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Everyone knows the Blues.


Even the Whistler.


I was watchin' O Brother where art thou the other night, and at the end it shows three black men digging three graves.

Upon finishing, they take off their hats and start singing.

It was like....one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard . .


Impending death . .saying goodbye . .


And the deep, old, raspy black vocals they had . .

That natural, sad vibrato.


I wept! I havn't been able to take my mind off of it. I am obsessed.


I'm going to try to incorporate some vocals like that into the blues riff I'm gonna record. Doubt it will sound good, but I guanatee it will sound weird. And I'm all about that @ this point in my life.



I've my whole entire life to learn how to sing like that. :esad:

Everyone knows the Blues.


Even the Whistler.


Does this mean you're gonna lay down a track over my guitar or what? :esad:


You better download Cool Edit Pro, or something, if you don't already have audio editing software.

A simple cheap microhone would work, too.


The frequency range that those computer microphones have are perfect for recording whistles.


Maybe if you took the intro track i'm going to make,

imported it,

made another track for your whistle,

and when you were done, you should send me



I can take your single track and incorporate it into my Pro Tools mix, give it proper compression and equalization, and make it sound a bit distorted (vintagely) maybe give it some reverb that sounds like a Bar, and some really really short delay.


Sounds like a lot, but when used lightly I can invision it sounding perfect.


Think you could do that?


(I havn't even started recording, we're all theory right now)


Man, you could even just let my track play on your computer as an MP3, and you could listen with headphones and at the same time record using the simplest audio recording software there is. It doesn't matter.

I remember microsoft had somthing where you could record audio very simply on their windows OS. Is it still there?


You have to whistle. I'm making you. Please? :esad:

...I remember microsoft had somthing where you could record audio very simply on their windows OS. Is it still there?


You have to whistle. I'm making you. Please? :esad:





since you're making me. It would be an honor.


Pyro the Puccalo


I think the easiest way is to get a cheap microphone for like 10$ and record your whisling to a .wav format which can be easily done with either the recorder that's on Windows, or a program you can download for free somewhere . I'm sure.


That way, when I record the blues,

you can listen to it on an mp3 on some headphones

and improvise along with it.


Then, you send me the .wav

and I mix it into the blues.




okay. I'm looking for some free music editing SW. The one you mentioned was $299 and right now, that's out of my range. I can afford a $12 mike. I'll try to pick one up tomorrow after work.


mmm... Googling for "music edit application"...

Pyro ...you might be able to find either a good free recorder, or a free trial version. Usually the trial versions only last a week or so, but that should be enough for you to record, right? And if not, you can always just re-download it.


Okie-dokie! ;) The $300 jobs I found last night offer free trial versions -- they will save only the first 10 or 20 seconds of your recording. I will keep looking. Thanks.

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