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This is a good question.




So, would you need some artificial gravity in space??





Of course, I have not been in outer space. But the research that I am working with suggest that artificial gravity could be necessary or essential to healthy growth toward any species outside of the planet. I would need more research to be able to totally provide a more solid answer for you.


Are you interested in outer space plant growth?


Make sure you stick around and check back to this thread because I should be posting more information on the type of research that I am conducting. I should be reveal even more amazing stuff. You and your friends might get a kick out of it, so spread the word about this information.


Thanks for taking the time to write and for also reading some of the posted information. Write back if you have any more questions (big or small).

...Of course, I have not been in outer space. But the research that I am working with suggest that artificial gravity could be necessary or essential to healthy growth toward any species outside of the planet. I would need more research to be able to totally provide a more solid answer for you....


Thanks for taking the time to write and for also reading some of the posted information. Write back if you have any more questions (big or small).


I thought you might find this interesting Doc. >>


..."There's a decline in people's immune function the longer they're in the space environment, and it's been shown that other bacteria also alter their properties in microgravity," Niesel said. "They grow faster, they tend to be more virulent and resistant to microbial treatment." ...

Zero-G germs return to Earth on shuttle - Space.com - MSNBC.com


Have you worked with any bacteria as well as plants? :turtle:


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  • 10 months later...

Be patient. I will soon (a day or so) reveal or provide the proper information that should feed the hunger of those with the knowledge curiosity. Thank you for writing and I hope that I have provide the right information that you were looking for. If you have more questions or comments, please write back.

So uh, where's this proof? Yeah, I thought so. Microwave.





Let me tell you that if you think that you could threaten me by mentioning that I have to reveal more information or else you would send this thread onto the bullshit section and I will just sit back and take it. Well, you got another thing coming. If you think that your treat is going to shake me into revealing more of my secrets (that took a life time to uncover). Your threat is now the "trip" ("nonsensical").

it's TRIPE. Speeling airoars aside, I suppose this could be considered a trip too; a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs.




  • 6 months later...

You know i always though tof th dna being a sequence that holigraphically reproduced itself to make a picture based on the gravity factor being a refrence point. This coulple with the chinese agencies claim to send is most sacred medicinal plant into space to see if it mutates to produce even more medicinal properties. Also, on the side of perspective of nuetrality, I see angziety on both sides of this conversation. Both sides hav points, and both arguments have faults.


Besides that, this was a cool thread, on one hand keep the info, define the patent, write it backwards lefthanded like leonardo davinchi, and speak the truth. I wish there was a sequal. :)

  • 1 month later...

Hmmm, at the risk of somehow being off topic, I saw a planter at Sam's the other day that allows you to grow plants (usually tomato plants) upside down. I am thinking of getting a couple of them just to see how it works. It might be interesting to see if the growth of the plants is changed in some way due to growing upside down.


Most respected and intrepid Moontaman.


Far be it for me to discourage you in your most worthy horticultural experiments, but may I take the liberty here to remind you of the various potentialities of all plants belonging to the species "lycopersicon esclentum" some of which you might re-accentuate inadvertently. Potentialities of which the bright eyed Elizabethans were well aware of sir as you know. Possibly, and I say just possibly, the excessive consumption of this then newly discovered vegetable, with its insidious aphrodisiac working, led accidentally to the demographic explosion of the eighteenth century, the horseless-carriage and eventually Mac-Donald's ! Be prudent sir I implore with any sub-genius you may discover; mankind's future may lie in you hands.

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