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Posted (edited)
On 1/31/2023 at 8:28 AM, andrewgray said:

The next topic we want to talk about is the Hubble Diagram.  The Hubble Diagram shows that the further away a galaxy cluster is from us, the faster it is moving away from us!  Something like this:


This diagram is used by astronomers to claim that spacetime itself is expanding.  "The universe is expanding", is what is colloquially said!  So let's do a little thought experiment.  Let's take a grenade out to a safe distance from the space-station and explode it!  We want to plot the velocity diagram of the grenade fragments vs. distance after 100 seconds.  A fragment plot may look something like this:


Notice that the furthest grenade fragments have the fastest velocity BECAUSE THEY WERE EJECTED THE FASTEST AND HENCE HAVE TRAVELED THE FURTHEST.  As you would expect.  Duh.  The Hubble Constant for this grenade fragment explosion is H=10.3 m/s/km.  So what?  That DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE SPACETIME AROUND THIS GRENADE EXPLOSION IS EXPANDING.  It just means there was a big explosion and the fastest fragments traveled the furthest.  AGAIN I SAY, "Duh!"


What does this mean?  It simply means that the top diagram DOES IMPLY THAT THERE WAS A BIG EXPLOSION, but that it only means we are fairly near the center of the explosion and that the fastest ejected galaxies traveled the furthest.  That's all it means.  We are going to have to rename The Big Bang to The Big Explosion!  Spacetime "does not expand".  That is just nonsense.


Andrew Ancel Gray


When a grenade explodes, there are different size fragments, with different mass. According to F=ma, for the same force, those fragments with the smallest mass will undergo the highest acceleration. Therefore, fragments with different masses will have different accelerations, velocities and distances traveled.

Comparing this to the the BBT is possibly the dumbest thing I have seen posted on this forum.

At the time when recombination occurred, the universe was filled with an opaque gas with a uniform temperature of approximately 3000 kelvin, so its spectrum was that of a blackbody of 3000 K.  At the surface of last scattering, the photon radiation was extremely uniform; perhaps to one part in a million or better. Even today when we examine the CMB radiation, we find it is uniform to within one part in 100,000. The intrinsic anisotropies in the CMB are differences in the temperature of the CMB of approximately +/- 200 micro-Kelvin. More than likely there were particles, other than photons, that left the surface of last scattering, such as neutrinos or even hydrogen atoms. However, we cannot detect  those particle streams today; but certainly there were no “fragments” of different masses and nothing like galaxies existed!

Your explanation of different velocities and distances for distant galaxies, based on an analogy to a grenade exploding is ludicrous, as are many of the claims you make in this thread (no photons! No general relativity! No nuclear physics!) that go against the Standard Model and all of established Physics and Cosmology.

The biggest question I have is why you have been allowed to post all this nonsense for the past 17 years? Did you receive some special dispensation that allows you to circumvent the site rules about backing up your claims?






Edited by OceanBreeze
removed a unwarranted remark
On 12/31/2024 at 11:05 AM, OceanBreeze said:

Your explanation of different velocities and distances for distant galaxies, based on an analogy to a grenade exploding is ludicrous.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this idea, but why is it ludicrous? 

3 hours ago, rodin said:

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this idea, but why is it ludicrous? 

That’s a fair question. I consider it to be ludicrous for several reasons, starting with using the term “explosion” when referring to the BBT and the expansion of space. By now I would have thought that anyone who knows anything about cosmology would understand that there was no space for anything to explode into!

Nobody can say what existed prior to the BB event, but whatever it was, it was ALL that existed. For the purpose of this discussion only, I will refer to the origin as a seed. Since the seed was all that existed, if there was any space in existence prior to the BB event, it was somehow bundled up within that seed. I won’t say anything more about the nature of the seed itself because I just don’t know anything about it and neither does anyone else.

What I can say is the BB event, according to currently accepted theory, was an expansion of original space and, as it expanded, more space was being produced. There is evidence for this expansion because it is still continuing to this day.

The study of cepheid variable stars revealed there is a direct correlation between a cepheid star's magnitude and  the star’s periodical  change of luminosity. Since a star’s brightness is also related to distance, astronomers only needed to know the period of a cepheid variable to figure out how bright, and therefore how far away it was. Next, by analyzing the light from distant galaxies, astronomers found that nearly all of the light spectrums were shifted into the red part of the spectrum, indicating that nearly all of the galaxies  appeared to be moving away from Earth.

Considering the above facts and making his own observations, Hubble observed that the red shift of galaxies was directly proportional to the distance of the galaxy from earth.  He then concluded that things farther away from Earth were moving away faster. Thus, the universe is expanding! This has been further confirmed by observations of the cosmic microwave background, but to keep my reply reasonably short, I won’t go into detail about the CMB.

Mathematical calculations, using the Hubble “constant”  (67.7 (km/s)/Mpc) have determined that the most distant galaxies are moving away from earth at more than double the speed of light. Since no object that has mass can move through space at the speed of light, these superluminal speeds must be due to the expansion of space itself and not due to an explosion taking place in existing space.

Getting back to your question, I would not consider it ludicrous for someone who has no knowledge of cosmology to compare the BB to an explosion. In fact, many people continually make that same mistake.

The comparison only seems ludicrous to me because it is coming from someone who has dedicated at least 17 years of his life to investigation into nearly all areas of science only to make such a rookie mistake!

Unfortunately, that is far from his only mistake, but I only intend for my remarks to be  a criticism of his theories and not a criticism of the man himself.

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