a go, when I found my self going to a few Rose Society meetings, the top old rose growers, the old ones who won all the prizes told me something.

They all would only use cow manure and rain water on their roses.


So what 'wee beastie' do roses like (or vice versa); that is in cow manure (or encouraged by it) and is sensitive to chlorine in tap water?



Bog may hold climate change clues


By Michael Kahn Reuters - Wednesday, September 19 07:36 pm


LONDON (Reuters) - An ancient bog that pumped out high amounts of greenhouse gases during a period of global warming 55 million years ago may offer clues about future climate change, researchers said on Wednesday.

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The researchers looked at molecular fossils that came from bacteria and found that as temperatures rose, the organisms switched to a diet of methane -- probably because there was more of it around, Pancost said.


"Methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas," he said. "So if the processes at (the bog) were widespread, then the increase in methane emissions could have caused further warming, amplifying the climate change at this time."


The bog became part of a vicious cycle -- warmer temperatures caused higher emissions of methane, which drove temperatures even higher, he said.


"The main event made it warmer and wetter," Pancost said. "What we are talking about is a response to the system."


The researchers, who published their findings in the journal Nature, cautioned that the data was only from a single site but said it nevertheless shows how some ecosystems might respond to rapid climate change in the future.

Richard Lankau and Sharon Strauss grew monocultures of two genetic variants of an annual plant called black mustard, and also a mixture of three species.


One of the black mustard varieties produced high levels of a compound called sinigrin, which is toxic to other plants and to beneficial soil micro-organisms, the other produced low levels.


The researchers then introduced a “foreign” individual into each of these experimental communities:

  • a low sinigrin plant into the high sinigrin monoculture and the mixture,
  • a high sinigrin plant into the low sinigrin monoculture and the mixture,
  • and a plant of a different species into the monocultures and the mixture.

Which would survive?


It turned out that the high sinigrin invader only survived in the mixture, while the low sinigrin variety only survived in the high sinigrin monoculture.

. . .


Preventing the erosion of genetic diversity within species may require maintaining a diversity of species in a community.

At the same time, we may need to focus on protecting high levels of genetic diversity within species in order to maintain diverse communities of species.


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