Professor Gravity Posted July 3, 2007 Report Posted July 3, 2007 This Thread Is Towards The Understanding Of Outer space Plant Growth. I am an independent scientist and I research the affects that gravity has on plants by growing them upside down. I accomplish this experiment because I developed a special formulated dirt. The development of the dirt was towards the idea that astronauts would use it to grow plants in outer space. To better understand my experimental project situation, let me start from the begging...I was going to a local university to study chemistry and I did not manage to get pass the first year because work and school became to overwhelming. So I did the next best thing and build a small laboratory in my apartment and began experimenting, mainly, with all natural harmless materials. My interest in the development of a special outer space dirt or soil began when I was informed by NASA agencies that astronauts do not use dirt to grow plants in outer space. I was informed that dirt does not absorb water very well, and that it crumbles very easily. They mentioned that these characteristics could be disastrous in a zero gravity environment because having dust or water particles floating around could damage delicate instruments. I then decided to see if the chemistry that I was producing could also be used to create a dirt formula that would eliminate the characteristics that prevents it from being used in that delicate environment. Let me point out that it was not easy nor fun creating the dirt and not just because of the book knowledge that was required, but because of the dirt's microorganisms. Some dirt microorganisms are not fun to play with. These little tiny creatures sometimes don't play fare. I mean, there were times when certain chemical formulas would create reactions that would appear as if the dirt was a complete whole living organism. I had some dirt experiments that produce unpleasant gasses and some of them even flammable. I was having a lot of experimental problem, primarily, because I was working with all natural materials and these micros would quickly demolish them. More times then not, I would end up with useless chemical formulas. There were times when I thought that it just might be impossible to accomplish this type of product. I proceeded because I understood that outer space plant growth is the most important action to accomplish if humans are to ever inhabit outside of this planet. The importance of outer space plant growth is not just because of food, but for oxygen production. When I finally had a good formulated dirt in hand, I then decided to grow plants not only upside down, but sideways, and 45 degrees either up or down. I decided to do theses types of multiple angular plant growth experiments because, in outer space, up or down does not exist. So I decided to do these angular plant experiments because, if successful, it could then proof that gravity is irrelevant towards the performance of the dirt. This gravity irrelevant performance could then maybe proof that it just might also work in a gravity-less environment. Once I started to experiment with these types of angular plant growth projects, I discovered that gravity is the main energy that keeps plant growth in check. In other words, gravity is vital towards achieving healthy plant growth anywhere (period). This project revealed that gravity guides the path of the plant as to which way to grow regardless of light source. And If you were to alter the affects that gravity has on plants a high percentage will die, and, the very few that grow, developed into something that they were not designed. I have always been interested in the research of gravity but when I realized the importance of this energy towards achieving healthy plant growth, I took a closer look at this invisible energy by taking my experiments up a notch. Let me point out that after years of work, I have finally got such a hold on this energy that I understand it well enough that I could even simulate a zero gravity plant growth environment here on earth. My gravity research has provide the ability on how to create zero gravity simulation capsules. These capsules are design to provide zero gravity plant growth simulation experiments equal to that of zero gravity environment. In other words, I am able to produce plant growth experiments equal to that of an outer space environment without the need to spend the million on the trip. I understand that this is going to be hard to believe but, I am willing to back it up by providing a time lapse video of a garden bean seed developing within the zero gravity capsule. I am going to reveal the video to educate the world on the true plant growth complications associated within a zero gravity environment. The video of the zero gravity capsule experiment is complete and I am in the editing process. I will inform when it is posted on my website. For those of you interested, I am providing info of my website that contains not only more pictures of plants growing upside down, but also video of them developing within that angle. Check it out. Plant Movement Network Quote
Micro-biology Scholar Posted August 2, 2007 Report Posted August 2, 2007 This Thread Is Towards The Understanding Of Outerspace Plant Growth. I am an independent scientist and I research the affects that gravity has on plants by growing them upside down. I accomplish this experiment because I developed a special formulated dirt. The development of the dirt was towards the idea that astronauts would use it to grow plants in outerspace. Are the microbial manifestations adjusting to the new development style of plant growth? It seems to me, that this may pose a rather new problem in regards to flora respiration? Are there any complications in this feild of botany? As a xenosociobiologist, your research interests me. Terra forming appreciates any attempts to sustain life in space. Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 4, 2007 Author Report Posted August 4, 2007 Thanks for your interest in my research. I too find your science interesting. As a xenosociobiologist you would probably freak if you were to witness some of the cell mutational results. You would definitely do a double check by going back to your school note books and realizing that there is nothing there that covered these types of gravity simulation mutations. In fact, as much as I love to share my science, I now have reached a point where I have to keep some of my work forever concealed. You have good questions and they are indeed very important. Unfortunately I am not able to answer your question at this point because I have not yet looked into what happens within the micro world of growing plants in multiple angles. The research that I apply is mainly on the physical development actions of plants. The technical term for these types of gravity plant research is also know as the complication that is "geotropism" - but with an extra kick. I would love to take a closer look at the micro manifestations that are occurring within these types of projects. I am sure that there is something exciting going on. I will point out that this gravity manipulation technology has clearly revealed the potential to manipulate cell structures of any given cell. This lets me to believe that more than likely micro org cells are also changing in some way. In fact, I have these micros in mind all the time because I understand that they could rapidly change into harmful systems. I am so careful about it that I make sure none of the experimental plants end up in landfills or within the environment. When I complete a project, I place all my experimental plants in well sealed plastic bags and hold on to them within a safe place. I still have the first experimental plants that were modified by this technology. I take this much precautions because I understand that there could not only be changed micro organisms within the plants but, I also believe that the modified plant cells could change the cells of regular micro orgs if they were to consume these modified plants. These types of plant cell modifications are also another reason why I do not eat any of the researched plants. I have the believe that, if eaten, the modified plant or micro cells could, some how, change my cell structures for either good or bad. I have tasted very small amounts of some leaves from curtain plants and that even concerns me. I would like to also point out that I am very careful with the created pollen spores from that of the modified plants. I try to make sure that the pollen does not escape and contaminate the surrounding plants. I have the notion that a modified pollen could penetrate a regular plant and this could create a modified seed. The creation of modified plants or seeds should be of concern because they could easily bring chaos to any environment. On the other hand, it could also turn out to be of great