Michaelangelica Posted October 15, 2009 Author Report Posted October 15, 2009 It is predicted that Australia's population will rise 65% to 35 million people by 2040. Mostly by immigration.Yet we can't take a few thousand refugees from war torn parts of the planet-- Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka.War torn in part because of our policies and our guns.Come to Australia (make sure it is by plane and not a leaky boat)The USA,with all its illegal immigrant problems, is able to compassionately take a whole town-population of racial-refugees from Russia.The last lot that came to Oz in leaky boats from a war- torn state were Vietnamese--they haven't done too badly and our culture has been enriched by them. The British Royal Institution (or in a county that abbreviates everything Ri) Comes to Oz.Catalyst: Royal Institution Australia - ABC TV Science(Where kangaroos were invented!) Quote
Michaelangelica Posted October 19, 2009 Author Report Posted October 19, 2009 Australia a global leader in biodiversity Media Statement - 29th September 2009Peter Garrett - Minister for Environment, Heritage and The Arts Environment Minister Peter Garrett today released the only report in the world to document the planet's known animal and plant species - all 1,899,587 of them. . . . . . . "For example, the figures in this report, updated for the first time in 20 years, show 87 per cent of our mammals and 93 per cent of our reptiles are found nowhere else in the world. "The report shows that the science of species discovery is alive and well - in the past three years in Australia, we've discovered 48 reptiles, eight frogs, eight mammals, 1,184 flowering plants and 904 spiders, mites and scorpions."But we have a long way to go - we have discovered and named only about a quarter of Australia's estimated number of flora and fauna. We need this essential information to do a better job of managing our biodiversity against the threats of invasive species, habitat loss and climate change. . . . "This work will add value to the CReefs project, a four-year quest to discover new species at three Australian tropical reefs: Heron and Lizard Islands on the Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia," Mr Garrett said. . . . To download a copy of the Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World report visit: ABRS homepage Attachment 1: Statement from Sir David Attenborough on Numbers of Living SpeciesAttachment 2: Details on scientists funded by ABRS and BHP Billiton or visit ABRS | CReefsAustralian Labor Party : Australia a global leader in biodiversity Quote
Michaelangelica Posted October 23, 2009 Author Report Posted October 23, 2009 Some of my recent EmailAustralian Human Rights Commission releases Christmas Island report Legitimate concerns about people smuggling should not cause Australia to depart from its international human rights obligations to treat asylum seekers humanely and with fairness, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission Cathy Branson QC said today. President Branson made the comments when releasing the Commission’s Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island report, following the Commission’s visit to the Christmas Island immigration detention facilities in July. “The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomed the federal government’s decision to close the offshore detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island, but we remain concerned about the mandatory detention and offshore processing of asylum seekers on Christmas Island,” President Branson said. “The detention of asylum seekers in a place as small and remote as Christmas Island means detainees have limited access to essential services such as legal assistance, health care, torture and trauma counselling and religious support. “The lack of local infrastructure also makes it difficult for the Government to comply with key aspects of its own New Directions policy, particularly in relation to using immigration detention centres as a last resort, and the presumption that asylum seekers will be released into the community once their health, identity and security checks are completed. “We are particularly concerned that some children, including unaccompanied minors, are held in a closed detention facility on the island, known as the ‘construction camp’, which is claustrophobic, lacking in open grassy space and an inappropriate place for children.” Ms Branson said the Commission was also concerned that asylum seekers arriving in excised offshore places like Christmas Island were barred from the refugee status determination system that applied under Australian law. Instead they went through a ‘non-statutory’ process with no access to the Refugee Review Tribunal and very limited access to Australian courts. “These asylum seekers must rely solely on Ministerial discretion in order to be permitted to apply for a protection visa,” Ms Branson said. “This policy should be abandoned and all ‘unauthorised arrivals’ making claims for asylum should have those claims assessed under the refugee status determination system that applies under the Migration Act. “Under the Refugee Convention, asylum seekers should not be penalised because of their method of arrival,” Ms Branson said. “Regardless of how or where they arrive in Australia, all people are entitled to have their fundamental human rights protected, including the right to seek asylum.” Ms Branson also said it was important to recognise the efforts made by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to manage the detention operations on Christmas Island in a humane and positive manner, particularly given the considerable constraints they were working within. Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island can be found at: 2009 Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island Media contact: Louise McDermott 0419 258 597""Contact us | Our website | Mailing lists | Privacy statement | Unsubscribe Australian Human Rights Commission LogoFor the purposes of the SPAM Act 2003, this email is authorised by the Australian Human Rights Commission.Please note: You are receiving this email because your email address ([email protected])has been subscribed to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Priority mailing list. Amnesty International Australia Forward to your friends Tell Kevin Rudd: respect refugees’ rights Dear Michael,Tamil asylum seekers are seen aboard a boat intercepted by the Indonesian Navy en route to Australia, with spokesman 'Alex' speaking to the media.© AAP Image/Adam Gartrell They make up less than four per cent of people who come to Australia seeking asylum, yet never fail to generate an astonishing political and media storm. So here are some facts: more than 96 per cent of asylum seekers arriving in Australia step off planes, not boats. Furthermore, the vast majority of boat arrivals are typically found to be genuine refugees – those fleeing for their lives and safety, not simply seeking better lives in wealthier nations. Far from being "illegal immigrants" they are exercising the right to seek asylum under international law. Yet right now our Government is actually considering paying Indonesia, a country which has not signed the UN Convention on Refugees, to swoop in on people desperately seeking refuge in Australia before we’ve even had a chance to hear their claims. Tell Kevin Rudd it’s time to rise above sinister politics and uphold fundamental human rights. We're part of Amnesty International because we believe in upholding human rights. Not just when all sides of politics are feeling noble. Not just when the abuses are happening somewhere else. Australia currently takes less that a tenth of one percent of the world’s refugees. Blame, fear-mongering and demonising vulnerable people will never replace our need for informed, compassionate policy that’s grounded in the real world. We must stand up to ask our leaders to rise above the politics of fear. Asylum seekers, are not, as the Prime Minister wrongly stated, "illegal immigrants". Ensuring the right to seek asylum is the entire reason the Refugee Convention was created in the first place, in the aftermath of Jewish persecution and genocide during World War II. The reality is, no matter how politically inconvenient no government of Australia can simply wish away the victims of war, abuse and conflict. Nor should any government congratulate itself for offloading some of the world’s most vulnerable and traumatised people onto other countries. If you don’t want this brand of politics representing you any longer, speak up now. Thank you for standing up, Graham ThomRefugee CoordinatorAmnesty International AustraliaEmail Kevin Rudd now Refugees' Human Rights, Amnesty International Australia - Working to Protect Human Rights So this is my letter (I am pretty cranky about this)Dear PM Rudd,I did not vote for you so you could carry on Howard's xenophobia.I am very disappointed-- again refugees fates being traded for votes. We created this problem by supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and by our inaction to human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.--Just as we did in Vietnam.Has the Vietnamese immigration hurt Australia?Quite the contrary, they work harder and are more appreciative of Australia than most native born Australians. We do not need Indonesian mercenaries.. We expect a 65% increase in Oz population in the next 10-20 years. A few thousand scared, destitute, frightened, desperate people will make little difference. How many children are on Christmas Island?How long are refugees taking to "process." Perhaps you could advise 'illegal immigrants and 'people smugglers that they would be better using their money to come to Oz by plane not leaky boat? Stop treating us like brain-dead, racist mushrooms and fix this! There has to be a better way.! Micha. . .he response to the first "Boat People". Things have not changed?http://hungrybeast.abc.net.au/episodes/episode-4 Quote
Michaelangelica Posted December 21, 2009 Author Report Posted December 21, 2009 LAKE EYRE: AUSTRALIA'S OUTBACK WONDERABC1, 9:30pm Tuesday, 5 January 2010A documentary capturing a once-in-a-generation event - the flooding of Lake Eyre, and the dramatic transformation of the dead heart of Australia. It’s a story told through the eyes of one of Australia’s leading environmental scientists, Professor Richard Kingsford and the people who’ve made their lives in the arid Lake Eyre Basin.- ABC1 Television GuideThe lake system is probably bigger than California Quote
