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oh whoa two threads merged. Kind of confused.
Join the club....separate or merged, they're confusedly similar topics. Of course its really rude to simply open a new thread for every slightly different idea on the same theme that one has. Of course, there are some who care not what others think of them.


Purposeful obfuscation,


okay so who is going through that stage . .?

Don't get it. We're all a little older than that.

That was actually Freud's whole point. Neuroses can often be ascribed to people becoming stuck at one of these stages that they should have grown out of.


Usually also, recognition of the neurosis is virtually impossible by the self because the Id will not allow it, thus requiring psychoanalytical treatment. The fact that you have asked about it at all indicates that the behavior has entered your Superego, or even Ego (which I think likely) allowing you to recognize your faults, and thus you are considered to be mentally healthy! :fever:


Five cents please,

Buffy Van Pelt

Ignoring your quest for supernatural entities with posterior orifices for a second; does this post contain anything resembling a point, perchance? Do you have any particular point that seek discussion, mayhap?


Just asking.



The point of this post and of many of my posts is that we badly need to learn something about our self so that we can do a better job in creating a society that is more in tune with our nature.


We constantly kill and destroy to the point that we are approaching a point wherein we can destroy our species. Young people need especially to comprehend these matters because they may be the last generation that will be capable of turning this thing around. Young people need to accept their responsibility as a citizen and set aside their apathy and immaturity.

Sounds like someone is fixated on Freud's Second Psychosexual Stage of Development...


Sometimes its just a cigar,


tried to google it. what is it?
Roughly (Freud included several sub and side-stages in the scheme), the stages of psychosexual development are:
  1. Oral. Gratification comes from your mouth. Babies are at this stage.
  2. Anal. Gratification comes from your anus. Children succeeding at toilet training are at this stage.
  3. Genital. Gratification comes from your genitals. Adults are at this stage.

According to the theory, if something goes wrong at a particular stage, you retain an inappropriate focus on its type of gratification. Oral retentive people may be prone to pencil chewing. Anal retentive people may be excessively neat, and be especially freaked-out about touching feces. Anal expulsive people may be excessively sloppy, and even enjoy playing with feces. Genitally fixated people may be excessively sexual, or sexually repressed.


Almost everybody recognizes the euphemism “he’s a bit anal” as meaning “he’s excessively focused on details”. Not as many people know it comes from a Freudian diagnosis of anal retentiveness.


“Sometime a cigar is just a cigar” is a famous quote attributed to Freud. Because Freudian dream analysis focuses on symbols and “latent content”, dreaming of a cigar is commonly taken to indicate unconscious preoccupation with a penis. The quote advises people doing Freudian dream analysis that a cigar is not always symbolic of a penis – sometimes it’s just a cigar.

  • 2 weeks later...
If humans performed in a pattern like manner we could use math to help us predict human behavior. This is not to say that some humans do not perform much like many others or that one individual might behave in a very predictable way. If math is not used in the human sciences it is an indication that the human sciences are dealing with non pattern behavior. There is nothing comprable to Newtonion mechanics that will allow us to predict human reaction to a force exerted on him or her..


It is absolutely necessary to know the difference between the following to understand psychology and patterns in behavior.


By behavior, we mean an "uninterpreted" or "minimally interpreted" camera-eye or recording device description of events. What we are aiming at here is what people from different cultures, with different values would agree was happening; (in common parlance behavior is not clearly distinguished from action, indeed, the distinction between behavior and action is a particularly modern one: ancient peoples interpret all behavior, even that of physical objects, as intentional , i.e. action.)


By action, we mean an interpretation of events in terms of human (or other intelligent beings') intents and purposes. This may not be something which people from different backgrounds can agree on (Consider John's arm went up vs. John raised his arm: we don't know if the former was intentional);


By pattern we mean to look at repetitions and relationships over time and through space of human action, or behavior and the contexts in which they occur. These are often described as correlations among variables;


By structure we mean to focus on relatively stable configurations of both physical and social situations that may give rise to or help explain the patterns of action and behavior we perceive. Social institutions, games, and political movements are examples of structural explanation.




Does your clarification of the meanings of words such as “behavior”, “action”, “pattern”, and “structure” lead you to conclude that my statement is incorrect?



Does your clarification of the meanings of words such as “behavior”, “action”, “pattern”, and “structure” lead you to conclude that my statement is incorrect?


Honestly, you are more correct than anyother member of this particular forum.


It seems to me that your critics underemphasize impulsivity. There are too many variables in human relations to apply mathematics in an uncontrolled environment.




As a Psychoanalyst, I can safely assert that you have a well developed psychosociological imagination.


By supporting you, I have acquired a far amount of negative remarks from CraigD:(


Just look at the red under my name:eek:


He claims that I made assertions without support. This however is a folly on his part. I stated that you were more correct, in that you understand that mathematics is a controlled experimental tool and behavior is definetly impulsive:) Yielding far to many variables to calculate easly.


Just visit my Thread-Dreaming is a piece of infantile mental life that has been superseded. s.f.

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