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An Electric Component?


Most everyone should know that Fritz Zwicky discovered the mysterious dark matter (MDM). This was the result of unexplained galaxy velocities that exceeded the estimated masses of these galaxies. So, what is the answer?

The establishment astronomers have not provided one. I will offer an explanation for the reason why but first I will go to the spiral galaxy problem that is similar in nature.


Vera Rubin and her partners researched spiral galaxies and found that the spiral structures in the spiral galaxies did not conform to the virial theorem where the velocities should fall off as the distances of the spiral structures increased from the central nucleus. This obviously is similar to the problem within the galaxy clusters. The conclusion, of course is that there is some mysterious dark matter that exists at the outer perimeter of these spirals.


I believe that I have the solution to this problem and the solution is that the MDM does not exist! That is why it is unobservable. This is how I would explain this puzzle:

Solar and star flares are common in all stars throughout the Universe. This flaring activity results when impacting bodies such as meteoroids, comets and on rare occasions, asteroids (I know this may start another debate on the cause of flares but I am sure I am right) create explosions. The oxides in these bodies break down and release their oxygen and in this hydrogen environment and high temperature, this results in an obvious explosion. These flares strip the electrons off of the elements involved (refer to the S&T article in the 1989 June issue on page 591) such as iron, sulfur and oxygen and leave only the two inner electrons. Some of these free electrons and positive ions are then blasted out into space where the slower positive ions are captured in the inner portions of the spirals while the much higher velocity electrons are captured in the outer hydrogen gas perimeter that surrounds the galaxies to create negative hydrogen ions (two electrons). There may not be many captured but enough to create an attraction between the negative ions and the inner positive ions to give a boost to the gravitational force and create the illusion that more mass is present. Therefore, the MDM does not exist. That is why there is no observation or detection of more mass.


In the clusters, this ionic hydrogen gas collects in the central region of the clusters and acts as a glue to be attracted from all sides by the galaxies and this weak electric force that enhances the gravitational force and creates the same illusion of greater mass. Obviously then, this mass does not exist.

There has been x-ray activity observed in the central regions of these clusters that is probably the result of a preponderance of ionic electron activity and a small quantity of nuclei in these central regions.

You may wonder how this electron cloud can exist because of their mutual repulsion but this central region is continually being fed these free electrons from all the surrounding galaxies and their star flaring activity. Electrons approaching each other from all sides will stop centrally because of their mutual repulsion. Electrons will be escaping this region but are being replenished continually.






Are you serious? What you have written is garbage! - utter crap. What evidence do you have that solar flares and CME's are produced as a result of comets and asteroids plunging into the sun?



I think this thread should should be confined to the "nutty ideas" section without a doubt.



Are you serious? What you have written is garbage! - utter crap. What evidence do you have that solar flares and CME's are produced as a result of comets and asteroids plunging into the sun?



I think this thread should should be confined to the "nutty ideas" section without a doubt.


Did you read my post?

I cited an article in S&T magazine of an observation made by a NASA solar xray telescope.

Isn't that credible enough?

Or do you need a catholic priest to sanctify it? Ha ha.




Have a look at the SOHO stuff new science. Should convince you of your foolishness:doh: .


Solar flares are the result of magnetism due to massive electrical discharges. Their energy is >trillions x what any asteroid in the solar system would produce by colliding with the sun. And the sun is covered with these magnetic field tubes that constantly break and reconnect spectacularly with the overall solar mag field.

Have a look at the SOHO stuff new science. Should convince you of your foolishness:doh: .


Solar flares are the result of magnetism due to massive electrical discharges. Their energy is >trillions x what any asteroid in the solar system would produce by colliding with the sun. And the sun is covered with these magnetic field tubes that constantly break and reconnect spectacularly with the overall solar mag field.


What you quote above is an interpretation of magnetic interactions in the chaotic sunspots that are charged with residual SEPARATED particles resulting from the solar eruptions or flares.


What I quoted in my article is an observation made immediately after a giagantic flare erupted that created a temperature of 20 million degrees Kelvin. This explosion separated all the outer electrons except the two inner electrons in the OBSERVED iron, sulfur and oxygen residual molecules.

The majority of these ions remain in the Sun to form the sunspots that create the caotic electrical discharges.

The rest are BLOWN out to be captured in other environments.

Naturally, the electrons have much higher velocities than the much heavier positive nuclei that are captured in the inner confinemnts of the solar system areas.

Most of the electrons may leave the galaxy while a few will be captured in the outer galactic gasses.