Michaelangelica Posted December 21, 2009 Author Report Posted December 21, 2009 == QUIZ: NEWS IN SCIENCE 2009 ==Planetary mayhem, a patent win for CSIRO and another Australian Nobel Laureate were just some of the stories our news team covered this year. But how well do you remember them?News in Science 2009 quiz › Science Quizzes (ABC Science) Quote
Michaelangelica Posted January 5, 2010 Author Report Posted January 5, 2010 This TV documentary is amazingLake Eyre: Australia's Outback WonderABC iViewI've never been there, as foreign to me as you.I'm not sure i wouldn't prefer wandering around France Germany and Italy which, together, are almost as big geographically. Quote
Michaelangelica Posted January 24, 2010 Author Report Posted January 24, 2010 MEDIA RELEASEMonday, 25 January 2010Greens support The Great Australian Internet Blackout against netcensorshipGreens Senator Scott Ludlam is supporting over 500 websites that willmark this Australia Day by fading to black in protest against theFederal Government's proposed internet filter. "I am proud to be part of this week-long national action - The GreatAustralian Internet Blackout," said Australian Greens spokesperson forBroadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Senator Scott Ludlam. "The government's plan will not protect children, will do nothing tocrack down on criminal activity online, and sets a dangerous precedentof centralised net censorship," Senator Ludlam said."Communications Minister Stephen Conroy should start paying attention tothe almost universal condemnation of this scheme and pursue alternativesrather than pushing ahead with the mandatory filter." To take part visit the campaign's website internetblackout.com.au<http://www.internetblackout.com.au/> which features instructions toturn websites black for the duration of the protest, but the darkcovering won't prevent people from seeing participating websites: it canbe removed with just one click. Quote
freeztar Posted February 3, 2010 Report Posted February 3, 2010 Here's a little gem of news from Australia: Australia's government is "banning" adult publications and films featuring women with "small breasts," says Aussie activist Fiona Patten, on the grounds that such images encourage pedophilia. Patton, leader of the anti-censorship Australian Sex Party, is taking issue with a 2005 ruling which specified that even depictions of women who are over 18 but "appear to be" underage may be judged "illegal." Is this alleged practice a strategic way to fight child pornography, or — as Patten maintains — an absurd reaction to a perfectly normal female body type? How could censoring small breasts curb kiddie porn? This "is a terrible idea for many reasons," says Maureen O'Connor in Gawker. Not only would such a ban do nothing to "reduce smut," censoring images of "small breasts" only codifies "an arbitrary set of female sexual ideals."...Australia's 'small breast' ban - THE WEEK Seriously, what the hell are/were they thinking? :confused: The logical fallacy here is clear, but in case you missed it they are saying that: 1. People watch porn and see legal women with small breasts2. Female children typically have small breasts3. Therefore, people that watch porn that depicts small breasts have an affinity for children with small breasts. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people that fit that assumption. But to then assume that all people in number 1 fit the assumption of number 3 is a logical fallacy.Perhaps there's some weird pedophilia craze sweeping Australia that has no other explanation, but I doubt it. It's good to know that inane legislation is not limited to the yanks. :note: Quote
LaurieAG Posted February 3, 2010 Report Posted February 3, 2010 Hi Freeztar, It's good to know that inane legislation is not limited to the yanks. :confused: At least you yanks don't have a federal government that passes legislation giving your state leaders of congress the power to direct (i.e. tell them what to do, rubber stamp) your state governors in the exercise of their duties. They also removed our state governors right to withold (for 2 years) or disallow (i.e. veto) legislation passed by our state governments. Our federal govt bastards did this in 1986 and they still haven't got the constitutional permission from a majority of the Australian citizens through yes votes in referendums. If the US really means what it says about spreading constitutional democracy around the world then maybe your president could mention it to our bone head tyrants/dictators when he comes and visits next month. And dear old Rupert is one of the people who kept a lid on this disgusting unconstitutional situation and made a whole lot of moola pandering to the right wing extremists in charge of both our major political parties. Lets have an educated discussion and not more of the propaganda tripe that he's been shoving into Australian minds for over 2 decades. Maybe Barack Obama could have a quiet word with Rupert and then Rupert could pass the word down to our dear leader when he comes to grovel, after all Ruperts a US citizen and also Australia's richest man now so somebody must have given his Australian citizenship back after he renounced it many years ago. Quote
