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I now understand clearly. You should of just mention that in the first place.


Let me mention that, up to this point, I have revealed sufficient information about some of the projects that I am working on. I have revealed my precious dirt formula that I specifically designed so astronauts could use it to grow plants in outer space, I have revealed my unique upside down plant growth project, I have provided information leading to my other precious high-rise agriculture systems. And now I am even willing to revealing information towards the results about mutational possibilities of organisms.


All of this information and you still want more?


Let me tell you that if you think that you could threaten me by mentioning that I have to reveal more information or else you would send this thread onto the bullshit section and I will just sit back and take it. Well, you got another thing coming. If you think that your treat is going to shake me into revealing more of my secrets (that took a life time to uncover). Your threat is now the "trip" ("nonsensical").


Let me make clear to you that I have sacrificed my live for these discoveries and if you think that I would not sacrifice this small fried forum as well, you would be mistaken. If you were to move me from this thread, I would pack up and leave somewhere else.


I don't want to sound like I am bragging but you should be so lucky that I am revealing this type of information on this forum. You should be so lucky to have someone with this type of information that is willing to share it with your audience. I would of love to have found someone with this type of knowledge. I have the power of information that could put this forum in the map of the world. I do not need any kind of publicity for my work. I know that once the book is published, it will publicize itself.


If the moderators decide with the ideal that I need to provide or reveal more secret information or else. Then it would be or else and I'll leave. The way I see it is that I should have the power to reveal what I want and how I want to. People within this forum should not feel that they are obligated to reveal whatever the moderators want and how they want it or else. I am new to this forum business and I never thought it would be controlled without the necessary freedom. I guess I was mistaken.


Let me know what the moderators think. In fact, let me know how I could communicate with them and I'll do it myself.


Dear Prof. Gravity,


There is some discord in what you say, and because of that, I guess, your findings are not very well accepted.


You claim to be not interested in money or fame, yet you have an attourney filing patents for/with you.


You describe yourself as independent scientist, but you do not conform to the scientific method by either describing your experimental setups so others can reproduce them or by sumbitting your findings to a peer reviewed research journal (which brings no money and is reviewed) rather than publish it as a book (which brings money and isn't).


You claim to have mysterious other parties on your back, trying to find out what you research and what earth shattering implications your experiments may have but yet "your" findings are already used on a regular basis (try to enter "upside down plant" in google.)


..If you read through this, you must admit that it's no wonder people don't take what you say for granted.


If you could describe any of your experiments in a detail worthy for a scientist then you might also be respected as one I guess.

You should be so lucky to have someone with this type of information that is willing to share it with your audience. I would of love to have found someone with this type of knowledge. I have the power of information that could put this forum in the map of the world.


Being an anonymous well-meaner is perfectly fine, but you are not coming forth as a scientist who is interested in sharing his discoveries, methods etc. A basic tenet of science is to tell others what you have found and tell them how to reproduce it. You're interested in telling us you have found something, but not *what*, nor *how*, nor how we can test your discovery.


You write very long posts, admit that you didn't finish your first year at university, and expect us to assume you are performing real science. That's a hard bargain, my friend.


Instead, you're patenting a procedure/product and not interested in sharing details because someone could take it and run.


I wonder - why not just wait until you have your intellectual property secured before you even start posting about your discoveries? I fail to see how Hypography, or any other forum, can benefit from you writing about your non-discloseable secrets. Please enlighten me on why we should be so happy about it! :weather_storm:


I do not need any kind of publicity for my work. I know that once the book is published, it will publicize itself.


Then the claim that this will benefit Hypography in any way is rather remarkable, don't you think?


If the moderators decide with the ideal that I need to provide or reveal more secret information or else. Then it would be or else and I'll leave. The way I see it is that I should have the power to reveal what I want and how I want to.


Of course you can reveal what you want. And it is *our* prerogative to consider whether anything is worth publishing here at Hypography. You are of course free to go anywhere else. Who is stopping you? ;)


I am new to this forum business and I never thought it would be controlled without the necessary freedom. I guess I was mistaken.


We grant a lot of freedom here. But this is not a soapbox. It is a well moderated popular science forum. Did you read our rules? :(


Let me know what the moderators think. In fact, let me know how I could communicate with them and I'll do it myself.


Our moderators read and follow most topics. You communicate with them simply by posting.


As for growing plants in zero gravity, they are doing that on the space station right now:


N-USOC / Research

This link takes you to N-USOC, a Norwegian control center for plant projects on the International Space Station. The primary aim is to study the growth of spores in zero gravity (or rather, microgravity).


Mr Benzpyrene,


"There is some discord in what you say, and because of that, I guess, your findings are not very well accepted."


I totally understand that the information that I am posting is definitely opened for discussion and in many occasion it may turn heavy. I am NOT posting this information to be accepted. The interest is to share information and no more. I only want to share the information that I made some interesting and in some cases some very serious discoveries. If people do not want to accepted it , that will be up to them. I am aware that some people will not see what I see no matter what is revealed to them. I would not see this none convincing action as offensive to my character. If some people do not believe me and are not convince of it, that would be OK. I would never force bend the mind of anyone to accept knowledge.



"You claim to be not interested in money or fame, yet you have an attorney filing patents for/with you".



If I were interested in money, you would of know whom I am by now. I have a patent attorney because it is only natural to have legal documentation of the work that is being performed. Having a patent in your hands does not assure money or fame. There are plenty of people that have gotten a patent and they have not made a dime from it. The way I see the use of my patents is more towards a documentation or legal records of the work or discoveries. This type of documentation prevent others from stealing your scientific identity. Whomever told you that having a patent is a guaranteed money maker is very wrong. I am more interested in the patent protecting of my discoveries, primarily, so I could have the monopoly and prevent others from copying my work. If I were to have a patent on some of these powerful technologies, then not just anyone would be able to copy or duplicate them. With a patent in the hand, I would be able to prevent other people from using it to cause wrong. Without the patent, I would not be able to legally do anything to stop those that may be doing wrong with it.



"You describe yourself as independent scientist, but you do not conform to the scientific method by either describing your experimental setups so others can reproduce them or by submitting your findings to a peer reviewed research journal (which brings no money and is reviewed) rather than publish it as a book (which brings money and isn't)".



Yes I do see my self as a scientist or a researcher of some sort. Yes I am aware of how the scientific community functions. Apparently, you are not that familiar with it. Yes I am aware of the sharing of information. Governments and universities are obligated to reveal everything about their scientific accomplishments in every way. They are obligated to not only demonstrate it all physically, but also financially. This revealing it all scientific law falls outside the box when it comes to private agencies. Private agencies reveal what they want and how they wanted.


Apparently you are not paying that much attention to the general posted information. I have made it clear that some of the experiments and discoveries are so powerful that I am convince that your average person should NOT be able to do them. I would not reveal the secretes on how to accomplish curtain types of my experiment either for money or free. I have made it clear that I will NOT reveal some information no matter the cause. I have made it very clear that I will not reveal the secrets of some of these technologies preciously to prevent your average person from doing them. I have made it very clear that I would rather be poor then for any malicious person to get their hands on it. And yet you are telling me that I should consider revealing the secret of exactly what I do by going to a journal and revealing it all. Trust me, if it ever becomes safe to reveal some of these powerful discoveries, I will.

