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Orby, can you substantiate this claim with an objective, reproducible experiment? ... no credible theory explains how one could see them around a living creature. Although controlled tests have been conducted, no one has ever demonstrated the ability to see or feel auras.
Several years ago, a teenaged girl in high school entered an experiment (actually, her results) in the regional Science Fair. What she did was to contact folks who asserted they could detect auras and enroll them in an experiment. Hundreds of her fellow students and neighbors volunteered as the guinea pigs. She made a double-booth, kinda like a confessional, where an aura detector was in one side and a GP in the other. The detector stuck a hand through a hole and was able to touch the GP's hand, unseen. No other cues were allowed.


The detector was allowed a set period of time (tens of seconds) to detect the GP's aura and then to enter the gender of the GP onto a paper form: male or female.


After several dozen aura detectors had done their "thing" with several hundred GPs, the results were: The aura detectors were right 50% of the time. Exactly what you would expect from random choice. None of the aura detectors were able to exceed the expected range of results from mere random choice.


The girl actually won a prize at the Science Fair. And no wonder--she performed real science!!!!!


so science says someone can't detect gender by touching hand.

cool. doesn't surprise me at all.


I can't tell if it's a man or a woman behind me,

but I feel that they are there.


it's no big deal it's just sensitivity and awareness.

there are some who claim they can actually see auras.

qi gong masters, tantric practitioners, anyone who can move 'energy' through their bodies at will through meditation actually hallucinate things like this.


I've been talking to guys that can orgasm without ejaculating and they describe all these different levels of the orgasm. they tell me that the orgasms most people know are only skimming the surface, as they have full body, mind, and heart orgasms that can last a long, long time. the further they go they start to hallucinate their lovers turning into galaxies of twinkling stars (just an example) auras become apparent, everything glows.

the DMT in your brain starts flowing. you slowly change the channel on your perception.


tantra, qi gong, kundalini yoga,

they're all essentially the same thing. archetypes manifested from different parts of the world.


the energy that most of you are unaware of is extremely powerful when you learn how to control it.




and if you're a skeptic, as I know many of you probably are,

find a qi gong master in your area and start working with him/her.

or a kundalini yoga instructor.

or a tantrika. they can help you feel these energies within you, around you, everything that we are.

I know many of you are busy...and have no time...


There can be no arguement against someone's perception because it is a strictly relative issue. If someone experiences such things, there can be no arguement against them. The only question is do their experiences actually define certain themes about reality or do they simply attribute to the complex nature of the human mind. And if this energy can be controled, what can it be used to do besides alter ones perception?


This thread posted to discuss the idea of an energy and what occurs to that energy when we die. The arguement has been twisted into a debate over whether or not there is such a thing as a "soul". What are your thoughts on the eventual condition of the energies you speak of?


eventual condition?

From my perspective, it looks like these energies are one of the major sources of longetivity, enlightenment, and nirvana. As well as mental and physical health, these energies are very healing and revitalizing.

thanks to the internet, this information is available everywhere (for those who seek it)

Actually learning it's function is another story.


I am well aware of nirvana, moksha, heaven, and the love source. I have studied them all thoroughly, and I believe them all to be the same. Where the energy comes from is where the energy will go, eventually.


But the study of what the energy can be used to do is a still vague. There is plenty of literature that seems to show evidence of the power we are instilled with, but belief in that power seems to be more powerful than the power itself. My question is this: If there are such powers, is the belief necessary for such use of our energy?


For the most part, yes.

Although sometimes people have random experiences (like a kundalini awakening) without prior knowledge of it.


people think they are being abducted by aliens when they enter sleep paralysis. BOOM.

In my practices, knowing that jing, or kundalini, or prana, or whatever you want to call it exists and is just waiting for me to call it out like a snake, is essential.


