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I just started taking Lexapro last week and it is already helping a little bit. But it seems like I am more stressed in the morning and start feeling better in the afternoon. Is this how it starts working in some people? I have some Xanax too and sometimes take a half when I feel like I need. I'm hoping there are some people who DON'T have a really bad experience getting off of it. Is there anyone who did not have a lot of problems? I had a bad experience with Zoloft so I was scared to start another drug. Any advice?

Please help!


You should look for natural treatment of asthma. I read a book called asthma free naturally as written by Patrick McKeown. That this book is available online and details the Buteyko breathing method for asthma. He teaches Buteyko Breathing Clinic and many other methods. Have a look at asthmacare ie Asthma Care Ireland- Featured on RTE and TV3, Buteyko Clinics and books You would surely be benefited.

You should look for natural treatment of asthma.

Are you spamming, because brianneil's post has absolutely nothing to do with asthma.:turtle:


Anyway, welcome to our forums! I don't know much about stress and anxiety problems, but I'm sure there are many others here that are willing to help! :turtle:



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