I don't understand how is it that you could already figured out how much money I will make from an UNPUBLISHED book. Writing and publishing a book is not, again, a guaranty to make money. Some people write a book and don't published them until after their deaths. Other people could publish a book and could lose money in the process because of the lack of sales. Look, you should complain about things that are happening and not of things to be. You should complaint about me making money when I am making money. You should wait to point the finger at me until you see that the high price of the unpublished book. When you see that I am using my book as a source of money manipulation, then you could point it at me. How do you know that I am not looking for a way on how to give the book away or at least a high percentage of them? You should not assume. Try to have all the facts before sharring information.





"You claim to have mysterious other parties on your back, trying to find out what you research and what earth shattering implications your experiments may have but yet "your" findings are already used on a regular basis (try to enter "upside down plant" in google.)"



Do not type words into my mouth. You are not reading my information correctly. It looks like you might need help with it. I have never claimed that I have anyone on my back. If you are going to make comments, get the information correct. If you think that the information that is being provided by the google search is equal to that of my work, Then you should back up your words and post it. I would like for you to post information that is identical to my work. You claim to have found a lot of information on google, then post it. It is as simple as baking it up. Why did you not included this google information along side this info?


.."If you read through this, you must admit that it's no wonder people don't

take what you say for granted."


You should pay more attention and notice that it is not a good thing to talk for others. When sharing the mentality, you should always speak for yourself period. Again, I am not here for people to take me for granted. I really do not care if people are going to take the information with a good or bad attitude. I am just going to share it and let people do whatever they want with it, if anything.


"If you could describe any of your experiments in a detail worthy for a scientist then you might also be respected as one I guess."


This information is by far the best out of all that you have written. You are totally correct. I do have to provide more information. There is no question about it. I totally understand that some of the information that I have posted will definitely have to be backed up or physically supported. I understand that without the evidence, I could be looked upon as not only as a figure of question, but as a figure of disbelieve.

If anyone were to go back to when I first started posting this information, I am sure that they will find that I have mentioned that "I know it may be hard to believe and that I will SOON be posting the necessary information within my website". I have made it clear that I will be revealing on my website the information on the zero gravity capsules and its results. I have made it clear that I will provide pictures and information on some mutated species. This mutational information should be posted within the next few days. All of the experiments that will be revealed have been completed and are within the editing process. I will mention when this informing is ready for the showing.


I want to try and make it perfectly clear that I am not looking for the respect of anyone. People could see me as they would like and I would not have a problem. I know that I am just a guy doing his little research from home and nothing more. I am no different than those crazy scientist (from the past and present) that also worked and or are working from their home. Believe me, I am not interested in looking for any type of respect.



I would like to also mention that I am not against the earning or making of money. Money is a necessary thing for life and yes I am now ready to try to make money from some of my work. I want to be more clear by pointing out that the money issue is not taken in consideration when profiting from some of my projects because of the power that they carry. I would rather be poor then to put this technology in the wrong hands. The truth is that I would like to make money by the use of my science but I do not have the mentality of making money regardless of the cause. I do not have the character to just think of myself and the hell with what could happen to the environment or people. I care about humanity and the environment enough to set the fame and money issue aside. Even if it effects me financially. I do have some projects that are safe and worthy of trying to make money from them and I will try to do so. I am not a materialistic person and if I were to make just enough money me to continue with what I have those so far, it would be OK. On yhe other hand, if I could make enough money from them that it would provide a larger project, that would be better.



Be patient. I will soon (a day or so) reveal or provide the proper information that should feed the hunger of those with the knowledge curiosity. Thank you for writing and I hope that I have provide the right information that you were looking for. If you have more questions or comments, please write back.


Be patient. I will soon (a day or so) reveal or provide the proper information that should feed the hunger of those with the knowledge curiosity. Thank you for writing and I hope that I have provide the right information that you were looking for. If you have more questions or comments, please write back.


Fascinating stuff Professor. I simply love a home-cooked meal and enjoyed your apppetizers thoroughly. I will bide my time before the next course with a bit of Oregon Pinot Noir. ;)


Tormod Guldvog, long time no here from you. I hope the spirits are in good company.


Look, it is only obvious that the little education that I carry is producing enough letters within the order of making sufficient sense that is worthy of it not being thrown the hell out of this forum. Believe it or not, I THANK YOU for that. I do recognize the fact that your administration has let me post a lot of information and some of it without sufficient info to back it up. I have also made clear that I will soon be posting more physical information. I could now see how some of the recently posted info could of made some people's anxiety reach its peak high enough that made them lose their patience and demand visible information right there right now. This is some very unusual info and I don't blame them because I would of probably done the same. It is within our nature to see it in order to believe. Thanks for you patience and trust me it will all work out. At the end, your audience will be the winners out of all of this.




You write very long posts, admit that you didn't finish your first year at university, and expect us to assume you are performing real science. That's a hard bargain, my friend.


I write long posts because I carry that much information. I have not posted the intention that I was performing "real science". I have clearly posted that I am just an average person an nothing more. If I were to mention other wise, it would be a lie. Sorry if I led you to believe that I was doing real science, whatever that may be. I will point you to the idea that a lot of the past scientist had very little school education and yet they manage to accomplish some greatest things that we have in society. One scientist that comes to mind is Tomas Edison. He only secondary schooled knowledge and, well, we know what he manage to accomplish. But I could see how, at this time of age, the educational back ground would be more appealing. More than anything, I would like to pass the word that If I, with little school education on this type of research, could manage to accomplish important discoveries, than anyone could also accomplish things that may seem far of reach so long as they set their minds to it.

I will leave you with the idea that I may not of gone through the process of going to a school building and being taught by a teacher, but I do have the will and a system on how I could learn on my own. Besides, I could not go to a school or university, private or public, were you could learn what I am researching on my own. You could say that, if any body were to create a gravity university, it would be I and the students would be learning all that I am learning on my own. This gravity simulation science is going to come to light one way or another and with my help it could be sooner then later and when it does it could explode all over the world with the notion that I could be the father of this technology.




Instead, you're patenting a procedure/product



I have not mentioned anything about what I have or have not patented. I recall only making the comment that I have a patent attorney and that I could have a patent soon. I wasn't specific about anything.



and not interested in sharing details because someone could take it and run.


I am very interested in sharing not just details, but also some of the discoveries. I am not interested in revealing some technology information but anything else is OK.

No, I am not worry about someone taking it and running with it. I am more interested in those that may want to take it and run and do harm with it. I have made it very clear that some people should not have their hands on it. Nothing personal to anyone.



I wonder - why not just wait until you have your intellectual property secured before you even start posting about your discoveries?


There is no need to have some of the technology properly secure before revealing information because I am not planing to reveal there working. I have the true notion to reveal discoveries as they are and nothing more. It would be a good idea to have patents in hand when revealing the working of any discovered product. I do not need this security because I will not be jeapordising any of the products.



I fail to see how Hypography, or any other forum, can benefit from you writing about your non-discloseable secrets. Please enlighten me on why we should be so happy about it!