If I didn't believe I could have an orgasm by just sitting down and breathing then I never would (yes, it is possible! This actually happened to me once out of the blue when I sat down in a comfortable couch. It was so intense and amazing and all I could do was sit there. I didn't tell anyone, nor did I ejaculate. It just happened :hal_skeleton:)


Also something interesting I just found out:

In hinduism (and indian yogic practices) they teach you that you only have a limited amount of prana (the energy that is released when a male ejaculates and a female menstruates)

In chinese energy practices [like qi gong] they teach you that you only have a limited amount of jing throughout your whole life and once it's depleted you're dead. (Hence the difference between an old american, and an old chinese man. Nimble, alert, wise. Yes I'm generalizing :popcorntub: )

This energy they speak of is the same.


They teach you to live life without wasting this energy, and in return you are filled with more energy than you would if you spilled your seed regularly. I've talked to many people who can confirm this, I hope to one day be as in control as they.



But the study of what the energy can be used to do is a still vague. There is plenty of literature that seems to show evidence of the power we are instilled with, but belief in that power seems to be more powerful than the power itself. My question is this: If there are such powers, is the belief necessary for such use of our energy?

hi guys,

i was just reading your thread and wanted to jump in

in my opinion, belief is the power. if we dont believe in ourselves, we have no power.

we all have that spark of life. call it what you will (soul/consciousness,life force,energy). we all feel it in our bodies and in our minds.

our belief in ourselves is more powerful than the power itself, as beleiving is the power. thats what makes it so powerful.

woa........is this getting confusing?.......

our energy,most of it comes from ourselves. our ability to connect to and be open with ourself, is the main switch to this power.

i have no science to back up this opinion, but this is something that kinda makes sense to me......i am however open to suggestion.





really beleiving in yourself in our modern world is no small feat i think.

you asked about behaviours and thoughts involved.

get rid of negativity. no one ever felt good about themselves when their inner thoughts are talking complete crap."im no good this, im no good that"all this negative self talk is the first thing that has to go in my opinion.we all do it, even if its a little bit.

whats hard is recognition, then, even harder is processing, then hardest of all, actual transition.

the inner self having gone through this transformation (of sorts) comes out stronger. we all get it sometimes, that swell of self love(i know.... it sounds corny). it needs to be holistic though. exercise, healthy food that kind of stuff. healing our bodies,minds and spirits.

this is the power i refer to when talking about believing in oneself.

what it really means?(believing in oneself)..................

self love.......god, it sounds corny!

but yeah......um...does that answer your questions?

let me know



Self love is pride. Pride comes before the fall. But I completely understand what you are saying. As long as you love yourself as part of your environment and your environment as part of you, you won't slip into your own ego. Loving oneself isn't the same as having an ego. Sometimes an ego can be unhealthy.


And sometimes the ego gets in the way. I've seen it suppress potential in so many humans. I've seen it destroy.

I disagree that self love is pride, I believe there is a very thin line here.



what you said about the environment and yourself,i think, is spot on. one cannot live without the other.

i also agree with orbsycli......in that theres a very thin line between love and pride. in this self love state if you are proud of yourself you are therefore proud of everybody else. pride on its own takes away from others as you direct more attention on yourself and this, i think is where the ego steps in. in self love theres no need for pride, as you are in harmony with all things and love all things equally.

would you guys say so?...........

and ego suppressing potential in humans......dude....in my opinion its whats killing the planet, at the very least its dominating the planet.

woa.....its all a bit heavy really, isnt it.

ok ....next time guys



Its not an obscure idea at all. The more one tries to control their environment the more their environment controls them. If one can not sumbit to existance, existance will not submit to them.


The fear of death, discomfort, and despair causes people to act out of their best interest. They need only realise that death is a transition, discomfort is relative, and they won't be in despair. This is all easier said than done.


Your consciousness is part of the single consciousness. If you can allow yourself to realise this, peace is the result. If we could accomplish this as a species, peace would be the result.



Your consciousness is part of the single consciousness. If you can allow yourself to realise this, peace is the result. If we could accomplish this as a species, peace would be the result.


that and a bit/a lot of meditation and there may be some hope for humankind yet.

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