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Okay, eventually I'll start a subforum with music in it but I wanted to post a new instrumental song I wrote for a contest I'm participating in.


The theme of the contest is to write a piece of music which conveys the sort of emotions that got you into music in the beginning. So I HAD to write a tribute to my favorite movie theme music, the incredible "Top Gun Anthem" by Harold Faltermeyer (guitar played by Steve Stevens).


The title is of course related to one of the main characters in the movie - if you don't know which one then you're probably born after 1970. :)


And, er, if you play it in an mp3 player and wonder who the hell "kovacs" is, well, that happens to be my artist name. 10 rep points for telling me where it comes from.



Club Kovak : If you are a true music fan, this band are not to be missed. Every first thursday of the month they leave the audience upstairs at the Albert spellbound. Ever been to see a band in a pub where everybody, I mean everybody shuts up and listens raptly? Go and see Kovak and see why.

With an incredible sweeping hammond intermixed with monophonic synth sounds, jazzy drums and perfect guitar, Kovak weave an original sound that intermingles soul with 70's Brit rock, folk and modern melodic rock bands. All this is topped off with beautiful harmonised vocals.

A refreshing change from the usual Brighton offerings that are more image than music.

Seriously, don't miss this band before they move on to bigger things.



is it something to do with that Morgan book that you and Yvonne have both mentioned?

Well, you didn't like my Xbox gamertag so I had to chose something else, right?

you didn't like my Xbox gamertag

ok, remind me of that one again, would you?


and have you heard of BookCrossings? sorry, a bit off topic, but i found that site when trying to remember your Kovacs thing... took a few minutes reading through one of Y's e-mails, then a bit of cross-checking, etc... so was i right? those books are hard to find, too, btw!

...and my xbox gamertag is JoshuaCalvert. :hihi:



first of all, do you feel like we're playing ping-pong tonight? :rant:

ah yes, JoshuaCalvert. now i remember. the other hero, right? different series though?

and WHERE are my 10 rep points? granted, re-reading e-mails from the wife might be a bit of an advantage, but i'll take those points any way i can get them, ok???

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