I would be more than happy to try to enlighten you and those in control of this forum on how we could both benefit from each other. First: as I have made very clear that I am not really interested in fame and I would rather be anonymous as I reveal the info that I carry. I don't have the interest in being personally know by anyone. I do not have the interest in seeking publicity in the means of tv, radio, magazine or other wise. I am sure that, even if I were to do any of these types of publicity, they will be limited because they would have to be conducted under the condition of I being unknown. This non-publicity mentality could be of benefit to this already popular forum. Think about it, if I were to provide sufficient information that will convince a lot of your intellectual audience of these possibilities, they just might want to share this info with more than just one person. Look, it is very clear that you might also be thinking of benefiting in some way from the info that I am posting and you would have good reason to do so because if I were to reveal the right information leading to their reality, this forum would have more traffic. This forum could benefit from this info in more ways than you think because, other than the unfinished book, this site would be considered an outside second source. This could mean that I might post something here over any other source. If this information becomes popular along side the lack of me not wanting to do interviews, I might be an obligation for those that are interested in seeking more info to visit ONLY this forum. I will also benefit from this, of course, because, up to this point, I have posted a lot of info and it would be easier for me to just send people here so they could see for themselves what I have to offer instead of repeating the information. In short, I would like to use you services as part of my annomimous publicity source and if it is OK with the administration, I think that this forum, the audience and I would benefit from the postings of this type of need to know information.





Then the claim that this will benefit Hypography in any way is rather remarkable, don't you think?


Mentioning the point about the book having the power to advertise itself was to try to open your eyes toward the ideal that it has the potential to be recognized by a lot of people and if we manage to play together as equals we could both benefit from it, specially your audience. Look, this book carries a lot more powerful information than what I have posted here so far. In fact, some of their power will make all the revealed projects within this forum seem as if they were peanuts in comparison. I am going public with some other discoveries that will get a lot more attention than that of all the revealed projects combined. These other discoveries are a guarantee to catch the attention of most of the world. The beauty of benefits to this forum would be that this posted info is now associated or is linked with this soon to be published book.






Of course you can reveal what you want. And it is *our* prerogative to consider whether anything is worth publishing here at Hypography. You are of course free to go anywhere else. Who is stopping you?


Again, thank you for considering the info worthy. There is no one in the way preventing me from going somewhere else. I was, more than not, trying to refer to the notion that I am not of good faith when being threaten. I will accept any and all types of criticism. But when it come to or "else", I don't respond well. I think that anyone under any threat condition would do what ever it took to remove it. Sorry if my actions over reacted. Other than trying to remove the or "else", I did not mean much by it.




We grant a lot of freedom here. But this is not a soapbox. It is a well moderated popular science forum. Did you read our rules?


I realize that this is not a "soapbox", I have never made any intentions that it was. The info that I am posting may seem as if it was a soapbox because the information is somewhat so intense that it could get the same attention equal to that of a popular soap-opera. This is nothing, wait until I post more physical evidence and it should even reach the intensity of a block buster instead. I will soon provide the sufficient info that will feed all those that may hunger for more of what I have to offer and the "I grow plants upside down" thread will soon lose the soapbox idea or mentality and become a real live-box. No, sorry I have not read your rules. When I have the time, I'll look for them.



Our moderators read and follow most topics. You communicate with them simply by posting.


Thanks for this information. I wasn't aware.




As for growing plants in zero gravity, they are doing that on the space station right now:

N-USOC / Research <http://www.home.no/n-usoc/html/research.html>

This link takes you to N-USOC, a Norwegian control center for plant projects on the International Space Station. The primary aim is to study the growth of spores in zero gravity (or rather, microgravity).


Thanks for posting this information. I could use it to show people that there are truly ways on how to conduct zero gravity experiments here on earth and that it is actually not just limited to just outer space. This information could be vital when trying to explain that this zero gravity ideal is not that far fetched and to also make the point that if they are doing it with micro gravity than it might also be possible for me to do it with another system or technology. This information opens the possibility that I might of found another system other than micro gravity. Believe you me when I make the point that if my work was associated with the micro gravity technology, I would not hesitate to reveal it. The micro gravity technology is too complicated and expensive for just your average person to be involve with it. On the other hand, some of the technology that I work with is much easier and cheaper to understand, manufacture and produce and some people should not know of their workings. This is why I will not post any information leading to how some of these technologies are created. But as anyone could see that I did reveal another technology that is similar or that it could produce equal experiments to the zero gravity capsules. That has to be worth some credit because it clearly shows that my intentions is not to keep your audience in the dark. It shows that I am willing, when possible, to cooperate and provide the sufficient proper information.




As crazy and unbelievable as this info may seem, it is also noticeable that the provided information is well put together - I understand it well. If this information was bull-stuff, it would not make sense and you (the administration) would of said bye-bye. Do not worry, I am prepared to protect myself scientifically physical. I signed up to this forum with the idea of having to face up with intellectual mentalities and I am well prepared to confront any and all question and comments that may come my way from those of this scientific community.


I hope that the info that I have provided is sufficient toward creating the idea that my intentions are of good faith. If you or anyone else from the administration have any other questions or comments, feel free to post them and I will get to them.




I want to thank you for giving me your precious time by making this rarely seen comment. I am grateful that you are interested in the information that I am revealing. I am also glad to hear that you are enjoying my home made letters of information. If you think that these appetizer letters are of a great flavour, wait until you read taste the final entree. So don't fill up on too much Oregon Pinot Noir.

But as anyone could see that I did reveal another technology that is similar or that it could produce equal experiments to the zero gravity capsules.
Professor Gravity, are you claiming to have created a device – a “zero gravity capsule” that near the Earth's surface, substantially reduce the weight of an object placed within it?


If so, this is an extraordinary claim, requiring that you present evidence of this effect, and, ideally, offer an explanation of how such an effect could occur.


As presently understood, no device can effect a gravitational field, other than by contributing gravitational force due to its own mass. A quick comparison of the mass and radius of the Earth to that of a container capable of producing a region of micro gravity shows this approach to be technically unfeasible, requiring materials about one million times more dense than any known material, and that the region of micro gravity would be on have a size on the order of 10[math]^{-5}[/math] meters, a microscopic size much to small for practical use.





Professor Gravity, are you claiming to have created a device ? a ?zero gravity capsule? that near the Earth's surface, substantially reduce the weight of an object placed within it?


Yes, absolutely. There is a simulated gravity technology that could not only reduce the weight of any mass or object, but it could also increase the weight of the same mass or object. This technology would have the power to make a ton bolder mas either weigh hardly nothing or weigh 2 or more tons. The amazing thing is that I could play with this technology when I want. Not with that much weight but with some weight.



If so, this is an extraordinary claim, requiring that you present evidence of this effect, and, ideally, offer an explanation of how such an effect could occur.



You are going to have to wait until I first reveal other types of physical information toward the other claims that I am presenting in this forum. The only thing that I could mention is that the information that would cover the physical working of gravity are going to be revealed on the book that I am in the process of producing. Sorry, you are going to have to wait. I would of like to provide you with more information because the physical working of gravity is a more enjoyable topic for me. It is too bad.



As presently understood, no device can effect a gravitational field, other than by contributing gravitational force due to its own mass. A quick comparison of the mass and radius of the Earth to that of a container capable of producing a region of micro gravity shows this approach to be technically unfeasible, requiring materials about one million times more dense than any known material, and that the region of micro gravity would be on have a size on the order of 10^{-5} meters, a microscopic size much to small for practical use.



