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We are just getting macines in Australia that can measure fine particle pollution in cities.

(Catalyst had a show about a year ago where they tested the air near schools.)

Diesel is a great source of FPP

Here is a new measuring technique.

ScienceDaily: Satellites Track Human Exposure To Fine Particle Pollution

Satellites Track Human Exposure To Fine Particle Pollution


Science Daily — When it comes to air pollution, the smallest size can do the most harm. More than a decade ago, a pioneering study by Harvard's School of Public Health showed that one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution is particulate matter 10 microns (about 0.0004 inch) or less in size. Called PM 10, this tiny airborne debris is a product of burning fossil fuels.

It can be found wherever there are cars, boilers and power plants.

Fires and dust storms are also sources



Over here they've been ranting about PM10 for years!


The local environmental agencies monitor the levels in cities and large enough towns and when thresholds are exceeded the mayor must take measures such as traffick limitations, or whatever, which aren't usually much use in brief term.


It happens especially when there hasn't been enough rainfall to wash the air out. In the long term they've been encouraging changes in urban lifestyle, while purchases of new fleet vehicles in the past decade or two have opted for methane run models. The diesel ones that aren't old enough to discard have been using less smokey fuels; emulsifying diesel oil with water helps.


Thanks Qfwfq,

(Can't give you rep!)

FPP seems only to becomming an issue here of very late

Here is the catalyst show I mentioned

Catalyst: Dirty Little Secrets - ABC TV Science

Dirty Little Secrets

Reporter: Mark Horstman

Producer: Mark Horstman, Greg Swanborough, Paul Faint

Researcher: Maria Ceballos



Related Info


4 May 2006

Is the air in our cities safe to breathe? New science about fine particle pollution has a dire warning for public health. A storm of toxic dust and poison gases swirls through our streets and suburbs every day. Not the result of some freak industrial accident, but an invisible killer we unwittingly spread from our vehicle exhausts. The global epidemic of fine particle pollution is estimated to kill nearly a million people each year. The toxic particles are so incredibly small they can slip straight through lung walls into our bloodstream. So small, are they beyond the reach of government agencies charged with protecting public health?


An online forum was held after the program.


This has become a concern for southern California residents also.


This from the latimes:


"As part of air pollution plans designed to meet federal deadlines, South Coast Air Quality Management District officials have proposed a ban on wood-burning fireplaces in all new homes in Los Angeles, Orange and portions of Riverside and San Bernardino counties.


In addition, on winter days when pollution spikes, wood-fueled blazes in all fireplaces would be banned in highly affected areas. That could amount to about 20 days a year, district officials said."


I have to admit the level of smog has gone down tremendously over the past ten years when high alert-stay indoors-poor air quality days were a common occurrence. But it is difficult for me to accept that advances in cleaner fuel burning automobiles would not be of greater benefit than loosing out on barbeque's and recreational wood burning.



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