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Now, this is very strange, or put in another way: what do I have to change in the firefox settings to speed it up? Because I opened just for fun konqueror and it is much quicker than firefox...I always thought it had something to do with linux settings, but now it doesn't seem... any ideas?

Now, this is very strange, or put in another way: what do I have to change in the firefox settings to speed it up?


You might check out the first page of posts here, which is pretty stellar:


Firefox Tuning - MozillaZine Forums



or... The link which led me to that:


Tweakfactor.com: Firefox Tweak Guide - Page 4 - Get your tweak on!



If you want first person experience and personal suggestions though, unfortunately I'm not your guy.



Proste. :(

I have no clue what your talking about


You should be proud. Really. You've added so much content to the thread and helped the user who posted the question to really make progress on... well... on nothing. Go you. :(


jungedi a short explication:

on my linux I have two web browsers firefox and konqueror.

firefox was always slow, much slower than when running it in windows and I thought it was due to my general linux settings, but now that with konqueror I have the same speed as with firefox on windows, it follows that the problem does not lie in the linux settings but in the firefox settins.


If you still don't understand ask a precise question...


A possible browser alternative that looks promising is the Safari Beta for Windoze


www apple dot com / safari /


Safari 3 Public Beta


According to Apple its the fastest browser available with regard to HTML/Java/Application launch.




I have loaded linux on a few systems at work mainly to test multi boot cd's I put together so my knowledge of linux is limited. From what I understand Safari is actually based off of the konqueror browser and my intention was to promote safari for windoze and not linux.


I mention safari for windoze since Sanctus indicated he had a windows system or at least is dual booting.




Safari uses some modules form Konqueror, but is about 90% lighter. And the Windows version is still in Beta and about, uhm, 4 days old (since it was released as Public Beta).


Guess what?


Well aside from the fact that i am finally back, and dissapointed in the progrssion of the CS section of the form that is!


Yes you may express how happy you are to see me in this thread.... (kidding ofcourse.... eeeh most people are prolly like "Oh this f*%$er is back again?")


ok, few things about Konqueror, Safari and Firefox:

Konqueror = Safari != Firefox


Most of the core code in safari is derived from konqueror, infact the entire base engine is simply taken off of GPLed konqueror and put into a proprietary Safari with a little touched up interface (yes it is as lame as it sounds)


Safari Beta 3 for windows thoughts:

within not even 4 hours of its announced public release David Maynor (he came up with the firmware exploit for mac wifi cards aka 60 second exploit) has released on his Blog that he has come up with at least 4 DoS exploits and at least 2 remote code execution volnurabilities.


In testing firefox was not considerably slower then safari, nowhere near what steve jobs advertises, nor does the slight increase in performance outweigh the amount of features that firefox has (as in DONT rush to get it ppl, not worth it as of beta yet)

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