That is just the thing " as presently understood" is the problem. It is not understood because there is no one else that is willing to reveal it. There are signs that plenty of people have this technology but are keeping it within a safe secret. They don't want to reveal this type of information because they are either obligated to secrecy or they just don't have the guts to do so. Sorry about your calculations, they must be wrong some where. I could simulated many different types of gravity energy environments including zero gravity and I am having a kick out of it. There must be something that you are missing. I have plenty of physical information that would encourage you to pull out the eraser and use it on your calculation.


Thanks for your interest. I hope that I at least provide something. I will ask of you to also be patient and you will receive what you may be looking for, maybe sooner then you think.

No, I am not worry about someone taking it and running with it.


This gives me an idea. Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that the brilliant minds at hypography have the intelligence to figure out what the zero-g Time Travel Capsules (patent pending) are and how they work. After all, the Professor must have revealed enough for us to put the pieces together.


I write long posts because I carry that much information


Case and point. To begin with I will highlight some of the information that may be particularly useful to us.


I would not reveal the secretes on how to accomplish curtain types of my experiment either for money or free.


Curtains have been brought up several times in the Professors posts. Precisely what kind of curtain is uncertain but the presence of curtains suggests the experiments may involve unusually bright lights. This makes sense as light, gravity, time and space are probably all inextricably intertwined. Secretions have not been mentioned as often but from this quote appear to be involved in the curtain experiments. Might the upside down plants in the capsules secrete bright light? Could this energy loss account for the loss of gravity and the cellular time stoppage reported?


I believe we can also glean some information on the apparatus by carefully examining the text of the Professors posts. The Professor poetic words suggest he may have slipped clues into his posts either intentionally or without even knowing. Take for example;


I will soon provide the sufficient info that will feed all those that may hunger for more of what I have to offer


It is as simple as baking it up.


Could food, superheated by a baking process, provide the fuel for the device? this would be great because instead of using non-renewable fossil fuels, the abundant baked foods could be used. If the Professor has developed a way to get energy from food then he may have stumbled across an even greater discovery than gravity/time manipulation! We could finally get the power away from those fascist Saudi-owned oil companies.


The Professor also compares himself to Edison, perhaps not realizing all of Edisons ideas were stolen off the great NIKOLA TESLA. I firmly believe, given the work of Tesla, the Time Travel Capsule (patent pending) may be based on similar principles. However I have developed several theories including that the capsule may be some kind of centrifuge. This does not square well with the need for curtains, unless the food being used to fuel the machine releases light when it is baked to super-high temperatures.


In attempting to divine the secret of the capsules we must remember not to become to arrogant. Humility may be necessary to have true knowledge of its working.


I am no different than those crazy scientist (from the past and present) that also worked and or are working from their home. Believe me, I am not interested in looking for any type of respect.


Just as well. And most of all remember this piece of sober advice, from the Professor himself:


Do not type words into my mouth.





This gives me an idea. Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that the brilliant minds at hypography have the intelligence to figure out what the zero-g Time Travel Capsules (patent pending) are and how they work. After all, the Professor must have revealed enough for us to put the pieces together.



You have a genius mind. I like the way it works. You hit it right on the nail. This information that I carry is greater than my person. If something were to happen to me in one way or another and it would be disastrous if I were to take it with me without sharing it to the public. I'll admit that I am providing enough information for those that seek the secret, it would only be the matter of reading between the lines. In fact, I will be offering some types of technologies that you and all could play with to ease the quest toward the discovery. I will be offering these product only to those within this forum first. That means that only those here that would be interested will have an upper leg over the rest of the world.

I think that if anyone were to also make the same discovery, it would be you. Keep in mind that once you have it in the palm of your hand, you will never be the same. To much knowledge could overwhelm your life. I wish you and any one else good luck.


Let me point-out and make clear that again " I warned you that it was going to be good stuff". I singed up to this forum with the intent to serve YOU. I obligated myself to serve you the big bucket that is over flown with the most unusual "GUTIES" of information that is unheard of anywhere. The greatest of all benefits will be carried on YOU. You have the most to gain with this information because I have plenty and, up to this point, it is free to all those interested within this forum.


I am here to serve the needs of all those that may hunger for the plentiful harvest that I have to offer. No matter how small you think your question may seem to your thoughts, do not use the energy to hesitate and instead use it to just write.


If you think that what I am putting on your plate seems as informational delicious, this is nothing to what our specialty chef is preparing in the back. I am prepared to serve the physical evidence to those that may be craving for more information leading to gravity mutational experiments. This information will be posted soon. I am still working on it.


But before I reveal the physical, let me take this time to point out some of potential possibilities associated with human modification. One of the most important would be that human modification would be a definite method toward the idea of humanity permanently colonize outside of the planet.


WARNING: keep in mind that I have NOT ever experimented with HUMANS period. This information that I am sharring within this forum is only base on other types of experiments that I conducted with other species. This information is based on my thoughts as to how a human might develop if the same experiment would apply.


The conducted experiments clearly revealed to me that the human modification method could indeed just might be the only thing that humanity would need to permanently colonize outside of the planet. The different types of experiments let me to believe that it will be necessary to modified a human within the gravity simulation method of the specific target planet. In other words we would have to modify babies within a simulated gravity capsule that will have the energy of the specified environment that will be colonized. It seems as if it will be necessary to create other types of human modifications so they could colonize specific location out side of the planet. For those that may disagree and have the thoughts that humans are not colonizing another planet only because the technology to take us there is too expensive, and if you also think that if the technology was there people will just start living on those planets, that is not the case. If you are thinking that we are going to be able to colonizing another planet by just growing plants and taking our cows, horses and buggies and think that it is going to be all fine and dandy, it is not going to be that easy. If you think that a cow or any other living creature is going to function the same way on other gravity environments from other planets as they do with this one, it will not be.


As I have made clear that gravity is just as important as food, water, and air. Gravity has to be taken in consideration when planing the human landing anywhere within outside of the planet. If you think that if it were to just build an area out side of the planet with air and just the essentials and that would be enough for us to permanently live there without the worry of gravity, that is not going to be the case. We could have all the essentials to keep us there comfortably alive put if we do not take our gravity with us we may not live a second to tell about it and this would be regardless of the type of gravity or not environment. Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells. Some astronauts could have all the physical training in the world and could be as fit as a fiddle and yet any gravity change could be disastrous at any time. If it does not kill on the first or second trip, it could kill you on the third or tenth. You just would never know how an individuals body were to react.


For those of you that may not be understanding this info very well, let me also point out how I imagen the important workings of gravity toward the effects on a human body. Based on the experiments, I came to the conclusion that gravity might be the energy that greases up all the gears of the cells so they could run correctly or smoothly. It seems as if gravity is the energy that makes your liver, heart, the mind and all the other cell functions needed for the body to work properly. In other words, I see gravity as the energy that controls all the cells that make you the person that you are. Gravity seems to have a grasp of all the cells of all living species and controls the development growth of them all. Gravity seems to control cells as to how much to grow and what type of cell would be developed in what way. I visualize gravity as an energy that seems to control the shapes of all living organizes. The results of the experiments lets me to imagine gravity to be an energy that controls the cell growth or development that totally makes you the person that you are physically. In other words, it seems as if gravity has a cell control that tells them to grow in a specific ways. For example: gravity seems to control everything about you like the type of hair, its color, if you will be short or tall, if going to be fat or skinny, if you are going to be bold or not, the shape and type of eyes, nose, ears and so on. The confidence from the results of the overall experiments, lets me to mention the believe that it has so much control over the physical body that, if it were not for accidents, gravity will even determined when you are going to die. For example: gravity could control and allow the formation of cancer cells to grow and develop in specific ways that will determined the length of time.


