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The valley could be the unsaved.


Interesting angle: Normally this is used to support the power of faith, but it could also be filed under the notion of a "Wrathful God" who will not save even the righteous when they live under a majority unbeliever population (cf. the issue of whether or not every last soul left in Sodom and Gammorah after Lot's family left was worthy of death by brimstone).


An acceptable number of casualties,



Though a forum goer on a different discussion board felt that the valley of the shadow of death was simply an obstacle in the general sense. Zspeedyrabit interacts with The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit conveys messages to Zspeedyrabit. If Zspeedyrabit is not mistaken The Holy Spirit has labeled the same person a valley girl, a valley person, and a non christian...thus Zspeedyrabit is leaning towards the idea that the valley are the unsaved as well as what ever else the valley could represent.


Oh, gag me with a spoon!


zSpeedyrabbit sounds like a total dweeb!


I'm going to Nordstrom, meetcha at Hotdogonastick laters!




  • 2 weeks later...
Though a forum goer on a different discussion board felt that the valley of the shadow of death was simply an obstacle in the general sense. Zspeedyrabit interacts with The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit conveys messages to Zspeedyrabit. If Zspeedyrabit is not mistaken The Holy Spirit has labeled the same person a valley girl, a valley person, and a non christian...thus Zspeedyrabit is leaning towards the idea that the valley are the unsaved as well as what ever else the valley could represent.

A valley is a low point. If there is anyone in a [figurative] valley they are meek or humble (in contrast to the mountains which are exalted.)


Half of a whole,



Also, when you get back, any time you get a new interpretation for a word or phrase, plug it back into the context and try to make sense of the whole thing again. It works for me. Whenever I totally desiccate all interpretibility from a text, my bright idea usually dies with it.


Considering the 'valley girl' scenario, you totally remove all other 'bad' people from it, including Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, and every other 'bad' person from the past few thousand years and also probably the future as well. How will that change the meaning of the psalm?


Also, valley girls get their name from living in a real valley. Are you saying everyone who lives a geographical low land is in deep doodoo with the big stink? (Puts me in the septic.) Then salvation is actually kinda random and has no relevance to personage whatsoever.


If you can pull great enlightenment from questioning the interpretation, then cool, otherwise try again. Another good idea would be to reconsider the sources of these not-so-bright ideas and/or the voices they talk to.

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