These SEPARATED electric particles are then attracted back to each other to ENHANCE gravity in the spiral galaxies and the galactic clusters.

So the 'dark matter' does not exist as added mass but as separated charges.

This, of course is my opinion but in compliance with the basic teachings of physics.



Does the original thread date give anyone a clue?




What I write is REAL science, not some kind of joke.


The solar xray satellite that observed the residual nuclei of their 'shorn' outer electrons right after a powerful solar eruption (explosion) is NO joke.


Common sense should tell you that these SEPARATED electric particles (SEP)will be attracting each other according to the Law of Attraction (coulomb force) between dissimilar particles. This is 'basic' physics.


The amount of these SEP will enhance Newtonian gravity according to the quantity involved.

So Newtonian gravity (NG) is NOT a fixed value. So this casts a lack of credibility on the Einstein GR that is based on the NG.


Maybe that is why the current science has NO solution for this problem.


This DM problem does give some credibility to an 'electric nature' of the universe.




Did you notice how pathetic a comet colliding with Jupiter looked? The sun is a lot bigger. I wouldn't be surprized if the earth colliding with the sun was a pretty unspectacular event. Galaxys and nebulae etc are affected massively by electrostatic and magnetic forces. Plasma physics.:rolleyes:

Did you notice how pathetic a comet colliding with Jupiter looked? The sun is a lot bigger. I wouldn't be surprized if the earth colliding with the sun was a pretty unspectacular event. Galaxys and nebulae etc are affected massively by electrostatic and magnetic forces. Plasma physics.:(


Jupiters surface temperature is no wheres near the Suns (-139 C vs 5800K) and its atmosphere is therefore not hot enough to cause explosions of any impacting bodies.


Impacting bodies on the Sun rise to the surface after an explosion of the oxides and spread out to form the sunspots like a drop of oil would spread on water.

This would be caused by the heat (photons) of the Sun and the reduced 'ionic' particles sizes that are 1 or 2 millemeters in size IMO.




You suggest that these flare events cause the separation of the positive and negative cranges of the atoms in te vicinity, and somehow these stripped charges do not combine, instead are blasted off such that they get separated.


Then, they travel long distances, and the bulky positive ions formed are stopped by the gas clouds, while the electron are ale to move longer distances.


Good thinking, the logic is somewhat sensible if you overlook the 'somehow's.


The questions:


How do you get so many flare events so as to generate the enormous charge differences involved?


Is there any group of oservations that suggest that the flare events take place (relatively) often?


What are these flare events anyway? (I'm sure you have an answer, please, oh, please provide a link so that we can conviniently visit it)


How do the oppositely charged ions and electrons not re-combine soon?


Why do they get 'blasted away' towards the outside of the galaxy only? (And what, in explicit words is the exact cause of the blasting away? The flare event?)

You suggest that these flare events cause the separation of the positive and negative cranges of the atoms in te vicinity, and somehow these stripped charges do not combine, instead are blasted off such that they get separated.


Then, they travel long distances, and the bulky positive ions formed are stopped by the gas clouds, while the electron are ale to move longer distances.


Good thinking, the logic is somewhat sensible if you overlook the 'somehow's.


The questions:


How do you get so many flare events so as to generate the enormous charge differences involved?




Good question.


These flaring events are the result of impacting comets that contain the 'oxides' that cause the explosions. The sunspots are the residual remains of these comets that are the main sources of this activity.

This activity is 'periodic' as you should know.


These particles can be blasted in all directions within the galaxy but I am only interested about the ones that create the 'dark matter' problem such as has been detected in the galactic clusters and the 'spira'l galaxy 'virial' problem.




Is there any group of oservations that suggest that the flare events take place (relatively) often?




The flares occur before and during the 'sunspot' activity.




What are these flare events anyway? (I'm sure you have an answer, please, oh, please provide a link so that we can conviniently visit it)




I answered the cause above and provided a source in a S&T magazine .

There was also an observation of a solar satellite that observed 2 commets moving toward the Sun. It was followed by a huge flare eruption from the Sun about 2 days later that indicated that the comets impacted the Sun.

It would require a lot of searching to locate that article since I lost the original data.




How do the oppositely charged ions and electrons not re-combine soon?




The 'distance' of the separation is the reason.




Why do they get 'blasted away' towards the outside of the galaxy only? (And what, in explicit words is the exact cause of the blasting away? The flare event?)




They get blasted in all directions but the ones toward the outside of the galaxy are the ones of interest to explain the 'spiral virial problem' that I quoted in my article..



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