Moontanman Posted February 5, 2010 Report Posted February 5, 2010 Here's a little gem of news from Australia: Australia's 'small breast' ban - THE WEEK Seriously, what the hell are/were they thinking? :) The logical fallacy here is clear, but in case you missed it they are saying that: 1. People watch porn and see legal women with small breasts2. Female children typically have small breasts3. Therefore, people that watch porn that depicts small breasts have an affinity for children with small breasts. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people that fit that assumption. But to then assume that all people in number 1 fit the assumption of number 3 is a logical fallacy.Perhaps there's some weird pedophilia craze sweeping Australia that has no other explanation, but I doubt it. It's good to know that inane legislation is not limited to the yanks. :( Well then I guess young girls with big boobs are ok then? It chaps my *** that nudity and porn are assumed to be the same thing too. Is there no end to suppression of human sexuality? Far too many people lay awake at night worried that some where some how somebody is having a good time! :lol: And yet child beauty pageants where they dress little girls up like hookers is ok, the whole thing is so very wrong it's defies explanation. :D freeztar and DougF 2 Quote
Michaelangelica Posted February 6, 2010 Author Report Posted February 6, 2010 No we have inane legislation too, but we are not as gullible as the Yanks.Has Australia really banned small breasts? – CrikeyPersonally I'm all for such a law, plastic surgeons need the work. Quote
maikeru Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 My younger brother told me about this and I thought he was joking. I guess not. Quote
CraigD Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 IMHO, laws against the making or viewing of video and photo images of actual porn actors on the grounds that they are simulating child porn pale in comparison to laws against viewing pornographic cartoons for the same reason – see Man fined for downloading Simpsons cartoon porn - Local News - News - General - The Herald A similar legal jeopardy existed in the US from 1996 until 2002, when the SCOTUS decision Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition struck down provisions of the Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 that criminalized drawn or computer-rendered images that might be construed as sex involving minors, AKA “virtual child porn”. So, in the US at least, provided you're willing to fight hard in court, you won’t go to jail for possessing images of Lisa and Bart Simpson having sex. Quote
LaurieAG Posted February 6, 2010 Report Posted February 6, 2010 In 1997 the Queensland Supreme Court of Review said they couldn't find anything in state or federal legislation that would prevent an 11 year old girl from consenting to sex with a 69 year old man. I thought that was really unusual because I was 16 when they changed the age of consent to 16 in the state of Queensland. Here's an excerpt from the Australia Act 1986. You tell me if our state governors are now just rubber stamps for our state politicians. The bold highlights the important bits. Powers and functions of Her Majesty and Governors in respect of States 7. (1) Her Majesty's representative in each State shall be the Governor.(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) below, all powers and functions of Her Majesty in respect of a State are exercisable only by the Governor of the State.Subsection (2) above does not apply in relation to the power to appoint, and the power to terminate the appointment of, the Governor of a State.(3) While Her Majesty is personally present in a State, Her Majesty is not precluded from exercising any of Her powers and functions in respect of the State that are the subject of subsection (2) above. (4) The advice to Her Majesty in relation to the exercise of the powers and functions of Her Majesty in respect of a State shall be tendered by the Premier of the State. State laws not subject to disallowance or suspension of operation 8. An Act of the Parliament of a State that has been assented to by the Governor of the State shall not, after the commencement of this Act, be subject to disallowance by Her Majesty, nor shall its operation be suspended pending the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. State laws not subject to withholding of assent or reservation 9. No law or instrument shall be of any force or effect in so far as it purports to require the Governor of a State to withhold assent from any Bill for an Act of the State that has been passed in such manner and form as may from time to time be required by a law made by the Parliament of the State. No law or instrument shall be of any force or effect in so far as it purports to require the reservation of any Bill for an Act of a State for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. Quote