benefit instead. I, personally, do not want to take such a large risk or chance until I know for sure how the regular micro world reacts to modified entities and vice versa. Yes, there are plenty of plant growth difficulties associated within these different types of angular projects. I put up with the involved complication because I could see the potential of creating an oxygen company to aid people that may want to colonize out side of the planet. This oxygen company would be created by the means of genetically designing plants to grow within those environments. The importance of growing plants outside of the planet is based on creating oxygen. The production of oxygen outside of the planet is first priority over food. Having the ability of plant growth out side of the planet would equal to the ability of oxygen production. I am basing this oxygen plant growth production method from the work of the scientist Joseph Priestley's and his "dephlogisticated air" principals. Although the micro org world is of importance to research, I am unable to do so at this point because I am also working on another agriculture technology that has the potential to dramatically reduce or eliminate world hunger and petroleum use. This system is based on growing plants upwards instead of the basic ground level. The principal of this system is having the ability to grow more plant growth per square footage of field. In other words, with this system, it would be possible to grow 10's, 100's or more plants within the same area where a farmer is growing only one today. This extra plant growth could than be use to reduce world hunger or make ethanol and reduce petroleum use. In fact, I truly believe that this agro system is exactly what President Bush is looking for towards the 20% reduction of petroleum use within the U S. For more info on this system, go to my website. The website is also linked to the upside down plant website. I posted more pictures of other upside down projects. I also have videos of plants that are not only growing upside down, but some are producing the next generation of seed. I hope this info helped. Keep up the good work. Micros are more important than people think. Either here on earth or out side of the planet, life would not be possible without them. I can't wait to find out how mutant micro orgs would work, how different would they change, and how or why they would become mutated in the first place. High-rise Agriculture Technology Towards World Hunger & Petroleum Termination Quote
billg Posted August 6, 2007 Report Posted August 6, 2007 You claim to have observed "cell mutations". What precisely do you mean by cell mutations, and in what manner have you observed them? Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 7, 2007 Author Report Posted August 7, 2007 Sorry, I can not get into much detail in what manner I observed cell mutations at this point. I will reveal this information at a later time. But your question won't be to waste. Let me point out that there are several ways on how to create cell mutants: one would be through radiation, chemical and probably a few other methods. I believe that with the right dosage of radiation and/or chemicals, it could even be possible to mutate an entire living organism (of any kind). But there is only one main energy that is the king of mutants. This energy is "gravity". In other words, you, I and all living creator large or not visible were mutated by the energy of this planet that we call gravity. In fact, gravity not only controls the cells of all living orgs, but also none living organisms are controlled as well. In other words, the energy that is gravity also controls chemical reactions or matter bonding. For example: If conducting a chemical experiment (of any kind) here on earth, it would give you a specific reaction or result. On the other hand, if conducting the same or identical chemical experiment within another gravity environment like the moon, mars or a zero gravity, it would provide totally different results. Every chemical action that occurs here on earth (either man made or naturally caused) the end result is controlled by the gravity of this planet. This would mean that rocks are the way the are because the gravity of this planet made then that way. The rocks from other planets are chemically the way they are because of their gravity. For example: bread bakes the way it does because this gravity allows it to be created in that form. If we were to bake the same bread within another gravity like the moon, outer space and so on, we would NOT end up with the same beautiful bread that this gravity allows. The gravity of another environment my not be so kind to us when baking bread. Their gravity would, more then not, give us something totally different than bread (if we were to call it that). The bread baked on another planet may even end up looking similar to the bread baked here on earth but, if we were to look at the chemical bonding, we would find that they are totally different from each other. The same thing would happen with living organisms within those gravity environments. If a living organism were to evolve within those environments, they would be totally different than us because their gravity is different. On the other hand, if you were to place and raise a recently born human baby (for example) within another gravity environment and if he or she survives the gravity change, that baby would eventually grow so totally different than us that it would be considered a mutant. Mutant in the sense that the baby or now adult person would be considered another human species. The baby would still look like us in a way (like having the same features) but genetically it would evolved very different than our cells. More than likely, a human baby that would grow and develop in another gravity environment would genetically be so different from us that we would no longer be able to procreate, even though the baby started as human. For example: if you have a bean plant here on earth (of course) and if the bean plant were to produce a pod or seeds. And if the seeds were taken to outer space, those seeds (if they survive the gravity change) would grow so different from the parent plant that the pollen from the outer space plant would no longer be able to pollinate the parent earth plant. These types of gravity results should turn darwin's evolution theory upside down. These types of gravity experimental reactions could create different species within one generation. There are no long years of environmental evolution involved in order to create a new species. I am not an astronaut nor have I ever been on another planet. I know of this information because I discovered a technology that allow any kind of gravity simulation to occur. This technology allows, pretty much, the simulation of any type of gravity environment. I place things inside of the gravity simulating capsules or compartments just to see what happens. Of course I have NEVER experimented with any type of human anything and would NEVER do so. But I have done enough research with chemicals and other living orgs to come to this conclusion. I understand that this info may be hard to believe but I will soon reveal it all for everyone to see. The only other source that would be able to back this information up would be either NASA or the Russians. Of course they are not going to do so because they do not want the public to know what is really going on. Without the interest of the public, I could just imagine the types of experiments that they are conducting in secret. Gravity controls all that exist. The universe and beyond, galaxies, solar, planetary systems, clusters of planets, the atom and everything about it. The gravity that they carry is why they look and chemically act the way the do. This gravity simulation technology may not be publicly known right now but, once it comes out, it would forever be the future of humanity. We will, in the future, use this tec to help us colonize out side of the planet. There is a lot more info that I could provide but I will wait until this info has sunk-ed in. I will end by pointing out... get ready cause it's a coming. Quote
billg Posted August 8, 2007 Report Posted August 8, 2007 I have read the information and it has sunk in. I'm ready for more. What were the "mutations" you observed? How did you observe them - what, a microscope, what? And what is your zero-g technique? Centrifuges or something? Quote
