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Considering that the mapping of E8 has just been achieved I would like to know how this will impact on the future of heterotic string theory.


Obviously I know it is important from the fact that E8xE8 (the HE string) is integral to the theory.


My own feeling is that this work while important wont help the string theories by very much at all and probably a whole raft of new mathematics is required to take physics forward which has been hitting its head against the glass ceiling for a while now.


Im not a great lover of string theory all those extra dimensions while good for getting in all the forces and values required for a single comprehensive `world view` are bad from the point of view of proving that they exist compactified or not.


No i think that a new math and possibly a new physics is required if physics is to undergo any great leap in this century that was seen in the early beginnings of the last one.


But I welcome views to the contrary and to those who can see how mapping E8 will lead to any advancement of the heterotic string theory.

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