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Hi all,


You can feel free to contact me at work as well. Just type in Daniel Van Gent into Google and I am in the first line. My Oklahoma State University link is on the first Google search page as well.



I am intrigued to see such an open-minded science forum group with good manners as well!


I have worked for the past 18 years in conjunction with Prof. Robert Desbrandes and the now deceased Leopold Halpern (until recently,one of the last living associates of Shrodinger).


We started out searching for microgravitons (wavelengths on the order of x-ray and gamma rays) predicted by theorist Leopold Halpern in a laboratory setting.


Two make a long story short, we did not find microgravitons, but came full circle to entangled Bremsstrahlung photons which seem to have all the properties that gravitons should have. Halpern predicted and ultraviolet divergence where gravitons decay to entangled photons. We now believe that there are no gravitons, but there are entangled delocalized photon pairs which have identical properties (total spin 2, delocalized force, etc).


Pirelli incorporated is currently attempting to validate our experimental results from research published as," Intercontinental quantum liaisons between entangled electrons in ion traps of thermoluminescent crystals."


I look forward to enjoyable dialogue with many of you soon.


Best Regards,


Daniel Van Gent


Oh and you might want to edit out your e-mail. The spammers are very effective in scraping them into their lists. You can put your e-mail into your profile where people can send you e-mail but the spammers can't....


Cheers, :hihi:



Indeed Daniel. Welcome to Hypography. Finally a cowboy who knows that entanglement is not just something done with a rope to longhorns. :)


For our horticulture buffs, Pistol Pete is not a male flower. :hihi:



Cheers. :cup:

Hi all,


You can feel free to contact me at work as well. Just type in Daniel Van Gent into Google and I am in the first line. My Oklahoma State University link is on the first Google search page as well.



I am intrigued to see such an open-minded science forum group with good manners as well!


I have worked for the past 18 years in conjunction with Prof. Robert Desbrandes and the now deceased Leopold Halpern (until recently,one of the last living associates of Shrodinger).


We started out searching for microgravitons (wavelengths on the order of x-ray and gamma rays) predicted by theorist Leopold Halpern in a laboratory setting.


Two make a long story short, we did not find microgravitons, but came full circle to entangled Bremsstrahlung photons which seem to have all the properties that gravitons should have. Halpern predicted and ultraviolet divergence where gravitons decay to entangled photons. We now believe that there are no gravitons, but there are entangled delocalized photon pairs which have identical properties (total spin 2, delocalized force, etc).


Pirelli incorporated is currently attempting to validate our experimental results from research published as," Intercontinental quantum liaisons between entangled electrons in ion traps of thermoluminescent crystals."


I look forward to enjoyable dialogue with many of you soon.


Best Regards,


Daniel Van Gent


I feel in the mood to stir up a little trouble tonite! Let's just suppose that radioactive decay is not a completely random process. Further, suppose for just a moment that two identical radioatcive nuclei can be quantum entangled during creation via their nuclear spin. In this case, stable indium can be photoactivated by Bremmstrahlung to radioactive In-115 metastable. In-115 m "spontaneously" decays back down to ground state by releasing characterisitc gamma rays from the excited nucleus about a 4.45 hour half life of decay.


Now, we directly "trigger" the decay of only one of the entangled nuclei (master) with low energy x-rays. It is an experimental fact that this can be done. What then happens to the "untriggered" counterpart nucleus (slave)??


Experiments (althought not yet validated by other laboratories) have shown that the slave nucleus will then also decay, giving off the same characterisitc gamma rays as its triggered counterpart, although the emitted gamma rays may be opposite in spin to those emitted by the "master" nucleus.


If you can't swallow that this can occur, it is not important. The point is, it is at least conceivable that something once held on to as a sacred cow (that radioactive decay cannot be affected by any process orginating outside the radioactive nucleus) is probably not true.


Having said this, what happens to the sacred Schrodinger's Cat Model (which is a highly exxagerated abstraction to aid in understanding quantum events on the microscopic scale) if radioactive decay is NOT RANDOM? What if the odds of decay during a one minute agonizing period for the CAT can be arbitrarily changed from 50:50 to say 0:100 at will? Then the situation for the experimenter and cat becomes completely determisitic!


What happens to quantum theory if we admit this possiblity? I submit this as a thought experiment although there is evidence that there is a basis in reality for exposing "Random Radioactive Decay" as a fictional concept.


What would be the ramifications?


Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet

When the wind comes right behind the rain.


Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I

Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk

Makin' lazy circles in the sky.

We know we belong to the land

And the land we belong to is grand!

And when we say

Yeeow! Ayipioeeay!

We're only sayin'

You're doin' fine,


Oklahoma O.K.



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