Micro-biology Scholar Posted August 8, 2007 Report Posted August 8, 2007 On a scientifc spectrum circumscribed by accomplishment and intrest, I am supremely confident that this-currently covert experimentation will yeild revolutionary data. I look forward to your findings and hope Hypography will enjoy the pleasure-nay the privilage of hearing them first. Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 12, 2007 Author Report Posted August 12, 2007 TIME TRAVEL THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH HUMAN MODIFICATION or MUTATIONS BASED ON SIMULATED GRAVITY Billg, I admire your persistence - that's one way to go about getting what you want. Again, I truly wish that I could provide more information on your questions. To try and make you understand, I'll be more clear by pointing out that I made some gravity and other types of scientific discoveries that are important enough to get the attention of some unwanteds. There is no doubt that some people in the world just might do anything in their power to get me to stop revealing this type of research info. Believe you me when I mention that one way or another, I am going to reveal enough information that will get the attention from groups of people with great power. I am limiting the info within this forum, so you are going to have to wait until I publish my scientific book to get your questions answered. I want to make clear that this information is real - I have scientific proof that will back everything up. I will soon reveal the accomplished work so it be judged by the world. I am not making this up for the accomplishment or money and fame. In fact, I will point out that I am going to be anonymous when I publish the book. I don't care for people to know whom I am. I am not looking for fame or money. If I did, I would of done something with it the day I discovered them. I enjoy the simple life that I have. I am content with what I'm doing and whom I am. I am not materialistic and If my life were to continue the same - it would be kool. The mentality that I have is to anonymously educate the world and then, maybe, maybe after many years, reveal myself. You would think that I should have nothing to worry about because we live within the country of the free thinking and sharing of information. In my situation, this is not the case. Some of the discoveries are powerful enough that they WILL uncover conspiracies. If you think that the U S and other free knowledge sharing countries are telling the truth about some of the things that are going on, you are very mistaken. I have scientific evidence that will point directly to what is going on and how is it that it is being conducted. Again, I can't get into too much details but I will point out that when they come to light, the world is going to get a BIG surprise. The reality is that some of the discoveries that I have on the palm of my hands are to be careful with. Some of my discoveries are so powerful that they could easily take humanity as a whole to its fullest potential. We, if used this science correctly, would concord the universe and beyond. On the other hand, if the wrong people get a hold of it they would be able to not only rule the world, but also be able to end humanity or even this precious planet in no time at all. Again, I know that this info might be hard to believe but trust me - it's POSSIBLE. The fact is that this is why I pointed out that, as much as I love to share my science, some of the discoveries will forever not be told. The result of curtain experiments totally convinced me of this. I now believe that some information should not be known by just any person. I, as a scientist, some times feel bad for thinking this but it is what it is. Let me make clear that these discoveries that I am, some what pointing to, are nothing new. Now that I understanding the working of gravity, how it functions, what it stands for, I could see signs of similar experiments conducted be others. In fact, this country (that is free speech) is obligated to reveal even critical experiments and they really do reveal them. But they reveal them with such small info that people don't understand what is it that they are looking at. This little info that is revealed is also why some of them are still being kept secret. I have seen (when young) these similar experiments before and I too did not understand them at that time. They revealed this info and still continue to do so in ways that are not of interest. When the information is put in public, they do not lie about it. In fact, experiments that are similar to mine are revealed strait to your face and yet the world has not been able to point them out. I would not surprise me if one day it were to come to light that someone is doing human modification experiments. The possibility that someone is secretly playing God, with this tech, is high. It's also very clear that there are some people that would do anything for it to continue being secret. The ironic is that I don't really blame them. I don't want to leave you hanging with your questions because human modification could be the future of our species or others. So I am going to try to answer your questions by providing info as to what would happen if I were to use gravity simulation towards human experimentation. Keep in mind that I have NOT made any of these types of experiments. The information that I am now providing would be based of the results from other species. In other words, based on the results that I have received through other experiments, I will use my imagination to see how a human would have gone through that same experiment instead of the organism. It will also be based on the results from the zero gravity capsules or compartments and no other experiments. As I have made clear that I have the tech on how to simulate gravity including the most difficult (zero gravity). Well, if I were to use it to experiment with humans this is how I think it would turn out: Let me begging by revealing that I named the zero gravity simulation capsules or compartments " Time Travel Capsules ™". The name was giving because that is exactly what they are. Yes it is possible to conduct time travel experiments. In fact, there are several possibilities on how to accomplish time travel. The truth is that time travel happens every day of every second. Some where, some how, someone is within the act of time travel. People do not recognize it because they don't understand how it works. To understand time travel you would need to understand gravity, time and space and how they function as a whole. They are important because they are forever linked to each other. Time and space could easily be manipulated by the means of simulated gravity. When mentioning time travel, I do not mean that you could use these capsules to go to the future or the past. I am NOT referring to stepping inside the capsules and disappearing and appearing somewhere else in time and space. If a person were to go inside the capsules, he or she would always physically remain within our time and space. They will always physically be here. The time travel that happens within the capsules is what I call "Molecular, Genetic or Cellular time travel. These names were given because the cells of the person inside are the only things that travel through time and space and the gravity of this planet no longer has an effect on them. The energy of the capsule creates and action that make the cells of any given org to travel from point A to point B and the result seems to be that the gravity of this planet is no longer in control of the development of that organism. There is clear evidence that gravity is no longer present or that it is missing within inside the capsules. The results of the earth's gravity not effecting cell actions is that it could be possible to live much longer and healthier than those that are not using the capsules. The results from the zero gravity capsules indicate that a person just might me able to live for hundreds of years and yet not age. There are indications that a human could be several hundred years old and yet look as if he or she were only in their twenties or thirties. The experimental results demonstrated that some people could be hundreds of years old and still have the body and look of a young youth. It just might me possible for some people to use this tech and reach, maybe, more than a thousand years and yet still physically look as if they were in their twenties. I understand - it was also incredible for me to comprehend these types possibilities but the experimental results clearly revealed that it could happened. In many ways, I am revealing that I might have also found the fountain of youth through the means of time travel. This information should not be of surprise because NASA has made the claims that astronauts automatically become months younger than those that remain on earth when they leave the gravity of this planet. This astronaut youth happens because they are within a gravity less environment and the gravity of this planet is no longer effecting them. If cells are not effected by gravity, some of them remain unchanged. This would also mean that astronauts in outer space are also within the action of molecular, genetic or cellular time travel. The zero gravity capsules are indicating the same results. Although the capsule energy action is simulated, it