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  TheBigDog said:
...Clerks at the store keying in all the prices. They moved product with one hand and bagged all in one motion while constantly keying in prices with the other hand.... I could write this stuff for hours....
Yeah, me too!


My father owned a small town grocery store. There was just one checkout register--hand cranked! He and our clerk knew the price of every item in the store by heart!


There were three aisles, hardwood floors. Remember that pink shredded rubber like stuff that was sprinkled on floors to collect the dust and dirt? Every day, my uncle would sweep it up with a huge floor broom, and sprinkle some more stuff down.


All vegetables were sold in bushel baskets out in front of the store, under the shade trees. Dad kept a pile of paper sacks out there, held down by a brick.


Remember Garrett Snuff? :shrug: It came in small hand-blown glass jars and was very popular in small country towns until the late 60's.


And I remember the night sky, full of stars and the Milky Way. There was only one street light per block, and it got DARK at night.


I remember no air conditioning. We had window fans.


Leaded gasoline

lead paint

asbestos insulation


duran duran and anyone that dressed up to look like them

wood sided autmobiles

fruit fly insecticide fly by's

If you want a car or truck or want to save a buck you don't see Cal anymore

automotive undercoating

customer service



When TV stations went off the air at the end of their broadcast day.

"Mr. Terrific" and "Captain Nice"

"My Mother the Car"


"The Starlost"


Food counters in dime stores


When Radio Shack was a electronics hobbyist store rather than a consumer electronics store.


TV sets with tubes (You had to wait for them to warm up first)


Ridin' billy goats on grandpa's farm!


Roughly five/six years of age, you sneak up on them billy goats and jump on! Grab the horns real tight and rodeo the bastard! Hells bells!


I think my record was around ten or so seconds.


It all came to a sordid end when the goats got wise to a low hanging branch. Once we jumped on, they always went at breakneck speed for the branch. I was the first to find out about their dastardliness. I still have a scar on top of my head from being 'brushed off' a billy goat's back.

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