This gravity human correlation control possibility lets me to think that any person that steps into another gravity environment is taking the risk of enough cell disruption that could lead to a quick shut down of one or more organs. Other experiments revealed that it would be more cell disruption when a developing species is placed in one gravity environment for a while and then place on to another gravity for another while and so on. There are clear evidence that shows that if you were to move species from one gravity environment an to another and another, that species would not be able to withstand or adjust to the so many different gravity changes that they would simply perish. The different gravity changes ( either quick or long periods) seem to be to much for the experimental species to bare.


All of this information leads me to believe that humans or any living species is not just going to be able to go to another planet and do its thing without the worry of gravity. If this information convince you on the importance of gravity when exploring out side of the planet, let me now mention that the general work also revealed several ways on how it might be possible for all living creature to, maybe, survive within another gravity environment. The first is going to be the one of a kind " human or any living species simulated gravity modification experiments". The modification experiments opens the eyes to the ideal that the best way to guarantee the survival of any species within another type of gravity would be to modified it by the means of simulate gravity compartments. The concept would be to try and duplicate the type of gravity environment that the species is going to be sent to and then place that young species inside it and see if it developes properly. If the species develops successfully, then it would prove that it too might survive in that planetary or otherwise environment. Keep in mind that the simulated gravity results would create another totally different species but never the less it is at least the same type of species. By creating groups of successful species within that type of gravity simulation systems it would have the power to create specific species that have a higher chance of surviving within another specific gravity environment. These types of simulated gravity manipulations seem to reveal the possibility of the creation of many different types of group of species that just might also be able to survive within many different types of gravity environments. The importance of this information is the reason of why I gave away the notion that the under water gravity simulation experiment might also have the same potential modification possibilities.


I am going to reveal some vital information: all animal that are going to placed either outside of the planet or within a simulated gravity capsule would have to go through the process of removing its tale. It seems as if the tails of animals could produce life threatening unbalancing consequences. All animals would, for a longer life and a more successful result, be required to have the tails removed. Yes, you heard it here first. Other agencies should of provided you with this type information. You could see that I am not afraid.



The work that I have accomplished, as of now, has also provided me with the idea that it might be possible to overcome the energy of another gravity environment if we were to take an earth gravity simulated capsules onto those specific environments. It seems that it might be possible to create a simulated gravity capsule that would carry the duplicated gravity of earth to another gravity environments with the intention to use it as a gravity medicinal relief. For example: if you were to be out and about an another gravity environment and it becomes to overwhelming after a while, you could just go back to the earth gravity simulation capsule and try to recover. Once inside, you might have the proper gravity energy that will allow you to recover and go back out again. This raped in an out method just MIGHT allow a human to not only last longer, but maybe even get use to it in a permanent way. It seems as if the intelligence of the human might be able to get use to two or more types of gravity environments over any other species. It seems that the ability to comprehend the energy effects of the capsule, the chances of survival increases. This type of project is still within the working process and its actions are not quite determined.


I hope someone enjoyed this full plate.

Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells. Some astronauts could have all the physical training in the world and could be as fit as a fiddle and yet any gravity change could be disastrous at any time. If it does not kill on the first or second trip, it could kill you on the third or tenth. You just would never know how an individuals body were to react.
Although musculoskeletal disorders – primarily the atrophy of striated muscles and decrease in bone density – and vestibular and upper GI disorders – dizziness and nausea - are well known medical risks of prolonged and brief exposure to microgravity, I know of know evidence of any risk posed by it to individual cells. Moreover, given the structural strength of cells, the motility of cellular organelles, and the very similar density of materials within cells, I know of no reasonable explanation or suggestion for such disorders. Nearly 500 people have experienced a cumulative total of 82 person-years of prolonged microgravity, without a single death of the kind Professor Gravity claim to be a big risk.


Professor Gravity, please cite your sources for the claim that “Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells”. As this information should not be proprietary, refusal to do so cannot be justified as protecting any intellectual property of yours, but will be taken as a violation of hypography’s rules, specifically the requirement to back up your claims by using links and references.




I don't know how you are looking at the information that you have posted because it seems as if you have clearly posted information leading to my point.




Although musculoskeletal disorders ? primarily the atrophy of striated muscles and decrease in bone density ? and vestibular (Vestibular system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and upper GI (Upper gastrointestinal series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) disorders ? dizziness and nausea - are well known medical risks of prolonged and brief exposure to microgravity,



I do not understand how is that you think that the change cells of bone density reduction and decrease in muscle mass along side gastroin intestinal disorders, dizziness and nausea are not medical risks.


You are acting as if I had posted the information of a human death in space. If you do not think that the medical risk that you have posted could be a big risk to the health of a human, than I don't understand.


I also found some info that I would like to share with:




"Astronauts in space lose significant bone and muscle mass because of exposure to zero gravity, scientists said Wednesday.


Dr. Per Tesch, associate professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, spoke at a seminar Wednesday night in the Hagner Auditorium in the Bright Complex about the associated problems of muscle and bone response to space flight.


The seminar was hosted by the Department of Health and Kinesiology and also featured NASA astronaut Richard Linnehan and professors who have studied space travel.


Tesch said results from a study conducted on muscle atrophy in space over a 17-day period showed a constant drop in muscle mass at the rate of loss per week2 percent . Results indicated that women are generally more susceptible to muscle loss in space than men, though both genders are substantially affected.


Potential countermeasures to muscle atrophy may include electrical muscle stimulation, steroids and mainly exercise, Tesch said.


"While weight lifting is the initial approach, weights cannot be used in outer space, due to gravity," Tesch said, "Therefore, equipment has been developed that allows for resistance exercise onboard the spacecraft."


Space travel has also been shown to have an adverse effect on bone mineral density, said Susan Bloomfield, associate professor in the Department of Health and Kinesiology. Bloomfield said the average loss in bone mineral density is 1 percent every month.


"To put this in context, the rate of bone loss in space is roughly ten times that of post menopausal women," she said.


The most probable cause of accelerated bone loss is the shift in body fluid at zero gravity, resulting in decreased blood flow and reduction of nutrients to the bone, Bloomfield said.


"The clear focus for biological research is the testing on and development of pharmacological agents to stimulate bone formation and allow for rapid bone recovery," Bloomfield said".



How could you not think that a constant drop in muscle mass at the rate loss of 2 percent a week is not a risk. Think about it, we are talking about all muscles of the body including the heart. Think of what could happen if too much heart muscle decreases? Think about what would become if all the muscle mass lose was concentrated only on the heart? If an astronaut that is losing massive amounts of heart tissue and remains there for long period of time, that person could end up with a much smaller heart. Think of what would happen to that astronaut were to have that type of condition when returning back to the much stronger gravity of earth? More than not, he or she may not last long once back on earth because the heart could give way. Why do you think that astronauts in space are constantly being monitor to see how their body function are doing? I am sure that NASA is doing these close physical health monitoring because they are aware that every one's individual cells are different and that they could change before you know it. You should also keep in mind that the information that they reveal is base on only what they want us to know. Think of all the other types of information that has not yet been revealed. Maybe one day they just might reveal information that will back up the info that you are trying to down push.