is still equals to that of the energy actions of a gravity-less environment. Again, I know this is going to hard to believe because you would think that I would have use the capsules to set myself for life. I mean who wouldn't buy one of these zero gravity capsules and try to see if they could live almost for ever young. I do understand that revealing this technology could make me be well known throughout the world and all of that stuff that would come with it. The reality is that there is more to these discoveries than money and fame. The results of these experiments also suggest that these types of capsules could also have severe human and world wide consequences. One would be that the fountain of youth would only function with people that are completely adults. The persons using the capsule would have to be fully developed, they can not still be within the act of growing. The experimental results suggest that if a baby or young person, that is still growing or developing, were to be placed in the capsules, he or she could develop totally different to those that do not use it. What I mean by developing different is that they could grow to be mutants or another human species. The truth is that they could develop so different that they would be able to procreate only with their own kind. In other words, only those that were mutated or modified through the same simulated gravity methods would be able to procreate with each other and no one else - even though they began as humans. I am trying to make clear that this gravity simulation tech could bring true glory to some people. On the other hand, it could also turn into something disastrous. Think about it, if people were to know about this gravity simulation tech - they would not only use it to stop aging, but they just might also use it to modified their kids, pets, insects or anything of their liking. If people have this type of tech in their hands, what LAW would stop them from placing their baby or babies inside? If someone were to place their baby inside the capsule just to see what would happen and if the results produce a supper intellectual, athletic, good looking mutant or modified human, there would be nothing to stop the rest of the world from doing the same thing. If this were to happen and if the results of the babies were to change them into another better human species, it might be over looked that they are different species than ourselves. This could be of concern because if the world were to start modifying humans or creating another human species, what would happen to us none modified? The concern would be that the world could eventually have two different types of humans and if the modifies could only procreate with each other, they could over run us. Our species could turn in-danger. If the these human modifications were to be superior and if they were to be accepted by society (regardless of them being different species), they could set us normal ones aside and take over the world. There could be so many human modifications that the existence of us normal humans could run its end. Another concern would be the ability of any person being able to modified anything living creature that they wanted like: animals, insects, germs, molecular organisms and many more. People would have this type of power and the results could be disastrous towards the environment. For example: the modification of an organism that could physically change in ways that would have the power to create extreme damage toward us and the environment. People could modified something that could put an end to us or other creatures. There are literally million of things that could go wrong when placing this tech in the hands of reckless or malicious people. The research that I conducted with this tech also revealed the possibility of modifying harmful cells into harmless ones. It is indicating that it could be possible to modified cancer cells (for example) into maybe harmless ones. This is of course total speculation and I have not done anything similar to these experiments but it seems that it might be possible to change a bad cell into something different (maybe harmless). On the other hand, it could also be possible to change the cancer cells into something more damages. Like changing them in ways that could terminate a person within days instead of years. I could see the use of this tech to maybe even help restore brain damage cells. I could point-out many types of helpful possibilities of how this gravity simulation could benefit our health. I understand that this may seem to be to good to be true but if it becomes possible, you would think that we should start right always and help people in need with this tech. It's really not that easy. There are other information that needs to be taken under consideration before publicly revealing this tech. For example: zero gravity capsules are equal to that of a zero gravity environment and NASA has revealed that the cells of adult astronauts also change within that environment. NASA has revealed that some fully developed cells could change for the worst. They are claiming that all adult astronauts that remain for long periods in outer space would end up with health conditions that reduce their bone and muscle tissues mass. This info is what they are revealing but who knows what's really going on? This NASA outer space info has to be considered if humans were to use the capsules because the same things could happen to those that may be inside them. We are talking about equal energies. The capsule could also change the cells of healthy people for the worst. The simulated gravity technology would need to be carefully researched before I would publicly do anything with it. As you could see by the provided info that I have to be careful and keep curtain information limited. Let me also point out that I understand this zero gravity simulated tech very well and I could see that there could be other methods that might also produce same results. In other word, there are other ways on how to simulate the simulated gravity capsules or zero gravity environment. I am willing to reveal that the act of being under water should also produce similar results to that of outer space or the simulated gravity capsules. This would mean that being within under water could create the action of molecular, genetic or cellular time travel. It also means that it might be possible to accomplish the fountain of youth from the act of being under water. The way on how to accomplish the best results from the under water tech is by being within the under water act at all times. Meaning that the person should remain under water all day and every day for years. The person should set up the under water environment in ways that he or she should be able to sleep, eat, watch television and so on while in the act of under water. The person should only leave the under water environment for things that they are unable to do like: going to work, using the bathroom and what ever. They should quickly return to the water after wards because the object would be spend as much time as possible for long periods of time. The person should not be in a deep water suite because the object would be to have the action of floating throughout the body. I would imagine that the person should only have a breathing mask with a long hose to be able to freely move about. The person should not move or be within the act of swimming. For best results, the person should do as little movement as possible when under water. Movements would simulate the energy of gravity. I have to make clear that this type of water experiment might also be able to create modifications. The act of modification could be possible if the under water experiments were to be conducted with a developing or growing objects. Knowing the simulated gravity tech well, I could see how this under water environment could produce all of the good and bad cell actions equal to that of the other systems. Meaning that the under water tech just might be able to restore or change brain damage or even cancer cells into something different that could be of good or bad. I want to make perfectly clear that the provided information is towards educational use only and nothing more. It is NOT a suggestion to apply these experiment in any way, shape or form. The meaning of being alien or extraterrestrial does not mean that they would have to of evolved from another planet. The research results suggested that an alien or extraterrestrials could be produce based on the development of a specific gravity. In other words the alien or extraterrestrial developmental results are based on the type of gravity that the entity is growing in. Different gravity energies produce different result developments. Without gravity nothing would exist. Gravity rules all that is physically reality. Keep in mind that the gravity of this planet is more than