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To have acces to the processors of my university to run simulations I do:


 ssh -X sandro@myuni


The problem is actually not accessing or giving comands to the uni cluster but if I want to save my results on my domain (eg. sandro@localhost) with which comand I can do this?


I have to do this via comand line and the usual cp doesn't work...


Hope you understood my question which is only hard to formulate but not hard for someone with more experience than me... all I need is one comand line to send things between different domains...


Thanks in advanc


ssh has a companion called "scp" which does what you're looking for. There's also oodles of varieties of "sftp" out there too, depending on whether you're looking for an interactive or batch copy mechanism. Filezilla also has a secure connection mode...


Scrambled bits,



thanks to both of you, gonna try it out now. As of security, it is my uni who did this so they'll know what they did (I have a request for a password coming up after the ssh line, if it was that what you meant).


Actually, I'm a bit lost in the sense about what to type. Let's say I want to copy the file show.sm which is on the host sandro@myuni in ~/folder/other/show.sm

and paste it to sandro@myhost in ~/myfolder/diplome

What would be the line I have to write? It doesn't seem to work as cp as here you have also to specify the hosts...


I think it would be something like


scp sandro@myuni:/folder/other/show.sm sandro@myhost:~/myfolder/diplome


Type "man scp" to get the help page for scp.


Edit: AFAIK this will only work if the host you're moving TO supports SSH...


Thanks, eventually I contacted my prof and I had to copy while being on myhost and not on myuni (because sandro@localdomain is not recognized by myuni) then I typed:

scp sandro@myuni:montecarlo/cmbeasy1/file

and it worked fine.

The prof told me too that one needs to use /* instead of * if I want to copy file1, file2, file3,... i.e. write file/* , why is this? IT worked fine like that but still seems strange...

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