Some jet pilots have to ware special suits that try to control their blood flow or blood pressure because a quick maneuver could produces a strong g-force that could make them pass out. This gravity force is equal to that of being within a different gravity environment. They are only able to remain within that type of gravity force for just a few seconds or minutes and yet it is enough to effect their cell function that makes them pass out. If a jet airplane were to be within that massive gravity force for a much longer period, (let's say an hour or more) it would be a higher possibility that the pilot would not only pass out, but if the blood circulation were to stops for a long period, they just might also be terminated because of that type of gravity environment. These types of massive airplane speeds or g-forces are equal to that of being within another gravity action environment.


I have read the rule that I seem to be violating and understand it completely. Looking at what I carry, I am not worried of breaking it. I just need more time and I will provide more info leading to a better explanation as to how I came to the different gravity conclusion. Have patience and I will provide it soon. I not only have the idea to show some of the information that lead me to all of my conclusions, but I am also thinking of providing curtain types of technological products so this audience could do the very same experiments and see the very same results for themselves. I will agree that some info might be kept secret but that does not mean that I am going to break the most important rules of all. Think about the ideal that I am willing to prove my point enough so that I have the ideal to provide my personal products that could also lead those with the research effort to maybe discover the very same zero gravity technology that I am working with. Believe you me, this audience could get a kick when they also have they very some products that helped me make this big simulated gravity technology in their hands. I think that they should get a kick out of it when they too start doing the identical experiments and with the same identical results that I am posting. I think that once I am ready to offer these one of a kind products, they just might also get your attention.


This is the place where I got the info: Independent Student Voice of Texas



Muscle mass, bone density less in space - News

The interest is to share information and no more.


The information you share however is nothing more than: I found something earth shattering that could be the fountain of youth, a time travel machine and a good dirt for plants in outer space experiments.


Without any proof (and you delivered none) this is not worth of discussion.

No scientific discussion anway.


If I were interested in money, you would of know whom I am by now.


So you say. If there was anything behind these words you would be able to back it up by evidence.


I have a patent attorney because it is only natural to have legal documentation of the work that is being performed.


Is only logical if you intend to market the work. If you were purely altruistic in your behavior a scientific publication would be enough.


Having a patent in your hands does not assure money or fame.

There are plenty of people that have gotten a patent and they have not made a dime from it.


Says a lot about the usefulness of the patents that have been filed.

If a patent is useful and offers something groundbreaking it will make money and keep others from copying your findings. (Otherwise companies wouldn't bother with the whole thing)


Whomever told you that having a patent is a guaranteed money maker is very wrong.


I didn't say that. I know many people who thought they had a great idea and it turned out to be not so great. Doesn't keep anyone for patenting it though.


I am more interested in the patent protecting of my discoveries, primarily, so I could have the monopoly and prevent others from copying my work. If I were to have a patent on some of these powerful technologies, then not just anyone would be able to copy or duplicate them. With a patent in the hand, I would be able to prevent other people from using it to cause wrong. Without the patent, I would not be able to legally do anything to stop those that may be doing wrong with it.


No you wouldn't. A patent only secures you the rights for a limited amount of time..


Yes I do see my self as a scientist or a researcher of some sort. Yes I am aware of how the scientific community functions. Apparently, you are not that familiar with it.


Well, this sounds like an unbacked insult.


Governments and universities are obligated to reveal everything about their scientific accomplishments in every way. They are obligated to not only demonstrate it all physically, but also financially. This revealing it all scientific law falls outside the box when it comes to private agencies. Private agencies reveal what they want and how they wanted.


..you forgot to add the why.


Private agencies want to make money with their findings. Things that do not prove to give profit are not researched.


Universities benefit the whole scientific community by publishing their information.


BOTH however have to provide evidence to peers in order to get their "product" (be it a research paper or a new medicament) accepted by the respective authorities.


Apparently you are not paying that much attention to the general posted information. I have made it clear that some of the experiments and discoveries are so powerful that I am convince that your average person should NOT be able to do them.


This is not a viable argument.

The average person is not able to maintain cells in culture, perform a western blot, make a PCR experiment or deduct anything useful from a Chromatogram. Yet all these things are published.


The general information you posted is nothing but flavor text. It has nothing to do with science.


I don't understand how is it that you could already figured out how much money I will make from an UNPUBLISHED book. Writing and publishing a book is not, again, a guaranty to make money.


I said nothing of a guaranty.

A book has the potential to make money, a paper doesn't. It's very easy.


If you were as altruistic as you make believe and your findings would have a scientific value you would submit them to be judged by experts in the field.


Other people could publish a book and could lose money in the process because of the lack of sales. Look, you should complain about things that are happening and not of things to be. You should complaint about me making money when I am making money. You should wait to point the finger at me until you see that the high price of the unpublished book.


It changes nothing if the price is low or high. It's not a peer reviewed journal, no matter the price.


Do not type words into my mouth. You are not reading my information correctly. It looks like you might need help with it.


Another insult?


If you think that the information that is being provided by the google search is equal to that of my work, Then you should back up your words and post it. I would like for you to post information that is identical to my work. You claim to have found a lot of information on google, then post it. It is as simple as baking it up. Why did you not included this google information along side this info?


You can't post links here unless you have 10 posts. I think it is well within your capacity to start up google and type in the search string that I mentioned. It isn't that hard to do.


If anyone were to go back to when I first started posting this information, I am sure that they will find that I have mentioned that "I know it may be hard to believe and that I will SOON be posting the necessary information within my website". I have made it clear that I will be revealing on my website the information on the zero gravity capsules and its results. I have made it clear that I will provide pictures and information on some mutated species. This mutational information should be posted within the next few days. All of the experiments that will be revealed have been completed and are within the editing process. I will mention when this informing is ready for the showing.




Be patient. I will soon (a day or so) reveal or provide the proper information that should feed the hunger of those with the knowledge curiosity.



Are you familiar with the term "viral marketing"?


I know that I am just a guy doing his little research from home and nothing more.


.. who ranks himself among the greatest scientists who ever roamed the earth apparently - and that without ever having finished more than one semester of chemistry! I would say thats a rather humble point of view; especially since you supposedly invented a time machine and a fountain of youth (to name only a few I guess), something the greatest minds were not able to do.

Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells. Some astronauts could have all the physical training in the world and could be as fit as a fiddle and yet any gravity change could be disastrous at any time. If it does not kill on the first or second trip, it could kill you on the third or tenth. You just would never know how an individuals body were to react.

Professor Gravity, please cite your sources for the claim that “Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells”.



I don't know how you are looking at the information that you have posted because it seems as if you have clearly posted information leading to my point.

I’m asking you to support the claim of the grave nature of the risk – as you elaborated on it, “If it does not kill on the first or second trip, it could kill you on the third or tenth”.
I do not understand how is that you think that the change cells of bone density reduction and decrease in muscle mass along side gastroin intestinal disorders, dizziness and nausea are not medical risks.
I agree that these and other effects pose health risks to astronauts. However, they are slow-acting effects with effectively zero mortality – a previously healthy person cannot die from them, as evidenced by none of the nearly 460 people who have experienced them having died from them. Individuals have traveled into space as many as seven times, staying as long as 438 days. (source: wikipedia article “Astronaut”)


Professor Gravity’s statement, “Some astronauts could have all the physical training in the world and could be as fit as a fiddle and yet any gravity change could be disastrous at any time. If it does not kill on the first or second trip, it could kill you on the third or tenth.” appears to me an inaccurate characterization of the effects in changes of gravity on astronauts’ health, stating that one could suddenly die from them.


