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Hello all of you fello xx's, xy's, and everyone else who fits a different discription. So far as things look, I'm XXY. I'm hoping that as I learn from the members of this group that you will all learn something useful from me. I'm in sort of a quest to discover who I really am, and right now, all it would take would be a simple test. But in reality, it's not so simple. It's not that I can't afford it or anything like that. It's just that if a test doesn't reveal results that you want to see, it upsets personal identity issues that I have set up recently. But if the results show something I do want to see, I would sure feel a lot better about myself, and my personal history and phenotypical characteristics would all make sense. Sure, I've researched a lot of text concerning XXY, but sometimes you need to talk to real people who know something about genetics, as they can sometimes give that certain clue that says: Go For It! Run the test.


Howdy Keith,


Could be worse, you could have Turner (monosomy X, or "XO") syndrome. How'd you learn of the Klinefelter piece of your dna?


Also, how'd you find Hypography? Specific interests other than genetics? Welcome, and enjoy. :confused:

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