LaurieAG Posted February 20, 2010 Report Posted February 20, 2010 I wrote a letter to the Queensland State Attorney General in 1999 about my concerns over new prostitution laws ( http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/ACTS/1999/99AC073.pdf ) and dubious age of consent definitions and received a reply from his office that they were going to change the onus onto the child (under the age of consent) to prove that consent wasn't given before rape charges would be laid ;). Hundreds of convicted child molesters had their sentences reduced by 4 years (the rape charges were removed) saving the state government millions of dollars. The real unusual thing is that (I have read the local, state and national newspapers almost every day for about 15 years now) the reversion was never published in a newspaper and the political party responsible is still in power (but the state premier then, Peter Beattie, is now the US trade commissioner on a salary of $200K p.a., even though he said he wouldn't take a state job for 2 years). Relevant Queensland legislation The other unusual thing about the Beattie Premiership is the recent conviction of ex state MP, Gordon Nuttal, on corruption charges. In 2000/2001 our dear state leader and his mates added clause 9 of the Bill of (imperial) rights 1688 to our state Constitution and then later on made it lawful for MP's to lie to parliament and get away with it (they could lie everywhere in the entire state :eek:). I think there should be a Royal Commission into what the hell was going on under his premiership because he says he 'knew nothing' but stacked it up so that the official corruption could only be found out after Nutall (and Beattie) left parliament and Beattie left the country. It just goes to show that absolute power corrupts absolutely, John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Quote
Michaelangelica Posted March 7, 2010 Author Report Posted March 7, 2010 Locals evacuated ahead of 120-year flood Updated Fri Mar 5, 2010 12:38pm AEDTPreviousNextSlideshow: Photo 1 of 7Big wet: Homes are swamped in the tiny town of Bollon, near St George (ABC: Taryn Southcombe) The entire population of the southern Queensland town of St George may have to be evacuated later today ahead of what is expected to be the area's worst flood in more than 120 years. The town's Balonne River is expected to peak at 14 metres, almost a metre higher than the 1890 flood level, later today. The weather bureau is also warning more water could be on its way, as rain clouds move westward again over the weekend. Authorities say up to 80 per cent of the homes in St George could be affected by floodwaters. Premier Anna Bligh says helicopters have gone to St George for evacuations and to supply isolated properties. "We have two helicopters on their way, we've got the SES on standby should they be needed," she said. "Right now the people of St George are working systematically house by house, doorknocking and moving people to safer ground. "St George does have a number of evacuation centres in dry areas, so we'll be working with them to make sure that they're safe." Balonne Shire Mayor Donna Stewart says residents may have to leave St George altogether during the flood, as nowhere may be safe. "We're going into totally uncharted waters," Councillor Stewart said. She says the town is being menaced by a flood peak caused by record water levels in both the Maranoa and Balonne rivers north of the town. "That's why it's very difficult to make an assessment - this has apparently never happened before. We've had record floods in one or the other rivers, but never in both at the same time," she said. "It appears as though they may converge within a couple of hours of one another." An evacuation centre has been set up at the local showgrounds in St George and authorities are trying to determine what parts of town - if any - will not go under. * Video: St George residents brace for floods (ABC News Breakfast) * Video: Qld town gets second dose of flooding (ABC News Breakfast) * Video: Storms to add to Qld floods (ABC News Breakfast) * Video: Charleville hit by more floods (7pm TV News QLD) * Video: Floodwaters recede in Roma (7pm TV News QLD) * Video: Floodwaters surge through St George (ABC News) * Audio: Queensland town braces for floods (AM) * Map: St George 4487 * Related Story: St George to evacuate as flooding worsens * Photo Gallery: Floods sweep across Queensland * Related Link: Send us your floodwater photos and videos * Related Link: Qld Weather - Bureau of Meteorology * Related Link: Follow Kerrin Binnie's tweets from flooded CharlevilleSt George cleans up after record flood - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) :coffee_n_pc:Storm fears as Melbourne mops up Victorians are still reeling from yesterday's wild weather as they brace for possible flash flooding today.ABC News - Top Stories - Breaking news from Australia and the world Quote
Michaelangelica Posted March 7, 2010 Author Report Posted March 7, 2010 On the banning issue books like The Peaceful Pill are banned and a web banning system is just a matter of time. Most are OK with this. They are not OK that the list of banned websites and/or their reason for being banned will not be made public.We have a catholic PM. Is this the reason? There is an effective ban on showing clitorus & vulva detail. So much so that girls are getting plastic surgery for any deviations that they see from the photo-shopped "norm".See labiaplasty section in this program # 14.Episodes | Hungry Beast Quote
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