The major risk to life associated with spaceflight is obviously accident. 19 out of 460 (about 4%) astronauts have died when their spacecraft systems failed, making it one of the most dangerous occupations in our society. In comparison, a person working for 30 years at the most dangerous documented “ordinary” job, timber cutting, with a 180/100,000 annual death rate, has about a 3.5% risk of death, while a US soldier serving a single 1-year tour in the present Iraq war has 0.75%. (sources: wikipedia article “Astronaut”; CNNMoney article “America's most dangerous jobs”; International Journal of Epidemiology article “Military fatality rates (by cause) in Afghanistan and Iraq”)

How could you not think that a constant drop in muscle mass at the rate loss of 2 percent a week is not a risk. Think about it, we are talking about all muscles of the body including the heart. Think of what could happen if too much heart muscle decreases?
The longest time an astronaut has spent in microgravity is 438 days, about 63 weeks. A 2%/week drop in muscle mass for this period results in a [math](1-.02)^{63} \dot= .28 = 28%[/math] drop in muscle mass.


I know of no medical literature suggesting that such a reduction posing a high risk of death in a previously healthy person, and of many papers concluding that it is not, but is generally similar to the effect of prolonged bed rest. Note that the rate of muscle loss in bed rest, about 1.5%/day, is about 5 times greater than 2%/week, suggesting that the effects of a year in microgravity is about equivalent to 2 month of restricted bed rest. (sources: JAP article “Cardiac atrophy after bed rest and spaceflight”; American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology article “Comparison of Heart Mass in Seizure Patients Dying of Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy to Sudden Death due to Some Other Cause”)

Think about what would become if all the muscle mass lose was concentrated only on the heart? …
That would indeed be terrible. About 50% (38 kg for an average male) of a human being is striated muscle, the sort lost during bed rest or microgravity. A normal adult human heart masses about .3 kg. (sources: wikipedia articles “Cardiac muscle” and ”Heart”) So, were all the muscle loss concentrated in the heart, an astronaut’s heart would disappear entirely after less than 3 days in space!


Fortunately, this does not occur. Medical data collected from astronauts, such as that presented in the papers cited above, indicate that they loose heart mass at about the same rate that they lose skeletal muscle mass. Although astronauts who spend long periods in microgravity, such as record-setter Valeriy Polyakov, require long periods of physical training to restore themselves to their pre-flight physical condition, they appear to suffer no lasting ill effects.

I am sure that NASA is doing these close physical health monitoring because they are aware that every one's individual cells are different and that they could change before you know it.
If you have any evidence that this is the case, by all means, produce it. Otherwise, you certainty is unsupported by objective evidence.


My experience with spaceflight medicine, which consists of reading the literature, and some social contact with people in the field (it’s difficult to work in medicine in the vicinity of NASA Goddard and Bethesda Naval/NIH for several decades and not meet folk involved in space medicine) leads me to conclude that no one involved in manned spaceflight shares you concern that human cells can “suddenly change” due to microgravity or other conditions of spaceflight. Just the opposite, one of the central assumption of medicine, supported by vast amount of clinical data, is that human beings are overwhelming physiologically similar.

You should also keep in mind that the information that they reveal is base on only what they want us to know. Think of all the other types of information that has not yet been revealed.
:Exclamati This claim is of the kind termed a “conspiracy theory”. It supposes that all the people with direct experience in the subject, including hundreds of former astronauts with highly visible public lives, are lying about the actual data.
Maybe one day they just might reveal information that will back up the info that you are trying to down push.
I’m not trying to push such information down, but encouraging it to be brought forward if it exists. However, the assertion, without evidence, that such information is unavailable because it is being systematically suppressed is also an unsupported claim.


Science – and this science site – requires evidence to back up its claims. Professor Gravity has not, thus far, provided evidence for his claim that “Astronauts are taking a big risk because any gravity difference could react a cording to their own idividuals cells”.


I emphatically don’t wish to dampen anybody’s imagination and enthusiasm for science of any kind, but can’t abide speculation that is misrepresented as fact. Professor Gravity, if you wish to speculate about gravity, spaceflight, or any other science topic, hypography is the place for it. :thumbs_up However, claiming to have, among other things, a capsule that produces zero gravity, is incredible, and, absent clear evidence proving such a claim, violates the site rule about making unsupported claims. :thumbs_do Speculating about and describing ways of exceeding what is presently thought possible by science is the essence of hypography. Claiming to have already done so, but refusing to explain how or prove it, is it’s antithesis.


Some difficulty seems to me to arise from the confusion of cellular and whole-body (somatic) physiology revealed by statements such as

They [pilots experiencing high g-forces] are only able to remain within that type of gravity force for just a few seconds or minutes and yet it is enough to effect their cell function that makes them pass out.
This sort of passing out is not the result of the internal physiological processes within a pilot’s cells, such as the important Krebs cycle and ATP metabolism that allows a cell to do physical work, but of the failure of the heart to deliver blood to the brain against the hydrostatic force of gravity. The affected brain and blood cells are not changed when this occurs, but physically kept apart. Gravity does not affect their cell function – it affects their circulation, which in turn affects their cell function. This distinction is important.


Human and other plant and animal cells and tissues are routinely subjected to sustained forces exceeding 1000 g’s (10000 m/s/s) – forces that would prove immediately fatal to a whole human being - without damaging them. In short, our cells and tissues are much tougher than our bodies as a whole.


When physiologists speak of cell function, they normally mean processes internal to and presenting on the surface of a cell, not the interaction of separate cells. To be well understood when discussing physiology, it’s important to communicate in a conventional manner.


Mr Benzpyrene,




---Quote--- The interest is to share information and no more. ---End Quote--- The information you share however is nothing more than: I found something earth shattering that could be the fountain of youth, a time travel machine and a good dirt for plants in outer space experiments. Without any proof (and you delivered none) this is not worth of discussion. No scientific discussion anyway.




Sorry that you did not find my science worthy of "scientific discussion" because of the lack of the physical evidence that I have provided up to this point. But let me ask you the question of " have you read ALL of the information that I have posted up to this point"? If you did read it ALL and followed through it and it is still not enough, I would recommend the patience because I will soon post more and provide better detail.





---Quote--- If I were interested in money, you would of know whom I am by now. ---End Quote--- So you say. If there was anything behind these words you would be able to back it up by evidence.




Again, sorry that the information that I have provided is not enough and you still need to see more. I will soon provide you with all the info that I have to offer so you could clearly see for yourself. Then maybe after all of that, you might see things different.




---Quote--- I have a patent attorney because it is only natural to have legal documentation of the work that is being performed. ---End Quote--- Is only logical if you intend to market the work. If you were purely altruistic in your behavior a scientific publication would be enough.




Have you ever thought of having a patent attorney, not for money, but to rather have the patent power to stop curtain malicious people from using it once the secret comes out.