keeping an eye on you, it also controls all that makes you the physical person that you are. Never for get it. The big bang did not only happened but it is still going on. We are unable to see the energy that created us or the universe because it is now so far away that it does not effect us any longer. Something can not come from nothing. There always has to be something there in order for something to be created. This means that the energy that created the universe had to of come from another energy. If the energy that gave life to the energy of our universe were not be there, the universe would not of been created. The universe does have an end or a border. Gravity has no beginning or end. The energy that makes up all matter (including yourself) will never end - it just changes into a different type of gravity energy source. If you have not understood, in general, the manner of the postings of this information by now, let me make it clear and point out that I just might of discovered the long search for the secrets of the universe. It turns out that there was only one secrete and that is " GRAVITY ". Do you want to know about GOD, reality, time, space, matter, creation, evolution, time travel, aliens and other things unable to mention just yet ? look into the energy that is gravity. For those of you that take the challenge or are within the research challenge of gravity, the most important thing to remember in order to be able to conquer it is that gravity has the power to manipulate us. Gravity has the power to show us something that is not really happening. For example: gravity let us think that this planet is within the action of a circular travel around the sun. This is not true, gravity is only manipulating us to believe so. It is not happening, our planet and all the other planets are not traveling around the sun in a circular motion. The truth is that this planet and all the other planets are really traveling in a perfectly strait line. I have scientific proof that will clearly explain that this planet and the others are travelling within the motions of a strait line. The fact is that I will provide information that will clearly explain that all the planets are traveling within the exact actions of a pendulum in action. In other words, all planets are traveling in a strait line back and forth. Just like a pendulum in action, back and forth. I could see how this may seem to incredible to be believed because it would be argued that astronauts go into outer space and see the planets with in the circular action. You would also argue that there are other thing that let us see that the planets are within the action of a circular motion. The truth is that I do agree and recognize that we are able to see things that let us believe that the planets are in a circular travel. But I will proof that we see them in the circular motion only because we too are within the grasp of gravity. In other words, we are not able to see the real pendulum movements of the planets because we are also inside of gravity. This is what I mean by gravity having the power to manipulate us. Remember, gravity always has a grasp on its reality action. The provided info up to this point is just a small part of the accomplishments of my work. I really did not think that I would of taken the gravity info this far but now that I have, let me mention that the word "gravity" should not be used any longer. The meaning of gravity is recognized as a single energy that pulls matter downwards into its center. My work proofs that gravity has two energy actions instead of one. The work makes it clear that gravity not only has the action of pulling matter to its center, but also has the power to push matter away from its center. In other words, the energy that we know as gravity is made of one energy with two in and out continues actions. Gravity is making matter to go in and out of planets at all times. In fact, I will be adding this gravity upwards action to Einstein's theory of the "Cosmological Constant". This upwards or outwards action of gravity was the energy that perfectly explains his theory. I managed to discover this other energy action because of Newton's "Third Law Of Motion" ( "For every action there is an equal opposite reaction"). When growing up this third law did not make sense when looking at the single action of gravity. I would only see the reaction within gravity but I could never see the action. I spent years trying to find out why there was only a reaction and not an action. It turn out that the outwards or upwards gravity energy is the action and the downwards or inwards gravity action is the reaction. It could also be looked upon as the downwards energy as being the action and the outwards energy as the reaction. The downwards and upwards energies are equal to each other and is hard for me to distinguish which energy is the action and which is the reaction. Either way I now know that they both exist and I could now rest with this part of the work. This info was of great relief because I spent too much time of my life trying to find this, now simple, answer. I will be providing more general information that will back up the notion towards the concept of why I chose the title of "Professor Gravity". If interested in these types of crazy stuff ? just keep an eye on my work. There is more to come. I hope that this info was worth the wait. Be patient I am always in the action of doing stuff. Time is limited. Every time I sit to write, something takes me away. Quote
billg Posted August 13, 2007 Report Posted August 13, 2007 This is great, but I have lots of questions and comments. First of let me say that not being a physicist I don't really understand even the consensus viewpoint, let alone fringe theories such as your own. I don't want any proof in terms of physics of maths. I can't handle that stuff. Being a biologist on the other hand, I would really enjoy if you would describe the cell mutations you mentioned in previous posts. You don't have to give away any of the details of the theories you've developed, nor the technical details of building a time travel zero-gravity pod. But I would be very obliged if you could tell me what you saw in your plants (and animals too apparently) so I can get an idea of the kinds of mutations that are occuring. Now to respond to a few of your points from the last post: I am not making this up for the accomplishment or money and fame. In fact, I will point out that I am going to be anonymous when I publish the book. I don't care for people to know whom I am. I am not looking for fame or money. If I did, I would of done something with it the day I discovered them. I enjoy the simple life that I have. I am content with what I'm doing and whom I am. I am not materialistic and If my life were to continue the same - it would be kool. Truly you are a humble and blessed Professor. Let me make clear that these discoveries that I am, some what pointing to, are nothing new. Now that I understanding the working of gravity, how it functions, what it stands for, I could see signs of similar experiments conducted be others. Are you suggesting other have known this technology for a long time? Could you be talking about Nikola Tesla? He's great. Let me begging by revealing that I named the zero gravity simulation capsules or compartments " Time Travel Capsules ™". The name was giving because that is exactly what they are. I have performed a database search at the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. No such Trademark exists. Please to not be false advertising. If a person were to go inside the capsules, he or she would always physically remain within our time and space. They will always physically be here. The time travel that happens within the capsules is what I call "Molecular, Genetic or Cellular time travel. These names were given because the cells of the person inside are the only things that travel through time and space and the gravity of this planet no longer has an effect on them.. If the cells of the person are the only things that travel through time, what else physically is there that makes up that person that does not time travel? More explicitly; have you identified a physical correlate of the human soul? And what does it look like? In many ways, I am revealing that I might have also found the fountain of youth through the means of time travel. This information should not be of surprise because NASA has made the claims that astronauts automatically become months younger than those that remain on earth when they leave the gravity of this planet. I am not surprised at all, being as familiar as I am with this well-known NASA claim. Think about it, if people were to know about this gravity simulation tech - they would not only use it to stop aging, but they just might also use it to modified their kids, pets, insects or anything of their liking. If people have this type of tech