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Chlorinated Hydrocarbons float on the top micron of the sea surface. So to do Phytoplankton.


Chlorinated Hydrocarbons interfere with the ability of much Phytoplankton to grow, live and reproduce.


We have just started spraying Africa with DDT - there is a thread on it but the search engine won't let me find it.


DDT like most Chlorinated Hydrocarbons degrades VERY slowly (many CHs have up to 18 years half life) so it will soon be in the sea.


Phytoplankton give us most of our oxygen.

If they die we die.


Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocarbons


Menzel, David W.; Anderson, Judith; Randtke, Ann


Science, Volume 167, Issue 3926, pp. 1724-1726

Publication Date:




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Photosynthesis and growth in cultures of four marine phytoplankton species, isolated from different oceanic environments, were affected by three chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT, dieldrin, and endrin) to varying extents.


This ranged from complete insensitivity in Dunaliella to toxicity at concentrations of 0.1 to 1.0 part per billion of the pesticides in Cyclotella. Other forms were intermediate? in their response.

Marine Phytoplankton Vary in Their Response to Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

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