I will also point out that, yes, I do have in mind to market some of my products. But I have made it very clear that when it come to the profit making of the products, money is not going to be a factor. Meaning that I would not care how much money or not you may have to offer for some of the things that I have, but more importantly, if I find it worthy. This is why I am here within this popular forum - I have the idea that the audience intelligence should be a good place to start.




---Quote--- Having a patent in your hands does not assure money or fame. There are plenty of people that have gotten a patent and they have not made a dime from it.

---End Quote--- Says a lot about the usefulness of the patents that have been filed. If a patent is useful and offers something groundbreaking it will make money and keep others from copying your findings. (Otherwise companies wouldn't bother with the whole thing)




Absolutely, if the patent is not worthy, why bother.





---Quote--- Whomever told you that having a patent is a guaranteed money maker is very wrong. ---End Quote--- I didn't say that. I know many people who thought they had a great idea and it turned out to be not so great. Doesn't keep anyone for patenting it though.








---Quote--- I am more interested in the patent protecting of my discoveries, primarily, so I could have the monopoly and prevent others from copying my work. If I were to have a patent on some of these powerful technologies, then not just anyone would be able to copy or duplicate them. With a patent in the hand, I would be able to prevent other people from using it to cause wrong. Without the patent, I would not be able to legally do anything to stop those that may be doing wrong with it. ---End Quote--- No you wouldn't. A patent only secures you the rights for a limited amount of time..




Yes, you only have a specific amount of time and then you kiss it goodbye. But with a patent, I would at least have the legal power to try and prevent other unworthy people from using it. The patent time just might be enough time to set laws that might also prevent them from using it.




---Quote--- Yes I do see my self as a scientist or a researcher of some sort. Yes I am aware of how the scientific community functions. Apparently, you are not that familiar with it. ---End Quote--- Well, this sounds like an unbacked insult.




Sorry. I did not meant it as an insult. It just seems as one because of the way that you have posted it. If you were to post the rest of the information that was also included, you will see that it wasn't meant that way.




---Quote--- Governments and universities are obligated to reveal everything about their scientific accomplishments in every way. They are obligated to not only demonstrate it all physically, but also financially. This revealing it all scientific law falls outside the box when it comes to private agencies. Private agencies reveal what they want and how they wanted.---End Quote--- ..you forgot to add the why. Private agencies want to make money with their findings. Things that do not prove to give profit are not researched. Universities benefit the whole scientific community by publishing their information. BOTH however have to provide *evidence* to peers in order to get their "product" (be it a research paper or a new medicament) accepted by the respective authorities.




I agree with that.





---Quote--- Apparently you are not paying that much attention to the general posted information. I have made it clear that some of the experiments and discoveries are so powerful that I am convince that your average person should NOT be able to do them. ---End Quote--- This is not a viable argument. The average person is not able to maintain cells in culture, perform a western blot, make a PCR experiment or deduct anything useful from a Chromatogram. Yet all these things are published. The *general information* you posted is nothing but flavor text. It has nothing to do with science.




I do not understand why you are comparing other experiments with my experiments if you have not yet understood my science. You are correct about the difficulties associated with some cell experiments. But the cell experimentation that you have posted are more toward conducting very difficult experiments in order to accomplish a successful results. These are totally different than what I have to offer. The simulated technology has the power to conduct experiments dealing with a whole living organism and it is very easy and cheap to duplicate. If it were to come out into the open even those without that much knowledge or education would also be doing these delicate experiments. I mean, look at me.




---Quote--- I don't understand how is it that you could already figured out how much money I will make from an UNPUBLISHED book. Writing and publishing a book is not, again, a guaranty to make money.---End Quote--- I said nothing of a guaranty. A book has the potential to make money, a paper doesn't. It's very easy. If you were as altruistic as you make believe and your findings would have a scientific value you would submit them to be judged by experts in the field.





My plan is to write a book and let it be judge by the whole world, sorry if this idea doesn't please you. If the signing up to this forum, as well as the other sources that I have used to give this type of information away to world for free does not show the altruism that I carry, than I do not know what else to mention.





---Quote--- Other people could publish a book and could lose money in the process because of the lack of sales. Look, you should complain about things that are happening and not of things to be. You should complaint about me making money when I am making money. You should wait to point the finger at me until you see that the high price of the unpublished book.---End Quote--- It changes nothing if the price is low or high. It's not a peer reviewed journal, no matter the price.




I have my own mind and if you do not like the fact that I am not going to a review journal, that is up to you. I could only tell you that at this point in time, I am not interested in TV, newspapers, magazines and what ever. I might do it later, though.


---Quote--- Do not type words into my mouth. You are not reading my information correctly. It looks like you might need help with it. ---End Quote--- Another insult?




Sorry, but it seems as if you are not looking at the info correctly. I was just trying to make the point that I am willing to help you just in case you needed it. It was not meant as an insult, you only took it that way. I meant it toward the notion that I will be happy to assist you if you feel that you need it. You should put all of the information together again and you would see that you might be taking it wrong.




---Quote--- If you think that the information that is being provided by the google search is equal to that of my work, Then you should back up your words and post it. I would like for you to post information that is identical to my work. You claim to have found a lot of information on google, then post it. It is as simple as baking it up. Why did you not included this google information along side this info? ---End Quote--- You can't post links here unless you have 10 posts. I think it is well within your capacity to start up google and type in the search string that I mentioned. It isn't that hard to do.




I will wait until you reach the ten post. There is no hurry, I have all the time in the world for someone that may want to discredit my work. In fact, if you think that you have information that reveals the contrary of my workings, then I am sure someone within the audience or within this administration would help you post them. They are great people. They helped me out before I reach the ten.




---Quote--- If anyone were to go back to when I first started posting this information, I am sure that they will find that I have mentioned that "I know it may be hard to believe and that I will SOON be posting the necessary information within my website". I have made it clear that I will be revealing on my website the information on the zero gravity capsules and its results. I have made it clear that I will provide pictures and information on some mutated species. This mutational information should be posted within the next few days. All of the experiments that will be revealed have been completed and are within the editing process. I will mention when this informing is ready for the showing. [..] Be patient. I will soon (a day or so) reveal or provide the proper information that should feed the hunger of those with the knowledge curiosity. ---End Quote--- Are you familiar with the term "viral marketing"?




No I am not familiar with "viral marketing". If I have the time I'll try to find out. I do not understand what this info is about or how to take it.




---Quote--- I know that I am just a guy doing his little research from home and nothing more. ---End Quote--- .. who ranks himself among the greatest scientists who ever roamed the earth apparently - and that without ever having finished more than one semester of chemistry! I would say thats a rather humble point of view; especially since you supposedly invented a time machine and a fountain of youth (to name only a few I guess), something the greatest minds were not able to do.




This is why I mentioned why I think you may not be understanding the info very well because I have never compared myself with anyone and yet you are claiming that I am comparing myself with the great minds. I have never mentioned or pointed toward the idea that I should be compared to anyone. This is your makings. I just wanted to mention that some people that have very little education and with no room at all to comfortably work from and yet they surprise the world one day by creating or discovering something worth while. I'm trying to mention, pretty much, that just because I am also within the low education situation, I should not be placed aside because I too just might have what it takes to make that surprise. Trust me, I too am surprised that someone else did not make this discoveries instead of I. I could only credit an unusual imagination.


I hope this info might of clear some things. If not, write back. I want to make sure everything is clear enough that you and everyone else will understand it.

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