in their hands, what LAW would stop them from placing their baby or babies inside? This is precisely the reason my political party of which I am a member, the ALCP, has been trying get the politicians in my country of Aotearoa to take seriously a law banning acts involving any form of capsule that may cause mutations to anyone under the age of 18. Under our proposed draft law pets and insects would still be allowed to be mutated but we have to start somewhere. Unfortunately we are being opposed by another major political party the ORNZ who want the proposed legal limit on mutations to be 15 as that is the age you are allowed to drive. I will keep you updated on this law if you wish. Another concern would be the ability of any person being able to modified anything living creature that they wanted like: animals, insects, germs, molecular organisms and many more. People would have this type of power and the results could be disastrous towards the environment. For example: the modification of an organism that could physically change in ways that would have the power to create extreme damage toward us and the environment. People could modified something that could put an end to us or other creatures. There are literally million of things that could go wrong when placing this tech in the hands of reckless or malicious people. What kind of safeguards do you use to ensure no germs or molecular organisms get into the Time Travel Capsules™ during experiments? Do you use bleach? I am willing to reveal that the act of being under water should also produce similar results to that of outer space or the simulated gravity capsules. This would mean that being within under water could create the action of molecular, genetic or cellular time travel. It also means that it might be possible to accomplish the fountain of youth from the act of being under water. The way on how to accomplish the best results from the under water tech is by being within the under water act at all times. Meaning that the person should remain under water all day and every day for years. The person should set up the under water environment in ways that he or she should be able to sleep, eat, watch television and so on while in the act of under water. The person should only leave the under water environment for things that they are unable to do like: going to work, using the bathroom and what ever. They should quickly return to the water after wards because the object would be spend as much time as possible for long periods of time. Like I said I'm no physicist but isn't gravity the same under water, only pressure is different? Does this mean pressure has this same effect? If I travelled onto a mountain top would I suffer from reverse mutations? It all sounds a bit dangerous but I would be grudgingly willing to attempt the water-life technique for the sake of science and immortality. The meaning of being alien or extraterrestrial does not mean that they would have to of evolved from another planet. I have been in huge arguments with my flatmates over the meaning of extraterrestrial and they just will not concede that an extraterrestrial could come from earth! Finally I have a reputable source to cite. Be patient I am always in the action of doing stuff. I feel we are kindred spirits. I too am always in the action of doing stuff. Peace Turtle 1 Quote
GAHD Posted August 13, 2007 Report Posted August 13, 2007 Oi, why has this disassociation with reality hit hypo? Just because you think your microwave is a time-chamber, doesn't mean it is...Back some of this tripe up. freeztar 1 Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 14, 2007 Author Report Posted August 14, 2007 I welcome criticism I want to be perfectly clear by pointing out that I understand that the info that I am providing may seem too way out there. There is not a day where it does not becomes the subject of criticism when they come to light. I have learned to accept it. I would and will never be the next opened mined person to be stoned for he's way of thinking. I would not be the first to be laughed at before the ideals become reality. I am sure that somewhere down the line most of the genius humanoids in the past were fingered and pointed out from the crowed. It seems to be within our human nature for some of us to do so. The only thing that I would say to those that may judge me harshly before they see the real evidence is that - be careful, I just might have the information in the right order that will explain it with such simplicity that even your average none educated person would understand. Including yourself. Look, pay attention to may information and see where it does not make sense. What part of it seems fake? Am I not making sense? I have the power to mention this type of information because of the work that I conduct. I have this type of info because I am doing the type of work that allows me to make these types of discoveries. When you find someone else researching plants the way I do or doing the same types of gravity experiments and they reveal the contrary, then you have the right to criticize all that you want. In the mean time, if you really care about science and what it represents, open the mind. Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 14, 2007 Author Report Posted August 14, 2007 GAHD, I see that you are an administrator and I want to know what do you mean by " Back some of this trip up"? What do you mean by "trip"? I do not understand what you are implying? Can you be more clear on what you are trying to tell me or what is it that you want to know? Quote
Micro-biology Scholar Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 Oi, why has this disassociation with reality hit hypo? Just because you think your microwave is a time-chamber, doesn't mean it is...Back some of this tripe up. Your post is rude and unsupported. Here at hypo we enjoy freedom to talk as human beings, not artifical robotic cerebrums programed to make sure you hear what you want us to say. Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 14, 2007 Author Report Posted August 14, 2007 Billg, Yes, there are clear sings that others may be doing these types of simulated gravity modification experiments and in much larger scales. It seems is if they might also be able to modified a cow or something larger. No, Nikola Tesla's work, although a great scientist, does not have anything to do with these types of work. You did not find the Time Travel Capsule ™ as a trade mark because I have not registered the name yet. You use the ™ symbol if you have a name of a product or company that you want to protect. You need to put a ™ symbol next to the name you want to protect so people know that you are interested in registering that name. You need to use ™ until you register it. After you register it, then you use the ® registered trade mark symbol next to the name. I have a patent attorney. Up to date, I only have one (almost completed) patent applications from several that would be processed. Believe it or not but I have some patent applications that need to be process first because they are way more important than the Time Travel Capsule™. Physically I have not found any correlation of the human soul with my general gravity work. I do have, somewhat, an idea of what the soul could be made of, where it may seem to go after death, and what it might look like but it would be just my imagination at work. I will mention that it seems as if everything in general has a soul or a type of energy that makes things unique. It seems as if rock, a piece of wood, steel, plants, insects, animals and including us, have an invisible unidentified energy of some sort. I only reveal information that I have physical proof. I do not like to reveal information that I am not able to back up with physical evidence. I will mention that the energy that makes up any body of matter has the power to last forever through the means of energy change. In other words, all that is matter or energy could last forever by the means of changing from one form to another and I think that this invisible energy has something to do with that action. Yes, keep me posted about the mutational laws within New Zealand. The age of fifteen is too young. They would still be young enough to easily be mutated. The other party members, as with the rest of the world, are thinking that there might not be no need for such laws because the technology has not hit the streets yet. They are also probably not aware of the power that they carry from the lack of available information. The world needs to know that when it does hit the streets, it could be too late to do anything about it. It could be too late after the cat is out of the hat to create a law that will discourage people from using this technology. I highly recommend that you continue the human mutating political work towards not just your country, but you should take the fight to the