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I would like to know


If you think that a Pendulum in a closed loop system will always tend to Chaos ?


And what this means for Fusion Reactors that are torus shaped ?


Will such Fusion reactions(of this type) always tend towards Chaos or is there some quantum reasoning that could eliminate this and produce long lasting stable fusion reactions ?


This question bothers me as I would like to think that stable fusion reactions are possible within torus shaped reactors although recent results are not good for my point of view on this subject.


Any thoughts on the above would be most welcome.





Its a bit complicated in fusion reactions there are oscillations inside the plasma often called 'Langmuir Waves'.


These oscillations are longitudinal and can be likened to pendulum oscillations and some plasma theorists using classical physics have written papers basically stating that these oscillations will always tend toward chaos and therefore producing stable plasma fusion reactions is impossible as according to classical physics plasmas should be inherently unstable too.


This is because in these situations the pendulum's motion can become highly unpredictable and tiny changes in the initial conditions can lead quickly to totally different subsequent behaviour.


It has been shown that tiny changes in a plasma's initial conditions too can lead quickly to totally different subsequent behaviour also, it is believed that its these oscillations that are responsible mainly for the plasma's inherent instability in producing long lived fusion reactions.


QM has a different view which includes particles called plasmons but Im not that familiar with these ideas just wondering if any of the moderators were familiar with plasmons that was all.




Its a bit complicated in fusion reactions there are oscillations inside the plasma often called 'Langmuir Waves'.


These oscillations are longitudinal and can be likened to pendulum oscillations and some plasma theorists using classical physics have written papers basically stating that these oscillations will always tend toward chaos and therefore producing stable plasma fusion reactions is impossible as according to classical physics plasmas should be inherently unstable too....Cheers



i know little about plasma physics, but i have a passing knowledge of chaos theory. in my view, associating chaotic systems (also called 'complex' systems) with instability is not logically substantiated. in fact, chaos theory has shown there exists many groups of 'islands of stability' in previously deigned 'random/chaotic' systems; for example see Lorenz attractor.


it may be the case that such 'islands of stabilty' exist for specifics of plasma physics. chaos favors the prepared imagination. (roger thelonious george) ;)

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