world. If you think that my work could be used towards the fight, I could arrange for you to be one of the first to have a copy of my published work. I think once the world sees what I have, they might also see the light towards placing mutating laws against other organisms as well. Believe it or not but even I would be willing to stop that part of my work if a law were to be passed. What I mean by creating laws against other organisms is the inclusion of also those that live under water. There is a very unique type of simulated gravity capsules that would have the ability to place a fish tank of any size within. These fish tank simulated gravity capsules would also be able to modified under water creatures. I am an independent scientist, meaning that I work from the security of my home. I have a special room. Working from home limits the types of mutated experiments that I could perform because of the easy contamination abilities. I am extremely careful with all the types of experiments that I conduct. I take a lot of considerations before I even begging one. in fact, there are curtain experiment that I will not perform from the lack of safeguards that I have in place. My conscience would not rest if an organism were to escape and create chaos throughout the environment. This ability of doing these types of work within the safeguards of my home, is the main reason of why it should be important to put mutating laws in place. Think about the fact that if I am able to do it from home, so will more than half the world. This technology is not complicated to understand and the technology to create them is readily available and cheap. Any person with an average income would be able to conduct many different types of mutating experiments. I do not use bleach or any other substance. I can not answer your under water question because I have not made those types of experiments. If you were to go to the tallest mountain top, you would not suffer from the act of reverse mutation. What I think would happen is that, depending on your age and the length of time spent there, you would more than likely be within the action of mutation because the gravity would be different at that height. Mutation occurs when being within another different type of gravity and being within the act of development. If attempting the under water gravity simulation technology, be very careful!! This work is not a game. Those that decide to apply them should keep in mind that being underwater for years will have the power to change your cells for good or bad. For example: you could have a single cancer cell that might not be able to terminate you for another 20 or 30 years and yet the water experiment just might encourage it to multiply and terminate you sooner. On the other hand, if you were to do it correctly, it just might also bring you youth and a healthy long life that could make you the youngest longest living human that ever lived. It would also proof that I was right about that type of science. It would be a big project. It would mean to literally design a type of under water living system. Remember that the fountain of youth should only be able to work for those that are fully developed. It should not be conducted with organisms that are still growing or developing. It would be highly recommended to have a group of physicians present with the best prognostic equipment possible. Yes, in my opinion, the act of being alien or extraterrestrial would means that any "being" that grows or develops within another gravity period. Any "being" that developed on another gravity (other than our own) would be considered another species, an alien, extraterrestrial, or mutants from that of its own species. For example: all of the subjects that were placed within the Time Travel Capsule™ (although from this planet) would be categorized as aliens, extraterrestrials, mutants and so on because the grew or were developed within another gravity environment. This other gravity would be why they also grow different. You would soon have my work to place it in front of your flatmates faces so they could see that you were right about aliens and extraterrestrials, that is if you were to want to. I want you to also keep in mind that it is not the fault of your flatmates to have that kind of mentality about aliens. You have to understand that there are curtain governments that are doing everything within their power to make sure that the average person ends up thinking exactly in that manner. Let me tell you that those that also have this technology are doing a good job with the goal to make sure that the mentality of the world discredits the free thinkers. There are some people that have the very same gravity simulation technology and they want it to be secret preciously because of the very same information that I am revealing. These people are doing everything they can to make sure that people like me (that thought of this type of work) do not come from society. I could easily see how "they" (those that also have it) are going to react when they find out that a normally educated person discovered the secret. They are going to flip when they find out that I come from this regular society. I am mentioning this not to brag but because they are probably thinking that there is no way in hell that someone from society would even think of doing anything like that. This is a very special science and not just your average person would even think about it and even less to do something with it. I assume that those that also have this tech within their grasp had to of came from an elite group of people. These experiments are not a part of schools, university and they are now just barely being mentioned in the media. If this manipulation of information continues at the same pase, the info that is being publicized might also run its end and that would assure its secrecy for a much longer time. I imagine that those that are now doing these types of work, are doing them because they were selected to join the special projects group or team. I believe in the idea that those that are conducting these types of experiments right now did not think of them themselves. I think that these projects are projects from the past and the people running them were invited to join these types of science. There are curtain people that are trying to keep this tech from the public because they, simply, do not want just anyone doing anything of the like. I just imagine that they are going to be shocked when finding out about my work. I recognize that I am a blessed individual. I do not want to seem like I am bragging because I am not. I was lucky enough to have this type of work and information mostly because of my imagination and curiosity. The credit for applying this type of work is not really education, it's more towards the imagination ability. The imagination took a big part in play because it was needed to come up with some of the unique experiments that opened the doors to this work. This would also be why I did not need any other type of information to accomplish them. I do not want to seem that I am pointing towards the idea that I might be better than someone because I know that I am NOT. That would be further from the truth. I have nothing special. Let me tell you that I would of liked to also just be the normal guy that would rather pickup a book and read about this type of research instead of spending my whole life into it. This work is not all that fun. It prevents me from having a normal life. I lost my normal mentality a long time ago and sometimes I miss it. After looking at the results from curtain experiments, I was no longer the same. Let me point out that it is not easy to have the mentality of seeing things very different from those within my surroundings. The only thing that keeps me going is the importance of the work. I see it as the future of humanity and, no matter how disturb it may be, the public has the freedom to know. In fact, it is important enough that made me revealed the "under water experiment possibilities". I wanted to publicly provide at least something that would proof me right. Let me provide you with more info on aliens, extraterrestrials. Of course, if we were to discover life (large or small) on another planet, they will be considered aliens or extraterrestrials because they, more than curtain, evolved within the gravity of that planet. It is only logical to think that. On the other hand, if we were to place a very young organism (from earth) that is still within the act of developing, and place it on the gravity energy of another planet until it fully developed, that organism would now be considered an alien to our gravity. This would also included when placing it onto a zero gravity, simulated gravity, under water or the top of a the highest mountain. For example: Let us say that we have male or female identical triplets. Well, If we were to leave the triplets her on earth we would notice that after thirty years had pass they grew to be identical to each other in every way. On the other hand, let us imagine that we are able to go back in time to get the identical triplets when they were just recently born. Now let us say that instead of letting them develop here on earth we would leave one of the baby triplets here on earth, and place another one on the moon, and the last one on the planet Jupiter. Now let us imagine that those baby triplets managed to live and grow in those environments until they reached their thirties. Let us now imagine that we gather all triplets that are now in their thirties and place them next to each other. The first noticeable thing would be that they are no longer identical. We would see that the one that remain here on earth would looks normal (like us) because he or she would of developed within this gravity. On the other hand, we would also see that the other two (from moon and Jupiter) would have developed so dramatically different that they would not only be considered aliens, extraterrestrials, mutants, or another species to that of us and the remaining triplet but, the moon and Jupiter humanoids would be considered aliens from that of each other. In other words, when placing them together, we would notice that they are all different types of human species. The babies that developed on the moon and on Jupiter would of developed so different from that of each other that they too would also be considered different species from each other. For example: the baby that would of been placed on the moon would of probably developed with very long legs, arms, neck, a large head, big ears, nose, eyes. He or she would probably developed as a very long, tall and very weak individual. The gravity of the moon would be weak enough that it would allow extreme growth to occur. On the other hand, the triplet baby that was placed on the gravity of Jupiter would of probably developed as an extremely small and very strong individual. The Jupiter humanoid would probably remain the same baby size. The gravity of Jupiter would be so Strong that it would not allow much growth to occur. Let's make this information more clear by having a group of random babies doing the same experiment. Let us say that this time we have 100 human babies and we now place 50 babies on the moon and the other 50 on the planet Jupiter. Now let us imagine that they have now grown and developed there for thirty years. In my opinion, the groups from the moon and Jupiter would of developed so different, after that much time has past, that they would of broken away from our species and become their own. They would both be considered extraterrestrials or alien humanoids from that of us and from that of each other. Only those that developed within the same gravity environments would only be able to procreate with those that did the same, even though they all began as humans. The humanoids from the moon would not be able to procreate with those humanoids from Jupiter and those from earth. It would also be equal with the humanoids of Jupiter. The same thing would happen with under water environments, simulated gravity, outer space or the top of the highest mountain, they would all produce different results or species from that of each other. It is all based on the difference in gravity energies. There is also another down side to these types of gravity experiments that I have not mentioned yet. These types of experiments are not going to be as easily as they might seem. The down side is that not every experimental species is going to have the right strong genetic cell structures needed to withstand or survive the different gravity energy. The gravity of this planet is needed equal to that of food, water and air. We do not think about it in that manner because we are used to it. We would only notice its importance if we were not within inside of it. When organisms that evolved in one gravity and then are placed on another are more than not going to die or not survive the new gravity energy change. When it comes to experiments of placing species on different gravity environments, it might be possible to need hundreds or thousands of species in order to end up with one that would over come it and grow. In some occasion, thousands of experimental species could be needed in order to find one with the right genetics that would be able to survive the different gravity stress. Let me also mention that the ones that do not make the team, sort of speak, would not just simply die and that would be the end of it. For example: if working with humans, in many occasions, those that may not make it or those that did not developed properly could end up with such very large heads that they might not even be able to move period. The size and weight of the enormous head could prevent them from moving and yet they might still be alive. Some humans, under different gravities, could also develop with only one leg and one arm that would be so big and heavy that they too would not be able to move or do anything for themselves. Another result might be that they could also develop with such large legs, feet's and a small torso that, again, they would not be able to move and yet not die from it. Keep in mind that the cells of some of some species could develop in ways that could provide it with hundreds of years of life. The problem would be what to do with those that might not developed properly? I mean, what would be done with species that would develop so dramatically different that they are unable to move or do anything with themselves? In that stage, it would be just a matter of doing whatever it takes just to keep them alive. What kind of life would that be if it were a living breathing organism that is just sitting around in a compartment like a vegetable? What would happen to those that would not properly modified correctly and would need to be within the simulated gravity capsule to remain alive and maybe for hundreds of years? Keep in mind that these types of experiments could require a commitment that could easily overwhelmed any one person. There are a lot of things to consider when playing with the energy of gravity. I want to also point out that I know why others are doing these types of experiments but the truth is so out of the normal that, no matter the intelligence of the person, some would not be able to handle it. If I were to mention the main reason of why other are doing these modification experiments, some people would never be the same. The shock could be too much to handle. Believe it or not. Quote
freehoodiatrial Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 Oh, my, this is one of the most remarkable threads I have ever read on the internet! I can't (well, yes I can) believe you are discovering and experimenting with gravity and have come up with something so fantastic that it is earth shattering. I am kind of scared of what is going to happen. I came to this thread because I was thinking of the tomato plants that are growing upside down in the hanging planters. I was way off in my thinking! Has this thread been put to the DIGG website. I'd like to vote on it, or submit it. Thanks for the info! Quote
GAHD Posted August 15, 2007 Report Posted August 15, 2007 GAHD, I see that you are an administrator and I want to know what do you mean by " Back some of this trip up"? What do you mean by "trip"? I do not understand what you are implying? Can you be more clear on what you are trying to tell me or what is it that you want to know?in this specific instance I'm using a specific definition for "tripe" you may not be aware of, "nonsensical talk or writing". If you make strange claims, please provide proof or at least backup of some kind. If you fail to do so, or the backup you provide is not deemed adequate, the moderators may move your post to the Strange Claims forum. All of the text above weaves quite a facade, but I would *like you to get to some substance; such as say:cell culture comparisonsphotographic evidenceschematic diagrams (I'm quite competent when it comes to construction, I would love to independently confirm your results.)other things of relative substance that go towards proof... Quote
Professor Gravity Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Posted August 15, 2007 freehoodiatrial, I appreciate your comments. It is a rare treat to read what you wrote. Those types of words give me encouragement. You are very welcome for this information. I hope you put it to good use. I do not know what the "DIGG website" is. But I will mention that you could do whatever you think is best to push this information. By helping me - you could also be a part in the help of humanity. I want to assure you that there is no need to be afraid, there will always be energies at play that makes things happen for the best. Quote
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